Meng Yulin arranged a live TV broadcast!

The whole process of Chen Peng's treatment of Dong Ruyun was broadcast live on the TV station.

But at the same time, any online live broadcast is prohibited.

A hostess held a microphone in her hand, and when she saw Chen Peng arrived, she immediately stepped forward, "Mr. Chen Peng, what methods are you going to use to prove that you are the son of the medical sage Chen Xiao?"

"With the national audience watching, I will restore my mother-in-law to health!" Chen Peng said.

"Mother-in-law? You mean you are already Zhang Guoyi's son-in-law?" asked the hostess.

"Yes!" Chen Peng said, "As long as I cure my mother-in-law, I will be Zhang Chenteng's son-in-law..."


As soon as Chen Peng finished speaking, someone threw a bottle of mineral water on the back of his head!

Chen Peng was staggered and almost fell.

"Damn it, who did it?" Chen Peng became angry from embarrassment.

The hostess hurriedly reminded, "This is a live broadcast!"

Chen Peng suppressed his anger.

Zhu Yanwen walked over, "I'm sorry, I accidentally missed it just now!"

He bent down and picked up the mineral water bottle.

Chen Peng glared at Zhu Yanwen, "You hit me on purpose just now!"

"No!" Zhu Yanwen denied it!

"Then you smashed the mineral water bottle on my head?" Chen Yang shouted angrily.

"I saw that the hostess was sweating, and I wanted to throw the mineral water to the hostess!" Zhu Yanwen took the initiative to unscrew the cap of the mineral water bottle, and handed the mineral water to the hostess, "My name is Zhu Yanwen, can I get to know you?"

Zhu Yanwen is very good-looking.

The hostess was very tempted at the time, and took over the mineral water, "I'm working, wait until I'm done working?"

"Okay!" Zhu Yanwen smiled, "You are the most beautiful hostess I have ever seen!"

The hostess showed a happy smile and forgot about Chen Peng for a while.

Chen Peng glanced at Chen Yang who was at the side, and at that time he believed that Chen Yang was behind it!

Chen Peng gave Chen Yang a hard look, and walked inside.

Chen Yang has been watching Chen Peng's leaving back.

Zhu Yanwen came over, "Don't look, I will vent your anger on you!"

"I showed Chen Peng just now!" Chen Yang said.

"How is it?" Zhu Yanwen asked curiously.

"He is short-lived and has bad luck. I'm afraid he won't be able to survive today." Chen Yang said.

Zhu Yanwen pointed to his own face, "Then look at my face!"

"You? You are lucky today!" Chen Yang said.

"With your kind words, I'll take down that hostess with a sticky ass today!" Zhu Yanwen said, "I won't have to keep watching you two flirt with each other and give me dog food."

"Come on!" Gu Bingxi said these two words without emotion!

Zhu Yanwen's eyes lit up, "It's true that the sun is coming out from the west, and our Miss Gu will also say "Come on, but please, when you say "Come on" next time, can you add some emotion, come on, say "Come on" again with some emotion." ...!"

"Get lost!" Gu Bingxi replied.

"I'll go and see that hostess!" Zhu Yanwen slipped away immediately.

Dong Ruyun was lying on the hospital bed.

Chen Yang only rescued Dong Ruyun yesterday, but Dong Ruyun was already terminally ill, so Chen Yang just helped Dong Ruyun survive.

After one day, Dong Ruyun was not as good as yesterday.

"Ru Yun, don't worry, Director Meng and I have confirmed Chen Peng's identity, he is indeed the son of a medical sage, he will definitely save you!" Zhang Chenteng took Dong Ruyun's hand and comforted Dong Ruyun.

"Where is the young man who gave me the needle yesterday?" Dong Ruyun mentioned Chen Yang!

"Mom, my father and my grandmother regard him as an enemy!" Zhang Xueyao said beside Dong Ruyun, "It was my junior brother Chen Yang who saved you, but my father is willing to believe that liar Chen Peng...!"

"Xueyao, what nonsense are you talking about!" Zhang Chenteng's expression darkened, "Get out of here immediately."

"Chen Teng, I think that young man named Chen Yang is pretty good!" Dong Ruyun said, "I also want him to see a doctor for me. After he gave me an injection, I really felt much better."

"Ru Yun, don't think too much about it. You need to rest now. Chen Peng will be here soon. Today is a national live broadcast. If he is not the son of a medical sage, how dare he come to treat you! Human Book", that is the treasure that can bring people back to life, you will get better soon, don't you still want to see Xueyao get married in a wedding dress with your own eyes?"

Meng Yulin, Chen Peng and others came outside the room!

The live broadcast machine has also been set up!

everything's ready!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Chen Peng walked towards the hospital bed.

After seeing Chen Peng, Zhang Chenteng asked, "Chen Peng, are you sure?"

"Father-in-law, don't worry, I've prepared the medicine for mother-in-law!" Chen Peng said, and took out the pill that Ye Ling prepared for him, "This is the Wanshou pill recorded in the book of living people, as long as this one Take the pill, the medicine will cure the disease, and the mother-in-law's body will recover quickly."

Just as Chen Peng was about to walk in front of Dong Ruyun, Chen Yang's voice came over, "Doctor Zhang Guo, you are a Chinese medicine doctor, you can ask about the formula of the Wanshou Pill, as long as Chen Peng tells you the name of the medicinal material, you will probably know it. Is the Longevity Pill effective?"

It's Chen Yang again!

When Chen Peng heard Chen Yang's voice, he wished he could beat Chen Yang to death!

Every time it was Chen Yang who spoiled him.

Zhang Chenteng was also taken aback when he heard Chen Yang's voice.

He looked over and saw Chen Yang standing with Zhang Xueyao.

Chen Yang was not on the invitation list, how could he appear at his house?

He didn't know that although Chen Yang didn't have an invitation list, but Chen Yang followed Dragon God and Gu Bingxi, no one dared to stop Chen Yang!Chen Yang swaggered in like this.

However, Zhang Chenteng can't take care of Chen Yang now.

What's more, Chen Yang's words reminded him instead.

He is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. As long as Chen Peng tells Zhang Chenteng the prescription, Zhang Chenteng can initially judge the efficacy of the pill.

This is related to his wife's life, Zhang Chenteng naturally has to be cautious.

Zhang Chenteng looked at Chen Peng and asked, "What medicinal materials are used in this Wanshou Pill, I want to see the prescription."

Chen Peng's heart skipped a beat.

It was the pill that the Eidolon gave him.

He didn't even know what ingredients were in the pill, but he heard from Ye Ling that the pill was more effective than his previous Jiuzhuanhuishengdan.

He named the pill Wanshou Pill.

Who would have thought that Zhang Chenteng would ask about the ingredients of this pill!

Chen Peng was already panicking!

However, he pretended to be calm on the surface, and said, "My father made me swear that I would never leak the prescription in "Book of the Living Man". Father-in-law, please forgive me for not being able to tell the prescription. Leave immediately, I am not the son-in-law of the Zhang family!"

After Chen Peng said this, he put away the pills and really wanted to leave.

Zhang Chenteng hurriedly stopped Chen Peng and said, "This is my negligence. This prescription is a priceless treasure that cannot be disclosed. I really shouldn't ask...Chen Peng, please help my wife!"

Chen Peng seemed very embarrassed, hesitated for a while, and agreed, "Okay then!"

Turn around and walk towards Dong Ruyun!

Chen Yang finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Zhang Chenteng, you are so stupid, that pill is not medicine, but poison, Chen Peng wants your wife's life!"

As soon as Chen Yang finished speaking, the audience burst into an uproar!

Unexpectedly, Chen Yang scolded Zhang Chenteng in public, this was broadcast live!

Zhang Chenteng couldn't hang on at that time, and angrily said, "Chen Yang, what do you think you are, just a college student studying medicine, you are obviously married, but you are greedy for my daughter's beauty, and you have been slandering my future son-in-law, Let me tell you, unless I die, you will never be together for the rest of your life!"


Suddenly, a man's voice came from the corner...

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