
The moment the man's voice sounded, Meng Yulin's expression changed!

"Turn off the live broadcast!"

Meng Yulin gave the order instantly!

The live broadcast was interrupted.

He Qiushan and He Qianqian were sitting in front of the TV, watching the live broadcast.

The moment the TV signal was cut off, He Qianqian complained dissatisfiedly, "Grandpa, why did you cut off the signal? I still want to watch the next thing? We shouldn't come back, the scene must be very exciting."

He Qiushan frowned, "I seem to have heard that voice somewhere!"

"Which voice?" He Qianqian asked.

He Qiushan didn't answer, picked up his phone, and called Zhu Xuanyu.

"Have you watched live TV?" He Qiushan asked.

"No, I'm in a meeting!" Zhu Xuanyu said.

"Okay!" He Qiushan hesitated to speak, and hung up the phone.

Zhu Xuanyu didn't have a meeting, but sat alone in the private theater at home!

He is also watching the live broadcast.

At this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhu Xuanyu's mouth, "You finally showed up..."

Allure Yaju!

The man didn't show up!

His voice came from the corner.

"Only those who can help the world by hanging the pot and rejuvenate the world are worthy of being called Chinese medicine! Zhang Chenteng, take a closer look at you now. You don't look like a Chinese medicine at all. It's a disgrace, and it's completely embarrassing for our mysterious doctors! The world! It is said that "The Book of the Living Man" can bring people back to life, and it is a treasure in the world, but in fact, even I have never seen "The Book of the Living Man". How could this young man who claimed to be my son Chen Xiao have seen "The Book of the Living Man" "..."


In an instant, the audience was in an uproar.

I couldn't believe that Chen Xiao, the medical saint who had been missing for more than 20 years, showed up.

"Medical Sage Chen... Chen Xiao!"

Hearing these words, Zhang Chenteng swayed and almost fell down.

This voice was indeed Chen Xiao's voice.

Zhang Chenteng once asked Chen Xiao for advice, and he remembered Chen Xiao's voice.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiao, who had been missing for many years, would suddenly appear.

Meng Yulin was waiting for this moment!

Everything he did was to lure Chen Xiao out.

The moment he heard Chen Xiao's voice, Meng Yulin led the people and rushed in the direction of the voice!

"Get out of the way, everyone out of the way!" Meng Yulin shouted!

Meng Yulin led people to rush to the place where the sound came from, only to find that there was a small speaker there!

Chen Xiao's voice came from that speaker.


When Meng Yulin saw that it was just a small speaker and not Chen Xiao himself, he kicked the speaker hard with his right foot!


The speaker flew straight into the wall and smashed into pieces.

All this is Meng Yulin's plan.

Chen Xiao has been missing for many years!

For many years, everyone has been looking for Chen Xiao.

The royal family is no exception!

Chen Xiao's ingenious hand rejuvenation can even bring people back to life.

Even Song Xianzhi, who is also a holy doctor, sighed.

Chen Xiao is the most qualified person to become the God of Medicine.

Meng Yulin was ordered to find Chen Xiao at all costs.

Just when Meng Yulin was at a loss, a liar appeared who claimed to be the son of the medical sage Chen Xiao.

Meng Yulin thinks this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He knew that Zhang Chenteng's wife was terminally ill, so he took advantage of Zhang Chenteng!

Tell Zhang Chenteng that Chen Peng is the son of the medical sage Chen Xiao, and ask Zhang Chenteng to ask Chen Peng to treat his wife's illness by publicly recruiting a son-in-law.

For the sake of his wife, Zhang Chenteng agreed to Meng Yulin's plan.

This is why Zhang Chenteng believed in Chen Peng's identity from the very beginning.

And Meng Yulin's purpose was just to lure Chen Xiao out.

"Chen Peng, stay away from my wife!"

Zhang Chenteng woke up like a dream, and rushed towards Chen Peng desperately.

He was afraid that Chen Peng would really stuff the pill into his wife's mouth.

"Father-in-law, listen to my explanation..."

Chen Peng wanted to continue to defend, but Chen Yang had already jumped in front of Chen Peng!


Chen Yang kicked out, right on Chen Peng's body!

With a plop, Chen Peng fell to the ground.

The pill in Chen Peng's hand also fell to the ground.

Chen Yang bent down and picked up the pill.

"Chen Peng, you said this is a Wanshou pill, then I will let you taste this Wanshou pill for yourself!"

Chen Yang walked towards Chen Peng!

Chen Peng struggled to get up, but Chen Yang was already in front of him, and he grabbed Chen Peng's throat with his right hand, and was about to stuff the pill into his mouth!

"I...I won't take it!" Chen Peng struggled hard, "This...this is not the medicine I made, but...someone gave it to me."

"Who?" Chen Yang asked.

Chen Peng looked at Ye Ling, and when he was about to say Ye Ling's name, his body trembled violently!

Black blood flowed from the corner of Chen Peng's mouth.

Chen Peng raised his right hand and pointed at Ye Ling, " poison me...!"

Ye Ling looked towards Chen Peng. Facing Chen Peng's angry gaze, Ye Ling looked indifferent.

She is a highly trained agent.


Killing is an easy task for her.

Chen Peng's hand suddenly grabbed Chen Yang's hand, " me...."

He is a fake doctor.

Although he knew he was poisoned, he couldn't detoxify himself, but he believed that Chen Yang would be able to save him.

It's just that Chen Yang didn't want to save him. Hearing Chen Peng begging for help, a sneer appeared on the corner of Chen Yang's mouth, "It's your own fault!"

He let go!


Chen Peng fell to the ground.

"help me……!"

Chen Peng stretched out his hand unwillingly, but Chen Yang had already got up and left.

Meng Yulin failed to catch Chen Xiao, but he was not reconciled, and immediately ordered, "Notify the people outside that no one is allowed to leave Qingcheng Yaju. Chen Xiao must be nearby. Search carefully for me. Dig three feet, and find Chen Xiao for me."

Meng Yulin is crazy!

As long as he can catch Chen Xiao, he can become a lieutenant general and take charge of the military.

He wanted to catch Chen Xiao at all costs.


Yeling agreed.

Meng Yulin brought a large number of spies, who had been ambushing outside Qingcheng Yaju long ago, waiting for Meng Yulin's order!

As soon as they received the order, they immediately sealed off Qingcheng Yaju.

Don't talk about a person, even a fly can't fly out of Qingcheng Yaju.

Inside Qingcheng Yaju, Ye Ling led a large number of spies to search room by room.

When Ye Ling brought people to Li Yuhong's room, he was immediately stopped by the butler.

"This is the place of the ancestors, you can't go in casually!"

The butler has always followed Li Yuhong, and has won Li Yuhong's trust. His status in the Zhang family is second only to Zhang Chenteng.

"I'm on a mission, don't get in the way!"

Ye Ling didn't want to talk nonsense with the big butler at all, so he pushed the big butler away, and led them into Li Yuhong's room!

"You are so brave!"

When Li Yuhong saw so many people intruding suddenly, her face darkened, and she shouted angrily, "This is my room, you uneducated outsiders dare to barge into my room, you are from Meng Yulin, right? ? Butler, go find Meng Yulin immediately and ask him to give me an explanation...!"

"Old Ancestor, I'm going right away!" The big housekeeper said and walked towards the door!


Yeling held the pistol, and raised his hand to shoot!

It hit the butler directly in the back.


The butler fell into a pool of blood!

"I'm on a mission. Anyone who talks nonsense will end up like him." Ye Ling said coldly.

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