I raised the golden ruler again, and drew another ruler on his buttocks!

This time, Luo Zhongliang screamed louder and fell to the ground.

"My master, he never hit me, he only gave me, and I made a mistake."

"This mistake was a heinous mistake. It was too late to regret it, and it cost him a huge price."

"I hit you to tell you that you are wrong."

"Not everyone has the opportunity to correct their mistakes. Many people make mistakes and regret it for the rest of their lives."

"There was a person who admonished me on behalf of the master, which made me hurt to the bone, but what hurt me was not only my flesh and blood, but also the heart of endless regret."

"Luo Zhongliang, from now on, do you still dare to steal?"

My tone became more and more severe, and I said this last question word by word.

Luo Zhongliang struggled to prop up his hands, and he got up from the ground with great reluctance.

I frowned, raised the golden ruler, and pulled it down again!


Luo Zhongliang's screaming voice was hoarse, and he fell to the ground again!

"The yin and yang are almost enough." He Zhi's eyes were even more unbearable, and her eye sockets were slightly red.

I still ignored He Zhi.

Shang Song's eyelids twitched wildly, and he lost much confidence in his voice.

"If you want to beat me, let me go and beat me again. If you lose your temper and kill him, I will be implicated by you when the servants come later."

He Zhi frowned, and she drew back the ax directly, and took out a money bag from her waist.

Just throw it at Shang Song!

Shang Song immediately raised his hand to take it.

He opened the bag and nodded, with a slight joy in his eyes.

Turn around and he's leaving.

"There must be more than three times the money, you are only allowed to take three times, and return the rest to me with the copper unicorn!" He Zhi said coldly: "You are not allowed to take more, if you dare to charge a high price, I will come to your shop Come drink tea."

Shang Song: "" He dared not speak out even more, and took out a small handful of money from the money bag.

He threw the money bag and the previous package to He Zhi.

Then, the group of them left in a hurry.

He Zhi turned around and walked quickly to me and Luo Zhongliang.

Luo Zhongliang struggled for a while before he managed to get up.

It wasn't until now that he said tremblingly: "If you can really help me, sir, I swear that I won't steal anymore, and I won't use any immoral means to obtain money."

I didn't raise my hand again, I just moved it behind my back.

Luo Zhongliang's body trembled, as if he wanted to dodge forward.

He was instinctively afraid of being beaten by me.

Immediately afterwards, he froze his body again and did not dodge.

After a while, Luo Zhongliang turned around in a daze.

"Don't you stop fighting?"

"Hit again, you should be going to faint, I still have things to do, I can't carry you back." I shook my head and said.

Luo Zhongliang was obviously relieved.

But he bit his lip and kept looking at me.

I nodded and said again: "When I asked you to buy the copper unicorn yesterday, I said that there are other ways to do good deeds."

"You go back now with the package and do as I tell you."

"After three days, you will see the outcome, and you will see me again."

After I finished speaking, He Zhi handed the package to Luo Zhongliang.

She also handed him the purse at the same time.

Luo Zhongliang initially resisted and backed away, but he hesitated again and caught the money bag.

"This is a loan, and I will pay back the principal with interest in the future." He said quickly.

He Zhi looked at Luo Zhongliang's eyes with pity.

"You don't need to pay it back, just be obedient." He Zhi sighed softly.

"Go back." I said again.

Luo Zhongliang turned around and limped towards the direction of leaving the city.

Until then, Dunkong on the other side behind me hurriedly arrived behind He Zhi.

His face also turned slightly pale.

The passers-by who watched the excitement dispersed, and the road returned to normal.

"Yinyang, you are too cruel, he is at most two years older than Dunkong, and he is still a child." He Zhi's tone was still unbearable.

"Children need to be disciplined. It hurts so much, so naturally they will remember it firmly." I paused, and continued: "Even if I escape and make mistakes, I will also want to."

"How dare you!" He Zhi stepped forward, and she completely blocked the escape.

Even when she raised her hand, that posture was actually trying to grab my ear.

I laughed dumbfounded, and shook my head again.

No more talking, I continued to walk towards the east end of the city.

Luo Zhongliang's heart is indeed tough, and not only tough, but also stubborn.

On the contrary, I like this kid more and more.

When I got to the east end of the city, I asked a passer-by to inquire about the location of the Yin Yang House.

Even the passer-by kindly took me for a ride.

Soon, we came to a busy street.

There was a big tea shop filled with bamboo tables and chairs, where many people drank tea, talked and laughed.

Go further along the street.

Turning around two corners, I saw a huge house!

The thick courtyard wall seems to be as high as a two-storey inn.

The eaves of the courtyard are thicker, and there are several windows in the upper middle part of the courtyard wall.

It's just that the windows are not big, and they are more for light transmission.

There is a plaque directly below, which reads: "Yuan's Yin and Yang House." The gate of the house is vermilion and full of copper nails.

The two stone lions at the bottom of the steps are handsome yet ferocious.

The lion is originally a fierce beast among the auspicious beasts, and it is mostly used to guard the house.

For the Qilin and Pixiu, more gentle things can be worn on the body, or sit in the house.

"What a grand courtyard." He Zhi said softly.

I nodded and said, "It's really magnificent, and the atmosphere here is very heavy."

I looked at the door plaque, but frowned slightly, and murmured: "However, I think there is something wrong with this kind of thickness."

"There are no households around, only the tea houses on that street."

I glanced left and right.

Originally, I raised my hand to take it out to set the compass, and to confirm the feng shui here.

Sometimes, the bearing doesn't tell everything exactly.

Many special places need to be determined by the celestial disk pointer of the compass, and it is not allowed to make inferences.

But the hand just fell to the waist.

There was a soft creaking sound from the door.

After the door opened, a person came out of it.

This person was about 40 to [-] years old, with a straight back and a light yellow robe.

He had a bun on his head, and his entire face looked extremely weird.

But that's just weird to say the least.

From the perspective of bones, his bones are excellent!

The double cheekbones are bright and clean, and the plumpness is raised.

The tails of the eyes are protruding, and the stage horse bones are full.

The sun-moon horn bone has a bone that protrudes at the same level as the ear, which is the general bone.

This is the best of both bones!

The double eye frame protrudes around the eyes, which is a dragon palace bone!

Fuxi's bone towered straight into the heaven, and the dragon's horn bone was extremely thick, and even the giant phoenix bone behind his ears could be seen bulging from the front.

This person is actually a perfect figure of nine bones!

What's weird is the skin, but the essence occupies all the benefits of the bones!

The appearance of a person is often not in the skin!

Mr. see people, only look at the bone!

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