In the courtyard of Old Su's house, the people brought by Cadre Liu had already started to rummage through boxes and cabinets.

All the members of the Su family were driven into the yard, standing together nervously and angrily.

Grandma Su's heart was full of twists and turns, life at home was finally getting better, why did she cause such a disaster?

Lord Dragon took care of Tianbao and gave those good ones, but all of them disappeared at once. Moreover, he may not necessarily cause trouble for his own family.

She was afraid, but after all, she was a person who had experienced ups and downs for most of her life, and she quickly stabilized her emotions.

No matter what these people find, just say it was sent by the big leaders of the province. Don't these people dare to go to the province to find the leaders to confirm?

After thinking about the way out, Grandma Su's mood gradually stabilized.

Officer Liu brought with him all very radical young people. They rushed to each house of Old Su's house like wolves, hoping to dig three feet to find some evidence of treason from Old Su's house.

Not to mention the boxes in the cabinet, even the straw mats on the kang, I'm afraid I missed any place.

Soon, the Su family was in disarray as if it had been robbed by bandits. Seeing that the home that had been worked so hard for many years was not destroyed by the devils, but was destroyed by these people, Grandpa Su's face turned red with anger, and his whole body was on the verge of collapse. , Seeing that he was about to fall down.

Sin, sin, why did such a thing happen for no reason?

He has lived most of his life, and he has never been bullied like this, but these people can't explain why.

I heard before that many homes in the county were raided, but unexpectedly, they finally arrived at my own home.

It's okay if he is a tainted person, but eight generations of poor peasants in his family have been kind to others for generations, so why did he have to go through this catastrophe.

Grandpa Su only felt a mouthful of fishy sweetness rushing up, but he still swallowed it forcefully.

Su Xiaotian saw that her grandfather was not in good condition, so she quickly went to support her grandfather, and gently followed his back with her small hands.

"Master, don't be angry, don't be angry, it will pass, it will pass!"

Su Xiaotian whispered very anxiously, and her voice finally woke up the rest of the old Su family.

They didn't care about those things at home, and they all surrounded Grandpa Su and called anxiously.

Grandpa Su was comforted by his granddaughter, and his mood improved a lot, but his complexion was still very ugly, and even changed from red to purple.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Grandpa Su struggled and said, his eyes widened, as if he wanted to take a closer look at how this family was being ravaged.

Su Xiaotian looked very worried. Grandpa's complexion was very bad. It must be an old disease.

The little man was spinning in his heart, thinking hard about why things have developed to this point?

After she was reborn, many things changed, so why did this happen to her family?

In his previous life, nothing like this happened. Old Su's family has always been a respectable family in the village.

But grandpa passed away shortly after due to overwork.

All her life, in order to prevent her grandfather from passing away prematurely, she tried every means to nourish her grandfather's body, and finally saw some results. Could it be because of such a thing that she would repeat the same mistakes?

Thinking that she might lose her grandfather in the near future, tears rolled down Su Xiaotian's big eyes, but she just shed tears and didn't make any sound on her face.

The family members were still angry at being robbed and worried about Grandpa Su's health, but when they saw Su Xiaotian who was crying silently, they subconsciously thought that Su Xiaotian was frightened.

"Third daughter-in-law, you take the child out to hide first, I was terrified when I saw Tianbao." Grandma Su wanted to take Su Xiaotian out by herself, but in the end she let Liang Xiu, the mother, take the child go out.

At such a time, she wants to stay here with the old man, live and die together!

"Wait, someone reported that your family is closely related to the people in the cowshed. I have reason to suspect that you are going to report the news. No one is allowed to go out until the investigation is clear." Officer Liu directly blocked the door with his hand. The eyes are full of pride, which makes people disgusted.

Su Jiujiu also looked at Su Xiaotian's pale face, crying without a sound, and felt the same as Grandma Su's, thinking that the child was frightened.

Thinking of this child who was well-behaved and sensible on weekdays, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

"Guard Liu, look, this kid is frightened, why don't we just let the two girls go outside the gate?" He asked tentatively.

Officer Liu frowned after listening to Su Jiujiu's words, and snapped: "Captain Su, do you remember who you are? You are a cadre and want to fight against all evil forces, so you can't cover up class enemies like this!"

Well, in a word, the people of the old Su family were classified as class enemies.

Su Jiu didn't dare to speak anymore, and if he continued, he didn't know what bad things he could say. Moreover, if something happened to the old Su's family this time, everyone in the brigade would be in danger.

The good days of the Red Heart Squad are over, he has worked so hard to maintain these good days, and it's gone!

He looked apologetically at Grandma Su, and then at Liang Xiu. Although he couldn't bear it, he couldn't say anything.

Although everyone in the Su family was annoyed, there was nothing they could do. Officer Liu was very proud of this.

Captain Su of the Red Heart Brigade is too good-for-nothing, he doesn't do anything at all, and says that everything in the brigade is fine.

It is clear that there is no thorough investigation. This time, something must be done. It is best to dismiss Captain Su and let his cousin's husband be the captain.

Only then did Su Xiaotian realize that there was indeed a lot of involvement between their family and the cowshed, especially when they sent some food there. If they were searched out, there might be no good results.

I don't know if there is any preparation over there. If I hide the things now, it should be in time, but no one reported it.

And the money and tickets at home, I don't know if it will cause trouble.

Wait, there is also that big piece of gold lump she brought, if it is found out, it will be bad luck for my family!

In her previous life, under the leadership of Captain Su, the Red Heart Team had always been very peaceful, so much so that she forgot that in this special era, if one is not careful, it will lead to catastrophe.

Su Xiaotian became anxious, her face became paler, and she began to tremble.

She began to blame herself, it was all her fault, if she hadn't been careless, she wouldn't have caused these troubles today.

But things have already happened, no matter how much you blame yourself now, it will not help!

Is there any way to reverse the tide?

The letter, the letter that father brought back, might save their family.

"Father, where did you put the letter?" Su Xiaotian tugged on Su Laosan's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

"A letter? What letter?" Apparently, the youngest Su was very flustered, and didn't even think about what Su Xiaotian said about the letter.

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