About half a cup of tea has passed.

On the river in the distance, several semi-circular pitch-black heads appeared.

I immediately raised my vigilance.

It's just that those water ghouls didn't approach us.

They seem to have noticed something, and they have been observing quietly from a distance.

Gou Zhou's face was not very good-looking, and he slowly swam towards the depths of the river.

At this time, those water ghouls faintly began to move.

Gou Zhou raised his hand suddenly, pulled out the divination knife with the other hand, and picked the tip of the knife directly in his palm.

Blood sputtered out immediately!

Gou Zhou shook his hand vigorously, and the blood spilled on the river ahead.

Those water ghouls suddenly disappeared completely.

In an instant, the river became extremely quiet.

My face changed slightly, and my brows furrowed tightly.

But in the next moment, Gou Zhou's face changed suddenly!

I was shocked and shouted in a low voice: "Gou Zhou, come back!"

But Gou Zhou didn't turn around, he cursed in a low voice: "These bastard water ghouls are better than anything else, they haven't even landed yet!"

"Even if I go down, I will kill a few!"

Obviously, Gou Zhou's uselessness before was completely covered by resentment after arriving in Yangjiang.

In a blink of an eye, he swam more than 20 meters away!Don't care about my obstruction at all!

For me, Gou Zhou's face is a sudden death in the water and disaster, with cricket feet appearing on the gate of life!

"Gou Zhou! Hurry up and come back to me! They're here!" My tone became more serious, almost yelling!

In the next moment, Gou Zhou suddenly stopped on the surface of the river.

He stared obliquely ahead, and a bit of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Gou Zhou suddenly turned around and swam frantically towards the shore!

I clearly saw that there were several undercurrents on the water surface in front of Gou Zhou.

Undercurrent means that the water ghoul is underwater and has never emerged from the water.

The magnitude of this undercurrent is huge, which means that there are definitely a lot of water ghouls...

Moreover, on the surface of the water farther away, at least a dozen pale white heads floated out.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, these heads looked like human heads...

These are all white-haired water ghouls!

Those few black ones didn't move just now because they were waiting for the white-haired water ghouls from behind to bring the rest of their kind!

My heart suddenly sank a lot.

Hands are always ready to be raised.

Gou Zhou only swam back less than ten meters, and then, suddenly, he fell into the water...

During this process, he didn't struggle at all, and just swished into the water...

In just one breath, a few blood bubbles popped out underwater, and the water surface turned red in an instant.

I suddenly raised my hand and shouted in a low voice: "Ma Baojin, go ashore."

Ma Baojin on the other side shook the bell vigorously.Then, he turned around and walked quickly towards the shore.

The corpses in the rear all followed Ma Baojin's movements and went ashore very neatly at the same time!

I hurried towards Ma Baojin's direction!

It's not that I don't want to take care of Gou Zhou...

It's because he didn't listen to me, and he had already agreed that he was only on the shore, and he was already in danger if he went too deep into the water.

He actually dared to go down so deep, I called him, but he didn't come back.

Being dragged down by so many water ghouls, there is no way to save...

In just two or three minutes, Ma Baojin walked four or fifty meters away with the corpse.

Those water ghouls have come ashore!

Under the moonlight, there are at least two to three hundred densely packed water ghouls!

Black hair, protruding eyes, ferocious facial features...

Each of them is exceptionally bloodthirsty.

Especially those in the front have black and red hair, and that red is the color dyed by blood.

They rushed towards Ma Baojin quickly!

Obviously, the appearance of the white-haired water ghouls, coupled with Gou Zhou's blood, has driven these water ghouls completely crazy.

Those corpses became a great temptation!

The distance of dozens of meters is there in an instant!

They not only caught up with Ma Baojin, but also directly formed an encirclement circle, enveloping the Ma family father and son in it!

Ma Baojin showed fear, and Ma Baozhong and Ma Baoyi were even more panicked.

The speed of the water ghoul is really too fast.

When they surrounded Ma's father and son, I had time to shout out!

About a hundred meters away, hags swarmed out from all over the clearing and meadow!

Some are in twos and threes together, and some are alone!

Nearly a hundred ghost women formed a fan shape and rushed directly towards the water ghoul!

The ghost wives are already good at martial arts. Their speed is extremely fast. Although the distance is far, those ghost wives only took half the time to surround all the water ghouls.

The moment the confrontation formed, those water ghouls stopped their movements of attacking the Ma family father and son, turned around, and turned towards the witches!

At the front of the ghost woman are Dun Kong, He Zhi, He Grandma, and He Qiyue.

When Grandma He gave an order, all the ghost women pulled out ghost knives almost at the same time!

This scene is already extraordinarily spectacular!

The Guillotine Knife of the ghost woman itself is very long and large, and most of the ghost women are thin and thin.

Often the knife is half the height of a person!

Hundreds of witches raised their knives!

The moonlight in the night sky was suppressed by the cold light of the knife!

The two or three hundred water ghouls took a step back almost simultaneously.

Apparently, the murderous aura emanating from the witch's knives suppressed their ferocity.

On the Yangjiang River, there was a sharp whistling sound suddenly!

The voice seemed to be threatening, and it seemed to be calling these water ghouls back!

How could the ghost woman be moved by these threats.

Grandma He led, He Zhi and He Qiyue later, and the rest of the witches stepped forward at the same time!

With the knife in hand, even though those water ghouls resisted, some even rushed towards the ghost woman's face.

What awaits them is only the cold blade!

And the same kind of blood spattered!

The screams were endless, and the night sky was filled with a burst of blood.

Two to three hundred black-haired water ghouls were slaughtered by all the hags within half a cup of tea!

The three of Ma's father and son huddled together.

The bodies are still motionless...

The ground was completely soaked in blood...

A hag walked up to the body of a water ghoul, cut off its head, and threw it viciously towards the water's edge!

Of course, at a distance of more than 100 meters, it is impossible to throw the head into the water.

But that's provocative enough...

The shore of Yangjiang became dark in an instant...

Not because the moonlight fades away...

It's because too many water ghouls have appeared, and their pitch-black hair blocks the water on the shore...

This dense number, I can't tell for a while, how many water ghouls are there...

And, it's not just an ordinary black-haired water ghoul here.

About a few meters away, there is a white-haired water ghoul ahead.

Their speed is extremely fast, rushing towards the shore!

My heart sank.

Because the number of these water ghouls far exceeds my imagination...

But Dun Kong and Chi Mastiff, who hadn't moved just now, suddenly rushed towards those water ghouls!

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