
Tang Xueyun knelt on the yoga mat, pushed her hips back hard, and stretched her body as much as possible.

Chen Yang walked behind Tang Xueyun, and patted Tang Xueyun's buttocks, "Breakfast is ready!"

Tang Xueyun stopped and wiped the sweat from her forehead, "Then I'm going to take a shower."

"Hurry up!" Chen Yang said, "The porridge won't taste good when it's cold."

While Tang Xueyun was taking a shower, her mobile phone rang outside.

"Call!" Chen Yang shouted.

"Help me pick it up."

Chen Yang was also polite and answered the phone!

A pleasant man's voice came from the phone, "Xue Yun, I'm going to Zhonghai City next week, and I want to confess something to you."

"Tang Xueyun is taking a shower, please call back later." Chen Yang said.

"who are you?"

The man was quite surprised when he heard Chen Yang's voice!

"Her husband."

When Chen Yang replied this sentence, the phone was hung up.


Chen Yang put down the phone, only to find that the phone displayed "Uncle"!

Tang Xueyun has a younger uncle, but he is not related to Tang Xueyun, but a child raised by Tang Yaozu.

In the Tang family, only this uncle really protected Tang Xueyun.

Just as Chen Yang was thinking about what Tang Xueyun's uncle said just now, his phone rang.

The call was from his uncle Liu Houyuan.

As soon as Chen Yang answered the phone, Liu Houyuan's scolding voice came from the phone, "Chen Yang, you little bastard, are you deliberately messing with me and your grandma? If you are really angry, you can do it right in front of us." Say it to your face, don't deliberately play bad things, let us be ashamed in public..."

Chen Yang was dumbfounded by Liu Houyuan's scolding!

He treated Liu Houyuan's injury, and he let Liu Houyuan and his grandmother live in the VIP ward of Zhonghai Hospital.

Yesterday, Liu Houyuan called Chen Yang and was extremely affectionate. Why did Liu Houyuan's attitude take a 180-degree turn just after a day.

"Uncle, don't get angry, I don't know what's going on yet."

Hearing Chen Yang's words, Liu Houyuan scolded angrily, "Little bastard, just keep pretending to me, your grandma and I were kicked out of the ward, you didn't do this, who else could do it?" ? You're such a mess, I was almost fooled by you, don't call me uncle in the future, I don't have a nephew like you, I'm afraid of being killed by you."

After Liu Houyuan finished cursing, he hung up the phone directly.

Before Chen Yang put down the phone, her mother Liu Yueru also called!

There is no need to answer this call, and it must have something to do with her grandma's affairs.

"Mom, does it have something to do with my grandma's affairs?" Chen Yang asked.

"What's going on? Your grandma and your uncle were kicked out of the ward by the hospital. Your grandma scolded me just now, son, did you let the hospital kick you out?"

"Mom, I just found out." Chen Yang said, "Don't worry, let me ask what's going on."

"Son, you have to ask clearly. Your grandma is very angry now, saying that she doesn't want to see us anymore." Liu Yueru said.

"Let me ask!"

Chen Yang vaguely felt that this matter should have something to do with the Tang family.

Although Tang Yaozu let Tang Xueyun continue to serve as the president of the group, Tang Yaozu returned to the group and had to report all matters big and small to Tang Yaozu.Tang Yaozu still thinks that Chen Yang has angered Gu Zhenhong. In order to protect themselves, the Tang family must completely sever ties with Chen Yang.

Since Tang Xueyun was unwilling to divorce, Tang Yaozu tried to get Tang Xueyun to divorce.

This is probably also Tang Yaozu's method.

Chen Yang called Hu Jiangyu and unexpectedly learned that Hu Jiangyu's dean had been dismissed.

Hu Jiangyu only got the news today, and Hu Jiangyu is very depressed at the moment.

"Xiao Chen, you resigned on your own initiative. It really has nothing to do with me." Hu Jiangyu thought that Tang Xueyun had decided this matter, and wanted Chen Yang to explain it to him and Tang Xueyun.

"This matter has nothing to do with Tang Xueyun." Chen Yang said, "She doesn't know yet."

"What I don't know?" Tang Xueyun walked over wearing a suspender dress just after taking a shower.

"Dean Hu has been replaced." Chen Yang said.

"When did it happen? Why didn't I know?" Tang Xueyun said.

"It is said that I just received the news." Chen Yang gave Tang Xueyun the phone, and asked Hu Jiangyu and Tang Xueyun to talk.

After Tang Xueyun and Hu Jiangyu finished talking on the phone, they frowned, "I don't know about this, maybe it was an order directly from grandpa."

"Only your grandfather has this power." Chen Yang said, "I'll go to the hospital first."

When Chen Yang came to the VIP ward of the hospital, he happened to meet Li Ming who came out of the ward.

Li Ming took a little nurse and drove Liu Houyuan and Cai Pingping out.

Li Ming has always hated Chen Yang in his heart, but because Chen Yang is the son-in-law of the Tang family, Li Ming dare not touch Chen Yang.

But it was different now, the Tang family said that Chen Yang and Tang Xueyun were not married, and they were not their Tang family's son-in-law.

Li Ming took the opportunity to propose to the acting dean Cao Yongqi that Chen Yang's grandmother and uncle be kicked out.

Cao Yongqi didn't know about this before, but now that he knew, he arranged for Li Ming to do it.

"Chen Yang, you still have the face to come to the hospital!" Li Ming said as soon as he saw Chen Yang coming, "Using your power to arrange relatives to stay in the VIP ward, this kind of thing can only be done by a shameless person like you."

"This was arranged by Tang Xueyun for me." Chen Yang said.

"Fuck!" Li Ming sneered when he heard Chen Yang's words, "Stop farting, now everyone knows that you and Tang Xueyun are not married, you are not the son-in-law of the Tang family at all, you used to do whatever you wanted in the hospital, that is Because Hu Jiangyu is protecting you, the weather has changed now, the dean has changed, and you still want to pretend to be a tiger in the hospital, it is wishful thinking."

"Who is the dean now?" Chen Yang asked.

"Of course it's Dean Cao." Li Ming snorted coldly, "You don't want to go to see Dean Cao, do you? To tell you the truth, it was Dean Cao who personally arranged for me to drive your relatives out."

Chen Yang patted Li Ming's shoulder, "You did the right thing, but next time, don't avenge yourself personally."

After saying this, Chen Yang walked away.

"I only see that you are upset, and I will avenge my private revenge. What can you do to me!" Li Ming snorted coldly, "Without Hu Jiangyu as a backer, you are nothing."

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