There was a bloody smell in the air.

As soon as Zheng Mingyue walked in, he felt that bloody smell made his stomach churn!


He actually threw up.

"Boss Zheng, what's the matter?" Meng Yulin saw Zheng Mingyue vomit, took a tissue, and wiped the corners of Zheng Mingyue's mouth himself, "Do you smell blood?"

Zheng Mingyue's legs were weak, and he was almost supported by two agents!

He was pale.

"Director Meng, I have a very good relationship with the prime minister of the government cabinet. When he ran for the prime minister, I fully sponsored him. I also participated in his campaign reception..."

Zheng Mingyue tried his best to prove that he had a wide network of contacts.

Meng Yulin smiled and said, "Boss Zheng, don't be afraid, we don't see any blood here. But people who come in always say they smell blood. In fact, it's people's subconscious mind... Let's go, we will be there soon. "

In a closed room with soft walls, Liang Long was curled up in a corner.

His voice is hoarse!

The moment the door was opened, Liang Long stood up instantly, his eyes sparkled with excitement, "Are you going to let me go?"

Zheng Mingyue was brought in!

"Boss Zheng, do you know this person?" Meng Yulin asked.

Zheng Mingyue was being supported, his eyes looked at Liang Long, and he shook his head vigorously, "I don't know him."

"You fart!" As soon as Liang Long heard Zheng Mingyue's words, he immediately yelled, "You don't know me? The surname is Zheng, you forgot that you paid 1000 million to me to abolish Chen Yang."

Meng Yulin smiled, "Boss Zheng, I want to know what is the grudge between you and Chen Yang?"

"He turned my son into a vegetable." Zheng Mingyue gritted his teeth as soon as Chen Yang was mentioned, "But I just let Liang Long abolish Chen Yang, and didn't say to kill him. And Chen Yang is fine, Liang Long didn't do anything at all."

"Very good." Meng Yulin laughed!


Suddenly, Meng Yulin grabbed Zheng Mingyue's clothes and slammed Zheng Mingyue's head against the door frame.

Although there are soft bags on the walls of this room, the door frame is made of iron!

Zheng Mingyue had a brain burst at that time.

As soon as Meng Yulin let go, Zheng Mingyue's body fell to the ground.

"What a pity, Zheng Mingyue committed suicide in fear of crime!" Meng Yulin looked at Liang Long, "You don't want to commit suicide too, do you?"

Liang Long was dumbfounded.

Although he was a ruthless character, he had never seen someone as ruthless as Meng Yulin who directly killed Zheng Mingyue in front of his face.

"I...I won't commit suicide." Liang Long said.

"Very good!" Meng Yulin laughed.

Meng Yulin blamed everything on Zheng Mingyue!

Out of personal grievances, Zheng Mingyue sent Liang Long and his men to attack Chen Yang.

It happened that Chen Yang and Gu Bingxi were together, causing Gu Bingxi to be attacked too.

Zheng Mingyue had already committed suicide in fear of crime, and the intelligence department was investigating a spy case, which was also related to Zheng Mingyue, and temporarily frozen the Zheng family's assets.

Meng Yulin gave Gu Zhenhong an explanation. He left Zhonghai City on the same day in the name of investigating the spy case of the Zheng family.

Overnight, the Zheng family fell into decline.

This result was within everyone's expectations, and Zheng Mingyue was actually the scapegoat.

The entrance of Sunshine Home Sales Office!

A taxi stopped, and Chen Yang's family got out of the car.

Chen Aiguo and his wife insisted not to live in Repulse Bay, it was too high-end, and they were not used to living there!

Actually, the most important thing is that it is too far away from Chen Yang's house.

Chen Aiguo and his wife are used to living in the old city, and they don't want to be too far away from here.

Chen Yang can't let his parents live in the old house, even if they don't think about themselves, they should think about Chen Wanwan.As soon as Chen Yang mentioned Chen Wanwan, Chen Aiguo and his wife agreed to change to a better neighborhood, but it still couldn't be too far away from their old house.

Chen Yang asked Tang Xueyun to help find out where the houses are of good quality, and it is best to move in with bags.

Tang Xueyun recommended Sunshine Home.

Sunshine Home is not far from Chenyangjia Community. It is a mixed residence of high-rises and villas, and the surrounding facilities are complete!The first phase is sold out, and the house in the second phase is currently on sale.

Sunshine Homes are all well-decorated, and you can move in with your bags.

As soon as Chen Yang and the others entered the sales office, a female sales lady greeted her with a smile on her face, "Are you here to buy a house?"

"Yes!" Chen Yang said.

"My name is Deng Xin, and I'm a salesperson here." The female sales lady took the initiative to introduce, "Let me show you the apartment types!"


Deng Xin brought the floor plan, and when Liu Yueru saw the unit price of [-] yuan and the minimum apartment size of [-] square meters, she said to Chen Yang, "Son, this building is too expensive, let's stop looking here! "

Liu Yueru and his wife only have the 150 yuan that Chen Yang gave them at the beginning, and the price of the smallest apartment here is nearly [-] million, which they can afford.

Liu Yueru and Chen Aiguo discussed it. They originally wanted to buy a house to marry Chen Yang, but now that Chen Yang already has a house, the two of them really want to change houses. Just buy a cheap second-hand house. The price should not be too high .

"Mom, you don't have to worry about it." Chen Yang comforted Liu Yueru with a smile, "You just need to look at the size of the house. I think the villas here are not bad. You can see how good the environment is, and there is an independent small courtyard. Didn't my dad always say he wants to Want a vegetable garden? You can grow vegetables in that villa."

When Deng Xin heard that Chen Yang said that he wanted to buy a villa, his eyes lit up, his face was full of smiles, and he quickly echoed, "Yes, our villas here are very easy to sell. Everyone is optimistic about the small courtyard here, and this gentleman has a good vision." .”

"Deng Xin, don't be fooled by my cousin, he has money!"

Suddenly, Liu Haohai's voice came over.

I saw Liu Haohai walking over with his girlfriend Fang Kexin in his arms.

Deng Xin and Liu Haohai are classmates in junior high school!

"Is he the very poor cousin you told me about?" Deng Xin pointed to Chen Yang and asked.

"Yeah!" Liu Haohai said, "My cousin has no other skills. He is a top-notch braggart. He has deceived our whole family and even bought a villa. Can he afford the bathroom here?"

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