As soon as Tang Xueyun came out, she saw Zhang Chenteng standing in the corridor.Tang Xueyun held a grudge.When he was in the Zhang family, Zhang Chenteng scolded Chen Yang in all kinds of ways, and even tried to drive Chen Yang out repeatedly.Not long ago, Tang Xueyun and her best friend Bai Wanqing scolded Zhang Chenteng, thinking that Zhang Chenteng was not worthy of being called a Chinese doctor!I didn't expect to meet Zhang Chenteng in the hotel.Of course, Tang Xueyun would not give Zhang Chenteng a good face, and angrily said, "You still have the face to come here? Let me go immediately, we don't welcome you!" Zhang Chenteng's face was full of embarrassment!He was reprimanded by Tang Xueyun in public, but he didn't dare to turn his face, but stood where he was!Chen Yang also came out of the room. When he saw Zhang Chenteng, Chen Yang seemed a little surprised! "Why did you come?" Chen Yang's tone was filled with impatience. Obviously, he didn't like to see Zhang Chenteng either!Zhang Xueyao said, "Student, my father is here to apologize to you!" Zhang Chenteng immediately echoed, "Xiao Chen, it's my fault, I apologize to you!" "Xiao Chen?" After Teng said this, he said coldly, "Doctor Zhang Guo, I don't know you very well, please don't call me that!" After saying this, Chen Yang turned to Zhang Xueyao again, "Sister, I just finished taking a shower, first Go get dressed!" "Honey, I'll help you choose a suit!" Tang Xueyun affectionately took Chen Yang's arm and walked into the room!Boom!The door of the room was slammed shut by Tang Xueyun.In the corridor, Zhang Chenteng was full of embarrassment, "Xueyao, this time it's really hard for you, I blame me, I shouldn't have listened to Meng Yulin's words, and regarded that liar as the son of a medical saint, so that I didn't listen to you... ..." Zhang Chenteng regretted it now, but it was useless.For the sake of his wife's life, Zhang Chenteng had no choice but to go all out, and brazenly asked Zhang Xueyao to bring him to plead with Chen Yang!Zhang Chenteng knew in his heart that if he came alone, Chen Yang would definitely not be able to see him! "Father, it's useless to say these things now!" Zhang Xueyao bit her lips tightly, "Now only Chen Yang can save my mother, even if I kneel down to Chen Yang, I'm willing!" "I'm willing too!" Zhang Chen Teng said.Inside the room, Tang Xueyun heard the conversation between Zhang Chenteng and Zhang Xueyao outside!Her eyes looked at Chen Yang, "You don't really intend to forgive Zhang Chenteng, do you? Chen Yang, let me remind you, don't forget the ugly face of the Zhang family yesterday, it makes people sick to look at, especially this Zhang Chenteng, As soon as I saw him, I felt disgusted, how could this kind of person become a master of traditional Chinese medicine, he should be bribed with money..." Tang Xueyun wanted to vent all her grievances in one go.Chen Yang found clothes and put them on.Looking at Tang Xueyun who was always angry, Chen Yang stretched out his hand and hugged Tang Xueyun's waist, "I know you are complaining for me, but I am actually very narrow-minded. Of course I remember the Zhang family's attitude towards me." In my heart, but Zhang Xueyao's mother is innocent." As soon as Chen Yang said this, Tang Xueyun snorted coldly, "Don't think that I don't understand your thoughts, isn't it because you want Zhang Xueyao to be grateful to you? I just wanted to make a move! No wonder Wanqing reminded me that men don’t have a good thing, let me guard against you. Now it seems that what Wanqing said is true, I don’t care about you, you can do whatever you want!” After Tang Xueyun finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave!But as soon as Chen Yang grabbed Tang Xueyun's arm and pulled it lightly, Tang Xueyun was already pulled into his arms! "Still angry? Tell me, how can you not be angry? I won't do anything? Seeing Zhang Xueyao's mother die in pain?" Chen Yang said. "I... I never said that!" Tang Xueyun hurriedly denied, "I mean you can't easily agree to Zhang Chenteng, you have to be angry?" "Well, it makes sense!" When Chen Yang spoke, His right hand was gently stroking Tang Xueyun's elastic and powerful buttocks, and his lips were also close to Tang Xueyun's lips, "I listen to you, don't be angry...!" Tang Xueyun only felt that Chen Yang's right hand seemed to have magical powers, making her Her body was numb!Her breathing became short of breath, and the previous resentment

The gas has also disappeared!Seeing Chen Yang's lips sticking close, Tang Xueyun also wanted to pucker her lips and touch Chen Yang's lips!But in the next second, Tang Xueyun thought of Zhang Xueyao outside the door again, and the impulse in her heart disappeared again!Pushing Chen Yang away, he said, "I won't be angry anymore. Anyway, don't be soft on Zhang Chenteng!" "Okay!" Chen Yang said, "For the sake of me listening to you, Shall I give some rewards?" "Rewards for what?" "Give me a kiss!" Chen Yang said.Tang Xueyun feels that Chen Yang's skin is getting thicker now, and she wants to kiss her mouth when she opens her mouth! "Dream!" After Tang Xueyun said this, she went straight to the door of the room and opened it, "Come in!" Zhang Chenteng outside was always worried that Chen Yang would not let him in.As soon as the door opened, Zhang Chenteng breathed a sigh of relief, and he secretly felt complacent, "I knew you were just pretending and you were not familiar with me just now, didn't you just want me to allow you to associate with my daughter? I'll make you happy for a while first!" Zhang Chenteng and Zhang Xueyao walked in!At this moment, Chen Yang is on the phone! "Yes, I want these medicinal materials and deliver them to the hotel as soon as possible. Money is not a problem...!" Chen Yang signaled Zhang Xueyao and Zhang Chenteng to sit down first.After Chen Yang hung up the phone, he sat beside Tang Xueyun, stretched out his right hand, hugged Zhang Xueyao into his arms, and looked at Zhang Xueyao, "Senior sister, I know the purpose of your coming, you want me to save your mother!" Yes!" Zhang Xueyao said, "My mother vomited blood again, and the situation is not very good." "Although I temporarily saved your mother's life, your mother is very ill...!" Chen Yanggang said here, Zhang Chenteng had already Said, "Chen Yang, as long as you are willing to save my wife now, I am willing to promise you any conditions, including marrying Xueyao to you!" In Zhang Chenteng's heart, Chen Yang was waiting for his words!Zhang Chenteng thought that Chen Yang called in front of him and asked people to deliver the medicinal materials to the hotel as soon as possible, just to let him know that Chen Yang was ready to treat Dong Ruyun's illness!From Zhang Chenteng's point of view, Chen Yang was negotiating terms with him, nothing more than letting Zhang Xueyao marry Chen Yang, plus giving Chen Yang some money!Young people like Chen Yang are nothing more than money and lust.What Zhang Chenteng looked down on the most was a lecherous young man like Chen Yang, but now he had no choice but to agree to Chen Yang's conditions.After Zhang Chenteng said this, he looked at Chen Yang, and he waited for Chen Yang to agree.But to Zhang Chenteng's surprise, Chen Yang refused directly, "I can't save him now!" AhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhZhang Chenteng was dumbfounded all of a sudden!He was full of confidence just now, and Chen Yang would definitely be eager to agree, but he didn't expect Chen Yang to refuse!He immediately stood up, "Chen Yang, is my condition not enough? I have already promised to marry Xueyao to you, and I can give you 1000 million... no, 2000 million!" Chen Yang heard Zhang Chen Teng said contemptuously, "Zhang Chenteng, look at your current appearance, do you still look like a master of traditional Chinese medicine? Are you practicing medicine for the sake of money?" Chen Yang's words made Zhang Chen Teng felt ashamed!Unexpectedly, one day, he would be trained speechless by a young man!Chen Yang continued, "Your wife is terminally ill, and it cannot be cured by ordinary medicine! I have a prescription that may help your wife survive...!" Ah...!Zhang Chenteng and Zhang Xueyao both exclaimed and looked at Chen Yang.But Chen Yang said, "It's just that this prescription needs at least 23 kinds of precious medicinal materials!" "23 kinds? Can I have a look?" Zhang Chenteng said! "Yes!" Chen Yang directly handed the written prescription to Zhang Chenteng, "This is the prescription!" Zhang Chenteng couldn't help but gasped when he saw the medicinal ingredients on the prescription! "This...these medicinal materials are extremely rare. Even our Zhang family only has seven or eight of the above...!" Zhang Chenteng held the prescription, his voice trembling, "Is there no other way?" "No!" Chen Yang said, "This is just a formula of medicinal materials, and we need medicine introduction!"

Medicine cited? Zhang Chenteng asked hastily, "What kind of medicine is used!" ""Snow scorpion ginseng!" "Chen Yang said, "This is the key!" "" Snow scorpion ginseng? "As soon as Zhang Chenteng heard this name, his face changed drastically, and he sat down with a plop...! His eyes were very desperate....

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