I Xiaolong

Chapter 598 Such a blind date, the first time in life!

Ji Xing smiled, this time he was with the purpose of probing, and did not tell Mo Qingge everything lightly, especially when he saw the firmness on this woman's face.

It can be seen that this woman is firmly in Tiance Longshuai's camp, and what he just mentioned is not enough to lure her.

Mo Qingge is also a smart woman, she can also see through what Ji Xing is thinking.

"It's not that the price you offered is not enough to tempt me, but that I don't participate in anything in Haran except for medical treatment." Mo Qingge stretched out his hand, and directly ordered the expulsion order.

"What if I said that I want you to treat the disease? You can definitely see that my brother Wang suffers from a chronic disease, and it is serious enough to threaten his life." Ji Xing said.

Mo Qingge knew that he was referring to the "Prince of Auspiciousness". Of course, to be precise, he knew that he was referring to Jitu. This person suffered from serious heart disease, which could indeed endanger his life.

"I can see it, but I'm not a god, and I may not be able to cure his illness! Besides, when I come to Haran this time, I don't intend to treat the second person." Mo Qingge directly refused.

Ji Xing stopped talking and didn't continue, obviously he felt that it was not the time yet.

"I will come to see you again, good night! Miss Mo!" Ji Xing left without saying a word.


One day later, Su Xiaxia will have a blind date with Prince Jili.

Of course, the target of this "blind date" is the fake auspicious prince, that is, Jitu, and the purpose is to replace Jitu with auspiciousness.

"Xiaxia, how are you getting ready?" Qin Chuan asked Su Xiaxia seriously.

"Sure, it's the first time we meet anyway, don't worry, I won't show my feet." Su Xiaxia said confidently.

She is actually not interested in dating or not. What she is interested in is that Qin Chuan took her to carry out missions together, and what is more, he participated in the palace battle of the royal family of Harlan, and he became the heroine himself.

To be honest, I have never played such an exciting game since I grew up.

"Brother-in-law, you still know how to play!" Su Xiaxia playfully stuck out her tongue at Qin Chuan.

"What will you play, don't take it as a joke! Be careful!" Qin Chuan warned Su Xiaxia seriously.

Although it is not a big problem to achieve the goal by doing it yourself, the key this time is not to let the wind leak, at least not to let the lucky star find out that the lucky star has changed to real within a certain period of time.

So Su Xiaxia's performance is very important!

"I've remembered everything you told me. Would you like me to recite it to you?" Su Xiaxia pouted dissatisfied.

At this time, Xia Yuji received a call from Jitu. He personally brought a motorcade to pick up Su Xiaxia, and he had already arrived.

I opened the window and glanced downstairs, and it turned out to be the convoy of Harlan's royal family. There were several cars leading the way, and in the middle was Prince Harlan's golden cloak car.

Su Xiaxia put on the watch with the locator, and Jitu went to the hotel in person, called on Xia Yuji and Su Xiangwan, and then picked up Su Xiaxia in the golden cloak car.

The so-called blind date location is located in a place called the Moon Palace in the King’s Palace of Harran. This is a towering clock tower and the highest place in the King’s Palace of Harran. Not only can you overlook the entire King’s Palace of Harran, but you can also see half of the city of Harran at a glance. beautiful view.

On the outward side is the Raksha Sea, and the sea view is equally charming.

As soon as she landed here, Su Xiaxia knew why it was called the Moon Palace. Sitting in a private room on the sea side, there was a huge full moon outside the window, as if it was hanging outside the window and could be touched.

"The lives of these royal nobles are really extravagant, would this lady care about these things?" Su Xiaxia said in her heart when she saw these things.

Although I said so in my heart, there was still some envy on my face. After all, this is simply life in a fairy tale, and it is easy to arouse a girl's romantic fantasy.

"Xiaxia, please sit down!" Jitu politely gestured to Su Xiaxia.

From the golden cloak car to now, he has been polite to Su Xiaxia, always keeping a certain distance from her, not taking the initiative to contact her, but he has not been indifferent at all.

It's as if he attaches great importance to this blind date, and I don't know if it's to cooperate with the acting.

After all, he knew the identity of this girl: this is Tiance Longshuai's sister-in-law!

"Thank you!"

Su Xiaxia smiled awkwardly, then sat down obediently at the dining table, and secretly glanced at the man in front of her who looked exactly like Prince Ji Li, she was still a little curious.

There are people who look so similar in the world, even twins should be different, and this person has no difference in appearance from Prince Auspicious.

The only difference is the eyes, this person's eyes have a melancholic quality, Su Xiaxia herself admits that this quality is indeed a bit charming.

Fortunately, I'm not the kind of nympho girl with weak resistance, otherwise I would fall into the trap with just a few glances.

The two sat down, and then the dishes were served directly. Su Xiaxia took a look and found that it was not the kind of rich feast that she hated, but fresh and natural, exquisite and petty bourgeoisie, which was very in line with her own aesthetics.

"Do you like it here?" Jitu asked Su Xiaxia with a chuckle.

"Very good!" Su Xiaxia replied with a smile.

"Only the most honorable people in Haran can eat here. Let's experience the feeling of being the master in Haran tonight." Jitu said again, and continued to greet Su Xiaxia to take a seat.

"Ah good!"

Su Xiaxia was a little nervous, not because of the embarrassment of the blind date, but because the person in front of her was the target of Qin Chuan and the others, and she had never done anything to set someone up.

She didn't know what the other party was thinking, whether she was also thinking of tricking her, after all, she was Qin Chuan's sister-in-law, and being caught by them was an excellent hostage.

Jitu's gentleness, in her eyes, has also turned into hiding a knife in a smile, which must be guarded against carefully.

Thinking of this, I was a little confused, even the napkin couldn't be tied properly, Jitu came over to help Su Xiaxia tie the napkin, and offered to help Su Xiaxia get the chopsticks, fearing that she couldn't use the knife and fork well.

"Thank you!" Su Xiaxia responded with an awkward smile.

"I never thought that I would have dinner with a beautiful Chinese girl in this way!" Ji Li smiled again and said to Su Xiaxia, which was the official opening speech of the evening.

"I didn't expect that either. The first blind date in my life was with Prince Haran!" Su Xiaxia responded copiously.

While speaking, she glanced at the watch in her hand, and she saw a circle of orange light emitting from the watch. This was a signal from Qin Chuan to her, indicating that the clock tower had been controlled by his people, and he himself was already at a distance. She is close at hand.

As long as Su Xiaxia called for help, Qin Chuan and his men would rush in to catch Jitu, and this time the plan was successfully completed.

Su Xiaxia was not in a hurry, she ate first, and she decided to enjoy the delicious food on the table.Also, I was on a blind date with the royal prince, so I still had to feel the process.

"I believe this is the first blind date in your life, but it's certainly not the first time you've seen this place today." Jitu said to Su Xiaxia.

Su Xiaxia said affirmatively: "It's the first time I've seen it. After all, it's my first time to visit the Harlan Palace, let alone board this place that only members of the Harlan royal family can climb."

"No! It's definitely not the first time you've seen it, so think about it more carefully!" Jitu said with confidence and mystery.

"is it?"

Su Xiaxia stopped eating, her big eyes flickered with doubts on her face.

Been here by yourself?Why is there no impression at all?

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