Nine brothers group pet sweet buns

Chapter 44 This is a good time

Su Xiaotian looked at the scene in front of her with a ignorant expression, and subconsciously looked at the food on her table.

Soft pancakes mixed with cornmeal and sweet potato noodles, a plate of cold wild vegetables, and a plate of cabbage from the home field, also served cold.

The other is a pot of tofu soup, sprinkled with a little green onion, it looks good, but it's not oily.

Dinner was fine.

"I don't know why the captain came to my house?" Grandpa Su asked calmly.

"This is Officer Liu from the commune. Officer Liu, this is Su Chuan."

"Su Chuan, someone came to the commune to report that your family is engaged in capitalism. The superiors asked me to take a look."

Cadre Liu looked at the table of food without any problems, and his eyes were somewhat contemptuous, but his tone did not soften at all.

The girl who reported it can say that Su Chuan's family has a lot of chickens, and they often eat chicken and eggs.

He rushed this trip, not to mention chicken, there were no eggs, not even oil and water.

Grandpa Su's face darkened suddenly: "Captain, what life does our Su family live, others don't know, you don't know?"

It's hard for the captain to talk, he knows, how can he not know?

The Su family has a large population, and the food and drink are the worst in the village.

But the problem is that, when Cadre Liu of the commune enters the door and asks him to lead the way, he can't guarantee it, and even if he does, Cadre Liu won't believe it.

"Captain, that's not a good thing to say. My family is considered to be capitalist. The whole brigade, except for the lame head and Widow Li, who is not? There are more in the whole commune."

Grandpa Su asked a very serious question, and the captain was speechless.

He also noticed that the pancakes of the Su family didn't even have any white flour, and there were more sweet potato noodles and less corn flour, which was much worse than the meals of other families in the village.

However, Officer Liu felt that the old man in front of him was a diehard, and he dared to speak eloquently at this time.

If you really find something later, let him know how powerful it is.

The team leader kept looking at Cadre Liu's expression, and seeing the ferocity flashing across his face, he knew that there was no way to get over this matter today.

Can only check.

After all, the Red Heart Brigade has hardly found a model in the past two years, and the commune is already very dissatisfied.

If Cadre Liu caught him this time, he might have a hard time.

Grandma Su couldn't bear it anymore, she patted her thigh and cried: "Who has lost his conscience and slandered our family? Our old Su family's ancestors have been innocent poor peasants for generations, eight generations of poor peasants! My old man used to live frugally in his early years The food in the family has saved many people, why are there still people slandering such a family?"

Grandma Su's words made the team leader remember that the old Su's family had received a parcel before. Although they didn't know what it was, they heard that the parcel was sent from the province.

just in case……

The captain couldn't imagine that if it was really sent by the leader, then his behavior today...

Thinking of this, the captain trembled slightly.

"It's just a routine inspection. Auntie, don't be angry. If someone reports it, we have to come, right?" The women's director calmed Grandma Su.

Su Changjiu whispered a few words to Officer Liu, and Officer Liu's eyes changed.

"The leader of the province? What's his name?"

"I don't know about that. I've seen the package slip. It was sent from the compound."

Officer Liu pondered for a moment, was it sent from the compound?It may be sent by the leader, or it may be sent by the people serving in the compound.

"Continue to investigate!" Cadre Liu finally said this.

Although Grandma Su on the side was crying, she was actually paying attention to the situation here.

"I also report, and I will report the person who reported my family for separatism, counter-revolution, and slander." Grandma Su immediately retorted.

The captain is depressed, what's the matter?

Could it be that the situation where the Red Heart team has been doing nothing for so long can no longer be maintained?

He scolded the person who went to the commune to report 120 times in his heart.

What's the matter, can't you tell yourself first?Why go directly to the commune?

Now, this year's advanced brigade of the Red Heart Brigade is gone, and they have thrown people all over the commune.

Don't let him know who reported it to the commune, otherwise, his work points will be deducted.

Officer Liu was irritated by Grandma Su's disturbance, and he scolded: "Old woman, don't make trouble for no reason, or else, let someone arrest you first!"

With Grandma Su making such a fuss, he felt more and more that there was something wrong with this house, and immediately called on the people who came with him to start searching with a more emphatic tone.

At this time, many people in the village were already flickering around to watch the excitement.

The people in the Red Heart Brigade are very united as a whole, which is why other places are full of vigor and vitality, only the Red Heart Brigade is quiet.

Hearing that someone had gone to the commune to sue Lao Su's family, the people in the village chattered and discussed in low voices.

After all, the people in the village were most suspicious of Mrs. Chang.

After all, the only one who had conflicts with the Su family recently was Mrs. Chang.

For some reason, Mrs. Chang heard this.

Chang Pozi spat and scolded: "Don't wrong people, although I am not a decent person, I also know that there are some things I can't do."

"Reporting to the commune, is this something that people can do? They all live in the same village, who doesn't know who?"

"Capitalism, it would be a blessing for the old Su's family to eat as much as they want, so what capitalism is there?"

When everyone heard what Mrs. Chang said, they thought it made sense.

Chang Pozi is patriarchal, and she speaks without thinking, but she is not a bad person in essence. It is really not something that a person like her can do that will kill people.

"Who said it wasn't? When did such a black-hearted thing come out of our village?"

"In the future, you should be careful when you talk and do things. If you are overheard, you don't know what will happen."

After saying this, no one dared to speak anymore, and some even quietly went home, not even daring to watch the excitement.

It's good to watch the excitement, but if it's dangerous to watch the excitement, it's not worth it, so hurry home and eat!

Su Xiaoqin, who looked at the old Su's family from a distance, could hardly suppress her excitement.

Her eyes sparkled, her hands were clasped tightly, and she murmured something that no one else could hear.

She was about to shed tears of excitement.

It's finally here, it's finally here, it's worthwhile for her to make a trip.

People from the commune are here, let's see how Su Jiu still protects the Su family.

Su Changjiu is a worthless person. In such a good time, she didn't know how to catch them, and let these bad guys live peacefully in the brigade.

She listened carefully to the voices in the Su's courtyard, wishing she could rush in and help others check the Su's house.

The old Su's family is in trouble, let's see how Su Xiaotian can live a better life.

But she can't go, can't go.

If she went, everyone would know that she was the one who reported it.

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