The car is driving on the way to the hotel.

Inside the car, Gu Bingxi bit her lips tightly, her eyes flickering with coldness.

The chill was released from her body.

Gu Bingxi is angry at this moment!

A sneeze!

Zhu Yanwen sneezed.

"Gu Bingxi, you get angry when you are angry, can you stop releasing the cold air every time, it is easy to catch a cold!"

Gu Bingxi ignored Zhu Yanwen, she looked at Chen Yang with clear eyes, "My father always knew that my brother was killed by someone, but he endured it because his meridians were damaged, so he couldn't avenge my brother at all. My father asked me to marry Meng Yulin because he wanted to protect me, because Meng Yulin had already taken refuge in those people."

"Those people? Who?" Chen Yang asked!

"Royal family!" Gu Bingxi said, "Back then, my father received an order from the royal family to help hunt down Chen Xiao! My father saw Chen Xiao and his wife covered in blood. They were seriously injured. My father couldn't bear it and let go Killed them! At the same time, a boy who died of dystocia was used to pretend to be Chen Xiao's son."

"You suspect that I am Chen Xiao's son?" Chen Yang asked!

"Yes!" Gu Bingxi said, "The medical sage Song Xianzhi once asserted that my father's damaged meridians could not be repaired. You not only helped my father repair the meridians, but also opened 64 meridians for me. These are not things ordinary people can do! "

"I have been living with my parents and sister for more than 20 years. Even if I am really Chen Xiao's biological son, it is impossible for me to learn his medical skills! He has been missing for many years. If he is really in China, I am afraid It has been discovered long ago!" Chen Yang said.

"This...!" Gu Bingxi was taken aback when she heard this, "You're right!"

"I'm not Chen Xiao's son, are you disappointed?" Chen Yang asked.

Gu Bingxi shook her head, "I don't care if you are Chen Xiao's son or not. When I came to Qingcheng Mountain this time, it was my father who asked me to confirm your identity! Now I can be sure that your medical skills were not taught by Chen Xiao."

"Cough, I'm so disappointed!" Zhu Yanwen said, "I thought I could hug Chen Xiao's thigh, but I didn't expect to admit the wrong person... Oh, by the way, is your sister Chen Wanwan single?"

"What are you doing?" Chen Yang asked.

"I'm interested in all beautiful younger sisters!" Zhu Yanwen said!

"Please stay away from my sister, otherwise I will not be polite." Chen Yang said.

Zhu Yanwen smiled, "Don't be like this, I really want to get to know your sister, at worst, I will bring you this light bulb every time I ask her out."

In the bathroom of the hotel room!

Water sprayed down from the shower head, completely covering Chen Yang.

As soon as Chen Yang returned to the hotel, he came to take a shower immediately.

His hand touched the part that had been hit by the bullet, and there was a scar there, reminding Chen Yang that he was shot by Ye Ling once!

Until now, Chen Yang didn't know how the wound healed.

He was completely unconscious at the time.

"Chen Xiao..."

Chen Yang thought of the way Chen Xiao and him looked at each other.

At that moment, he felt that Chen Xiao's eyes were very kind.

Everything points to Chen Yang as Chen Xiao's biological son.

"Who am I?"

Chen Yang muttered to himself!

As soon as he thought of Chen Aiguo and his wife, Chen Yang gave up the idea of ​​tracing his identity!It doesn't matter whose son he is, what matters is that Chen Aiguo and his wife raised him for the past 24 years.

That is his biological parents.

Boom, boom!

Chen Yang had just finished taking a shower and walked out of the bathroom when he heard a knock on the door.

"Wait a moment."

Chen Yang took a towel, wiped the water off his body, and walked to the door of the room.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Tang Xueyun standing at the door.

"Snow Rhyme...!"

As soon as Chen Yang called Tang Xueyun's name, Tang Xueyun already sullenly pushed Chen Yang away and walked in!


Chen Yang closed the door.

Tang Xueyun went straight to the sofa and sat down!

She crossed her arms, crossed her legs, and looked directly at Chen Yang with her beautiful eyes.

Tang Xueyun's appearance made Chen Yang very uneasy, "Xueyun, what are you doing? It makes me feel scared!"

"Who am I to you?" Tang Xueyun asked coldly!

"Wife?" Chen Yang replied uncertainly!

He didn't know why Tang Xueyun said these words suddenly, he didn't know what to do, and he was very guilty of asking.

"Of course I am your legal wife!" Tang Xueyun suddenly became excited, "I don't care what you think in your heart, but on the surface, we are a legal couple. You can't leave me as a wife and don't care about me. You didn't even make a phone call, and let me worry about you in the hotel, idiot...!"

When Tang Xueyun said this, she suddenly shed tears.

At this moment, Chen Yang realized that Tang Xueyun was worried about him.

He hugged Tang Xueyun in his arms!

"Idiot... idiot... makes people worry...!" Tang Xueyun's hand lightly beat Chen Yang's chest, she was really anxious!

Tang Xueyun used to be a high-ranking queen, but after going through so many things, Tang Xueyun realized that she was just an ordinary woman, and she couldn't even control her own destiny.

When she heard that the Intelligence Department was going to kill Chen Yang, Tang Xueyun suddenly realized that she couldn't do anything but worry about Chen Yang in the hotel!

"I will definitely call in time next time, and I will never worry you!" Chen Yang lowered his head and looked at Tang Xueyun in his arms. At this moment, Chen Yang couldn't bear the impulse in his heart, and his lips stuck to Tang Xueyun. On the lips exuding seductive luster, I kissed painfully!

Tang Xueyun wrapped her arms around Chen Yang's neck, holding her tightly, refusing to let go.

She was really worried that Chen Yang would disappear in front of her the moment she let go.

Boom, boom!

There is a knock at the door!

Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun were just in a state of excitement, but at this moment there was a knock on the door, which made both of them feel uncomfortable!

"Xue Yun, sit down, I'll see who knocks on the door!"

Chen Yang patted Tang Xueyun's buttocks lightly, and walked to the door of the room!

"who is it!"

Chen Yang opened the door very dissatisfied!

He saw Zhang Xueyao standing at the door.

Zhang Xueyao was wearing a dress, and her snow-white thighs were exposed from under the skirt.

Zhang Xueyao's refreshing body fragrance floated into Chen Yang's nose!

Originally Chen Yang wanted to get angry, but after seeing Zhang Xueyao, his tone immediately softened, "Why are you here?"

Zhang Xueyao's gaze has already seen Tang Xueyun in the room!

She was a little embarrassed, "I should have called you in advance, I'm really sorry to bother you and Mr. Tang!"

"You really disturbed us!" Tang Xueyun's expression darkened immediately when she saw Zhang Xueyao, and she walked over, "Zhang Xueyao, let me remind you that Chen Yang and I are a legal couple, even if you want to be with Chen Yang, then Please come after me after you divorce me, Chen Yang!"

Seeing Zhang Xueyao was a little embarrassed, Chen Yang hurriedly said, "Xue Yun, don't say that!"

Chen Yang's words immediately angered Tang Xueyun, "I knew you were protecting Zhang Xueyao, so I won't bother you!"

Tang Xueyun came out angrily, and when she saw the man standing beside her, Tang Xueyun scolded angrily, "What are you doing here?"

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