Luo Zhongliang raised his head tremblingly.

His face was extremely flustered, and there was fear in his eyes.

My gaze also gradually became stricter, and I drew out the golden ruler of Tongqiao.

Originally, those people in front were going to do something, but now they stopped.

The short man came up to me, stared at me, and said softly, "Your child? He's young, he doesn't fall into education, and steals things from others. It's just right, don't leave! Wait to see the official!" He Zhi Looking at the man coldly, his voice became colder: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Talking nonsense?! Everyone on the street is watching!" The man was about to scold!

Luo Zhongliang gritted his teeth, turned over and stood up, took two steps back, and threw the package towards the man.

The man caught the package, but just interrupted him.

Immediately afterwards, he said again: "If you retire, you will be fine? How can it be so simple! If you don't send you to see the official, you will break a leg!"

My eyes fell on that man, and I said calmly, "Pheeter, how much is this thing worth, give him three times."

"If he speaks rudely again, let him shut up." He Zhi nodded immediately.

She draws money from her waist pocket.

The man frowned, and said again: "Give me money? Is it great to have money?! If you don't inquire, what kind of person is I, Shang Song? No thief has entered my house yet and left intact!"

"I have to teach you two a lesson and let you know." Before he could finish his sentence, He Zhi gave a hand.

Immediately afterwards, she swung her backhand, and the ax pinned to her back was pulled out, and it landed directly on Shang Song's shoulder!

The blade of the ax was pointed at his neck, and when He Zhi made a strong hand, Shang Song let out a muffled grunt, and his legs bent down by two points!

The servants next to him looked shocked, but none of them dared to step forward!

The pedestrians who watched the excitement around were also terrified.

Shang Song's face suddenly turned pale.

His mouth was tightly closed, and he couldn't say a word.

Luo Zhongliang was also terrified.

He looked at Shang Song with a paler face.

Then, he looked back at me again.

Luo Zhongliang clenched his fists tightly, lowered his head, gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Li, when you see an official, you will see the official. One person does things and one person is responsible."

"I stole something from his house. I admit it. Don't hurt anyone."

"I gave you money, why do you still want to steal it?" I ignored Luo Zhongliang's other words and asked him directly.

Since Luo Zhongliang is to be captured, I have to take care of him. If he is captured, where else can I find another descendant of Luo Yinpo?

Luo Li is too dull, Luo Quanming is too old

What's more, Luo Zhongliang is extremely kind-hearted, and his good money is also for saving people.

In my thoughts, my eyes became more serious.

Luo Zhongliang still gritted his teeth, he lowered his head again, and said, "The two little yellow croakers are gone."

"After you left last night, I was preparing to have dinner with the big guys, so I went to the city overnight to buy a copper unicorn, but just at that moment, two people came to the temple, they were two liars."

"One is well-dressed, with foreign glasses and a hat, he is said to be a fortune-teller, and he has just come out of the mountains to practice, and the other is his book boy."

"He said that he met us, it was fate, he gave us a lot of food, and said some things, so that everyone believed him."

"Afterwards he told me that he could tell me a fortune teller, but to collect money, he had to collect two small yellow croakers. This is the rule."

I was startled.

I suddenly remembered that when I was leaving, I passed by two teenagers, one big and one small.

Luo Zhong is kind-hearted, and this kind of character is often easy to trust people.

That swindling young man was born with a sharp tongue.

"What did he tell you?" I asked Luo Zhongliang.

Luo Zhongliang's face turned red, and he said in a low voice: "He said that I will have great luck this year, and I will meet noble people. If someone calls, I can meet three noble people. The last one can solve all my difficulties."

"He is the second one, and only he can tell me where to meet the third nobleman."

I narrowed my eyes slightly, thoughtfully.

That boy is really smart.

Seeing Luo Zhongliang's outfit, it is impossible to get so much money, so he was deceived, the so-called nobleman?

Of course, it is also possible that they just arrived in front of the temple and saw or heard some words, so they designed to deceive Luo Zhongliang.

Although this strategy is full of loopholes in front of Mr. Zhen.

But it is really enough to lie to a boy like Luo Zhongliang, plus a group of hungry people and beggars.

My thoughts settled down quickly, I nodded and said, "So, you gave him the little yellow croaker?"

Luo Zhongliang pursed his lips, and said again in a low voice.

"I went to the city as he said, and he asked me to wait at the corner of this street, saying that before dawn, there must be a third nobleman who will give me the copper unicorn I want."

"But I waited until it was completely dawn. Where can someone give me a copper unicorn? Only then did I know that I was cheated by him."

"I didn't buy the copper unicorn back, and I couldn't explain it to you if I couldn't put it in the place you mentioned, Mr. Li, and I couldn't go back to explain it. Then I remembered that there is a copper ware shop in this shop. The owner is famous. He is stingy, often deducts labor wages, and even buys and sells some old things by force. I searched and went to their house to look for them." Luo Zhongliang's face became more and more bitter.

Behind him, Shang Song's face changed again, but with the ax on his shoulder, he just dared not speak out.

"Last night, I taught you that good people do good deeds, and there are other ways. Even if something goes wrong, you can come to me."

"Money is just a tool."

"But if you steal, you are always wrong. No one taught you before. If you are wrong, it is fate. There will be retribution in the future. Since I taught you last night, you are still wrong, and you must be punished."

I said again in a low voice.

Luo Zhongliang gritted his teeth, he turned around suddenly, with his back to me.

"What are you doing with your back to me?" I asked Luo Zhongliang.

He replied in a low voice: "I saw you took a ruler, and the master of the school taught people to use the ruler, but my hands still have to make money, and my legs have to walk. You hit me elsewhere." He Zhi turned to look at me At a glance, there was a trace of unbearable in her eyes.

"Yin Yang, this child" she just said.

I raised the orifice-splitting golden ruler, and with one ruler, I slapped Luo Zhongliang's buttocks hard!


Luo Zhongliang snorted, his whole body was shaking.

I slapped on the other side again!

Luo Zhongliang couldn't hold it back, he let out a scream, and fell limp to the ground, propping the ground with trembling hands.

"You keep Yin and Yang under your command" He Zhi wanted to stop me again.

Shang Song's eyelids twitched wildly, but he didn't say a word.

The passers-by who watched the excitement were whispering among themselves, saying that this kid is miserable, and the ruler is made of copper.

My complexion did not change.

After the study of bone physiology, the five elements of a person can also be distinguished, including the bones of their body shape.

When I hit it, the most painful thing is the flesh, it doesn't hurt the bone, it's a skin trauma.

"Get up." I ignored He Zhi and shouted in a low voice.

Luo Zhongliang stood up again, his legs were shaking!

However, he did not dodge!

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