I frowned and shook my head, expressing my ignorance.

He Zhi bit her lower lip lightly, and she whispered, "Maybe I'm overthinking, Liu Huayan also has her own things to do."

I haven't talked much on this issue.

He Zhi and He Zhi were about to go back to their room to rest.

A person hurriedly ran outside the courtyard.

The man was dressed in rags, in the attire of a beggar.

When he entered the hospital, he looked flustered.

I stopped in my tracks, looking puzzled.

Obviously, this person is a beggar refugee in the temple in the back mountain.

He came to look for me, could it be that something happened to Luo Zhongliang?

"Li... Mr. Li..." He ran to the front of the main room, his chest heaving up and down, and he was gasping for breath.

"What happened?" I said calmly.

"Then... those two liars, here they come again... Zhongliang asked them to detain them, but they kept saying that they came to help us..."

"Big guys are going to send them to see the officials...but Zhongliang said...he wants to ask you..." The man held his chest, and after he finished speaking quickly, he finally calmed down a bit.

"Those two liars? Zhang Jiugua, and his brother?" He Zhi's tone was much less kind.

A bit of coldness flashed across her face, and said: "I just gave Zhongliang the money they defrauded during the day, but they were quick on their feet, and found it again, so I sent them to see the official."

The refugee was about to nod.

I raised my hand and made a blocking motion.

The refugees looked puzzled, and He Zhi looked at me incomprehensibly.

I simply told He Zhi that I was doing fortune-telling in Po Dao Temple, and I met Zhang Jiugua, who inadvertently moved the golden abacus.

As I said, I called Zhang Jiugua and asked him to go to Hongyuan County to find Tang Jiugong.

He Zhi looked stunned, she frowned, and said in a low voice: "Even if he has a little talent...he shouldn't..."

He Zhi and I shook our heads.

He Zhi closed his mouth again, and the next moment, she whispered: "Okay, let's treat it as a good deed every day, but instead of going to Hongyuan County, he went to find Zhongliang, what kind of plan is this?"

"Let him go for now. If he can put his mind on the right path and help Zhongliang, he should also make atonement." I said.

After talking with He Zhi, I told the refugee and beggar.

Let him go back and tell Luo Zhongliang, don't make things difficult for Zhang Jiugua, let Zhang Jiugua do something, and see how much help he can give them.

The refugee and beggar nodded, and he turned around and ran towards where he came from.

He Zhi and I went back to the room to rest.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, nothing happened.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed...

In the past three days, the ghost woman from the He family gradually arrived.

Almost all of them went to Grandma He's house first, met with Grandma He, and also met with He Zhi.

Originally, those ghost women were slightly unkind at first.

But when they saw the red mastiff, none of them dared to say a word.

The simplest deterrent to the ghost woman is the blue wolf mastiff like the red mastiff.

Granny He had a brief discussion with us, and postponed He Zhi's acknowledgment of his ancestors until after we dealt with the Yangjiang water ghoul.

He Zhi had no objection to this matter, and I also nodded in agreement.

It's just that Liu Zhengdao didn't come back, which made me feel a little sad.

After we finished discussing, Granny He gathered all the hags of the He family and briefly explained the plan.

I asked He Qiyue to go to Mashan Yizhuang and told Ma Baojin to transport the body to the bank of Yangjiang.

Moreover, I asked He Qiyue to notify Ma Baozhong to call the corpse hunter Gou Zhou.

By the time He Qiyue came back, it was already late at night.

Nearly a hundred He family ghost women are ready.

He Qiyue told me that when she came back from Mashan Yizhuang, Ma Baozhong set off and Ma Baojin was also preparing.

I estimated the time and thought it was almost time, so I let everyone set off and headed directly to Yangjiang.

When our group arrived at the Yangjiang River, it was almost midnight.

About [-] meters away from the shore, I saw Ma Baojin, Ma Baozhong, and Ma Baoyi, as well as Gou Zhou with his back on the other side.

Behind the Ma family father and son, there is a group of standing "people", they stand in two rows, about ten in a row, with bamboo hats on their heads.

The air of dead silence and stiffness kept permeating.

Those are not living people, but the corpses of Yizhuang!

Pausing to stop, I raised my hand to signal.

Grandma He immediately stopped.

The nearly one hundred ghost women behind all stopped.

"Scatter!" Granny He said in a low voice.

Together with He Zhi and Dunkong, the hags of the He family scattered in the rear.

Soon, they disappeared on the shore.

Grandma He was the last to leave...

I came to the Ma family and his son alone.

At this time, Ma Baojin was already dumbfounded.

The two brothers Ma Baozhong and Ma Baoyi were also dumbfounded.

Gou Zhou staggered towards me, and the shock in his eyes gradually dissipated.

"So many ghost women? You brought all the ghost women from hundreds of miles away?" Gou Zhou's voice was even more startled.

"I should be sure." I didn't answer Gou Zhou directly, but said directly.

Ma Baojin nodded again and again, with excitement in his eyes, he said: "There are so many witches, so I am sure, Mr. Li, what should I do?"

I pondered for a while, and said, "Move all the corpses to the shore near the water. Gou Zhou, you go into the water and I will wait for you."

"After the water ghoul emerges, you go ashore, Gou Zhou. Ma Baojin, you also drive the corpse to the shore. When the water ghoul is about to stop, let the corpse stop."

"It is to lure them ashore with a conspiracy."

A look of surprise flashed in Gou Zhou's eyes.

But he didn't refuse, just nodded.

Ma Baozhong and Ma Baoyi looked at each other.

Ma Baojin looked solemn, and he whispered: "Understood, Mr. Li."

The next moment, Ma Baojin moved his lame leg and reached in front of the corpse.

Ma Baojin shook his sleeves, as if grabbing something.

Then, he raised his hand, and a copper-yellow bell appeared in his hand.

A tinkle of a bell echoed throughout the night sky.

Ma Baojin took a step forward, and the corpse behind him moved almost at the same time...

Their movements were exceptionally neat and standard. When Ma Baojin took a step, they followed.

The two brothers Ma Baozhong and Ma Baoyi were on both sides of the corpse. They also held a bell in their hands, and they also took out a sword made of copper coins in their hands.

In a blink of an eye, the Ma family father and son reached the shore near the water, and some of the corpses even went into the water.

Gou Zhou never landed, and he jumped into the water afterwards.

After swimming a few meters forward, Gou Zhou only had one head floating on the water.

Under the moonlight, his solitary head looked even more ferocious.

I squinted my eyes and stood aside, looking at Yangjiang with extra vigilance.

Gou Zhou was extremely vigilant, and his eyes were also on the water behind him...

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