Liu Haohai's resentment towards Chen Yang is enormous!

Liu Haohai had been humiliated before, and even broke up with Fang Kexin for a while.

After learning that Chen Yang, the Tang family's visiting son-in-law, was a fake, Liu Haohai was overjoyed, and wished he could run to Chen Yang immediately and make fun of him.

Liu Haohai didn't expect that when he came to see the house with Fang Kexin, he would run into Chen Yang's family.

After Liu Haohai finished speaking, the smile on Deng Xin's face disappeared immediately.

I thought that I could make a fortune by finding a big client, but who would have thought that I would meet a poor man, Deng Xin was so angry that he complained dissatisfiedly, "I don't have money to see some houses, it's a waste of my time."

"Deng Xin, tell us about the house. My girlfriend and I plan to buy a house as a wedding house. The area should be large enough... at least [-] square meters. If it is too small, we will not live comfortably." Liu Haohai deliberately said Show off in front of Chen Yang.

"Come on, let me introduce you." With a bright smile on Deng Xin's face, he asked Liu Haohai and Fang Kexin to sit in the seats next to him, and personally brought Liu Haohai freshly brewed tea.

Chen Aiguo and Liu Yueru were sitting beside Chen Yang. Liu Haohai didn't seem to see him, and he didn't come forward to say hello.Chen Wanwan has never been used to these relatives of her grandma's family. When she wanted to reprimand Liu Haohai for being rude, Chen Yang pulled her hand, "Wanwan, don't talk to him!"

"Brother, why did you endure it?" Chen Wanwan said angrily, "You used to help grandma's family to see a doctor, but it was fine if they were not grateful. When they heard that you were not the son-in-law of the Tang family, they turned their faces at that time. I I can’t stand such snobbery from grandma’s family.”

"Don't forget that we are here to buy a house, not to be angry." Chen Yang reminded.

When Chen Wanwan heard this sentence, she became even more angry!

Liu Haohai just said loudly on purpose to let everyone in the sales office know that Chen Yang's family has no money!Now none of those salesmen came to receive Chen Yang, leaving Chen Yang's family here.

A girl in her twenties just finished answering the phone and walked to the front hall.

Her name is Tian Xiaotang, she has only been in the sales office for three days, and she has not sold a house yet.

She came to work in Zhonghai City from a remote mountain!

Although Tian Xiaotang looks very handsome, but because she just arrived in the metropolis, Tian Xiaotang is a complete country girl, rustic!Therefore, they were isolated in the sales office. These salesmen were unwilling to talk to Li Tian Xiaotang, and they were worried that they would be said to be friends with a country girl, which was tasteless.

Although Tian Xiaotang tried his best to be friends with these people, these female salespersons kept a distance from Tian Xiaotang!

As soon as Tian Xiaotang showed up, Deng Xin's eyes rolled. She despised Tian Xiaotang the most. Now that she had the opportunity to play tricks on Tian Xiaotang, Deng Xin certainly wouldn't miss it!

She intentionally came to Tian Xiaotang, "Xiaotang, how is your familiarity with the business?"

"Sister Xin, I'm already familiar with the business." Tian Xiaotang's delicate face showed a simple smile, "Thank you, Sister Xin, for your concern."

Deng Xin pointed to Chen Yang, "They are here to buy a house. I originally wanted to receive them, but my old classmates also came to me to buy a house. I really can't get away. Xiao Tang, you go and receive them, for sure. Come on!"

Tian Xiaotang's eyes sparkled with excitement, "Sister Xin, thank you!"

"Don't thank me, go." Deng Xin said.

Tian Xiaotang walked directly towards Chen Yang, "My name is Tian Xiaotang, and I am a salesperson here. May I help you?"

When Chen Yang saw Deng Xin talking to Tian Xiaotang just now, he had already guessed Deng Xin's intentions, and smiled at Tian Xiaotang, "Then tell us about the property!"

"Good!" Tian Xiaotang was flattered, this is her real client, Tian Xiaotang took a deep breath, and introduced the real estate, "Our Sunshine Home Phase I has a large apartment, and the second phase has been sold out. ...."

Chen Yang interrupted Tian Xiaotang, "Isn't the second phase you are selling now? Isn't the first phase already sold out?"

"Ah... I was wrong, sorry, sorry!"

Tian Xiaotang got up in a panic, and hurriedly bowed and apologized to Chen Yang and others.

Liu Yueru couldn't see Tian Xiaotang like this, "Girl, don't panic, sit down and talk slowly."

Tian Xiaotang was overly nervous, after all, this was her first time receiving customers, so she was in a hurry.

Deng Xin was sitting next to Liu Haohai, looking at Tian Xiaotang, seeing Tian Xiaotang's flustered embarrassment, Deng Xin showed a sarcastic smile!

"Old classmate, your cousin is really thick-skinned. If you are like this, don't leave!" Deng Xin said, "I am afraid that only a country girl like Tian Xiaotang will be fooled."

"Deng Xin, let's go and see the house!" Liu Haohai said.

When Deng Xin took Liu Haohai to see the model house and came back, he saw Tian Xiaotang was still introducing the house to Chen Yang and the others!Tian Xiaotang was no longer as nervous as before, and even smiled.

"Country girls are stupid!" Deng Xin couldn't help but sarcastically, and she looked at Liu Haohai again, "Old classmate, are you satisfied with that house?"

"I have to go back and think about it." Liu Haohai said, "The price of this house is nearly 200 million. I have to ask about the loan. Wait for my call!"

"Okay!" Deng Xin agreed with a smile on his face!

But Deng Xin also knows that if it cannot be settled immediately, it is very likely that there will be no news in the end.

She's used to it.

At this moment, Tian Xiaotang suddenly heard a surprised voice, "You want to buy that villa?"

For a moment, everyone present looked over.

There are villas in Sunshine Home Community, the price is at least 1000 million!

Not many!

"Yes!" Chen Yang said, "I want to buy a villa, take me to the site to see it!"

"Okay, I'll go to our manager now, you wait for me!" Tian Xiaotang was so excited that she didn't know what to say, she got up and ran to find the manager!

Deng Xin, Liu Haohai and others were all watching Tian Xiaotang's joke.

Soon, the female manager of the sales office was found by Tian Xiaotang.

"Sir, do you want to buy a villa?" asked the female manager.


"Then I'll take you to have a look!" As soon as the female manager finished speaking, Deng Xin came over and whispered something in the female manager's ear. The female manager took another look at Chen Yang and said with a smile on her face, " Sir, we have very few villas. If you want to see the villas, you need to pay a viewing fee of 1 yuan. This money will be returned after you buy the villas. Would you like it?"

"When will you need to check the room fee when looking at the villas here!" Suddenly, Tang Xueyun's voice came over, and she saw Tang Xueyun wearing sunglasses striding towards Chen Yang...

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