Cao Yongqi sat in the office with a smug smile on his face.

Holding the cigarette in his right hand, he flicked it on the ashtray, shaking the ash into the ashtray.

Although he is only the acting dean, Cao Yongqi is very happy.

"Hu Jiangyu, you finally fell." Cao Yongqi leaned back, "You still hugged the wrong thigh."

Boom, boom!

There is a knock on the door!

"Come in." Cao Yongqi said.

Xu Jing walked in wearing a white nurse uniform, "Dean, are you looking for me?"

"Xiao Xu, how long have you been in the hospital?" Cao Yongqi asked.

"Half a year!" Xu Jing said.

"Xiao Xu, I am very satisfied with your job. I think you are qualified to be the head nurse." Cao Yongqi said, "After get off work today, we can talk about your job. What do you think?"

"Dean, I don't have enough qualifications, please give this opportunity to others." Although Xu Jing is young, she is smart. This is clearly to lure her, for the sake of a head nurse, an old man who will be her father Give it, it's not worth it.

Cao Yongqi got up and walked in front of Xu Jing, "Nurse Xu, Zhonghai Hospital is the best hospital and needs experienced nurses, but you have only been a nurse for half a year, and your education is not enough. I am afraid that the one-year contract has expired." , The contract is about to be terminated! But if you and I chat about work at night, not only can you get a three-year contract, but you can also be promoted to the head nurse, think again."

Cao Yongqi looked at Xu Jing's small cherry mouth, and really wanted to hug Xu Jing's petite figure in his arms and kiss Xu Jing's small mouth hard!He stretched out his hand and put it on Xu Jing's shoulder.


Xu Jing stomped hard on Cao Yongqi's right foot on purpose.


Cao Yongqi bent down in pain!

"Dean, I'm sorry, I didn't see it." Xu Jing looked innocent!

"It's okay!" Cao Yongqi said, "How do you think about it?"

Xu Jing replied innocently, "Talk about work with the dean at night, right? Yes!"

Cao Yongqi was ecstatic in his heart, "Well, go to the hotel and get a room, and send me the room number."

"I'll take my boyfriend there at night." Xu Jing said!

Cao Yongqi's face immediately sank, "Xu Jing, don't treat yourself as someone else, you are nothing in Zhonghai Hospital, I can terminate your contract with just a word, let alone be a nurse in another hospital, I suggest You think about it carefully."

At this moment, when the door opened, Chen Yang came in from the outside.

As soon as Xu Jing saw Chen Yang, she took Chen Yang's arm affectionately, "Dean Cao, this is my boyfriend, if you want to talk to me about work alone in the hotel at night, you have to ask him if he agrees!"

When Cao Yongqi saw it was Chen Yang, he snorted coldly, "Who am I? It turned out to be Dr. Chen who was kicked out by the Tang family! Nurse Xu, let me give you a piece of advice. You should break up with him as soon as possible to avoid being deceived." Wealth cheats sex."

Chen Yang originally wanted to ask Cao Yongqi to clarify, but now he doesn't want to ask!

Chen Yang patted the back of Xu Jing's hand lightly, "The clinic I want to open is short of a female assistant. If you come, I'll give you [-] a month!"

"Of course I agree." Xu Jing turned to Cao Yongqi, "Old pervert, I've wanted to scold you for a long time. Seeing how ugly you are, you still want to play tricks on me. Are you ashamed? Let me tell you now, I quit!"

This Xu Jing didn't look at the little girl as innocent, but when she got angry, she was fierce!

"Xu...Xu Jing, don't regret what you said today." Cao Yongqi said angrily, "Even if you kneel in front of me in the future, I won't let you go back to the hospital."

Chen Yang and Xu Jing came out of Cao Yongqi's office!

Xu Jing apologized to Chen Yang, "Dr. Chen, I'm sorry, I was bullied by that old bastard, so I called you my boyfriend! I knew you were here to help me, so I said you would invite me I don't want to do it for a long time, it has nothing to do with you."

"The medical clinic I want to open really needs a female assistant." Chen Yang said, "I'm not joking with you, with a monthly income of [-], I will take you to the medical clinic in the afternoon."

"Really? Then I'll go through the resignation procedures now." Xu Jing said excitedly.

"Go!" Chen Yang said.

Just as Xu Jing was about to run, she suddenly stopped, "By the way, Doctor Chen, I overheard Li Ming and Cao Yongqi talking about your relatives living in the VIP ward."

"Well, I see." Chen Yang already knew it in his heart.

Tang Xueyun called, "It was my grandfather who directly dismissed Hu Jiangyu from the post of dean, and asked Cao Yongqi to act as the dean."

"Don't you think this is strange?" Chen Yang said, "Why does your grandfather directly intervene in the personnel affairs of Zhonghai Hospital? Even if he wants you to divorce me, there is no need to remove Hu Jiangyu's dean. And there's a reason."

"I'll check. How's your side?" Tang Xueyun asked.

"When I came to the hospital, my grandma and uncle were kicked out. I guess they hate me so much that they won't see me anymore!" Chen Yang said, "However, they don't like me very much in the first place, so be angry if you get angry."

"You are quite optimistic." Tang Xueyun said.

Chen Yang smiled, just as he walked to the hospital lobby, suddenly four or five cars stopped at the entrance of the hospital lobby!

A dozen or so men wearing "True Dragon Martial Arts" short-sleeved T-shirts rushed in aggressively!

"This is a hospital, what can I do for you?"

Seeing so many people coming, the security guards of the hospital stepped forward to inquire!


As soon as one of the bald men stretched out his hand, the security guard was pushed at least three meters away by the bald man and fell heavily to the ground.

These people went directly to the front desk of the hospital!

"Where is your dean?" the bald man asked fiercely.

"Do you have an appointment?" asked the female nurse at the front desk.

"No!" The bald man's right hand slammed down on the desk at the front desk!


There were cracks on the tabletop.

The two little nurses at the front desk were so frightened that they screamed.

Chen Yang couldn't stand it anymore, and walked up to the bald man, "If you want to see the dean, I can take you there!"

"Take us there now." The bald man said fiercely.

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