Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 972 Women's University 8

After speaking, I walked directly towards the outside of the temple.

There was a slight thud behind him.

I glanced sideways a little.

But I found that Luo Zhongliang was actually kneeling on the ground, kowtowing at me.

And his actions also prompted the rest of the people to kneel down, and the eyes of those people were full of gratitude

I let out a long breath and walked in the direction of Feng Village.

The sky is getting dark, and the setting sun is getting more and more hidden in the sky.

When I was approaching the exit of the mountain, I saw two figures in the distance ahead.

There was still a vague voice: "Brother, this ticket is a big profit, can it last for at least half a month?"

These words reveal the meaning of worship.

"Hehe, where is this going? I always have to eat, what's the point? I'm thinking about the next place, I should get some money."

"Golden in troubled times, these days, just as the war subsides, there is a famine again. I will take you to get two yellow fishes, and I will find a way. I really want to learn some skills from my husband!"

There was arrogance and pride in that voice.

"Then can I learn?" The adoring voice was cautiously probing.

"Brother has learned, of course I can't treat you badly, Zhang Er, you are not smart, and the husband may dislike you at that time, when I learn, I will teach you." The arrogant voice was a bit judgmental.

The sound suddenly stopped.

Those two figures were closer, they were the two people in the middle of the village before.

The sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy with a round cap and glasses was accompanied by a child who was a head shorter.

The two didn't speak, they bowed their heads and passed me by.

I looked calm and didn't stop them.

In this world, although these two children have some tricks, they don't hurt others, they don't hurt others, and they don't hurt anyone.

Not long after, I returned to Feng Village.

Following the village road, I went straight to He's house.

By the time I arrived at He's courtyard, it was already completely dark.

The lights were on in the main room, and Mrs. He was talking to He Zhi.

Dunkong was drawing another talisman on one side, and He Qiyue was sitting on the other side. She looked down with admiration in her eyes.

When I entered the courtyard, the red mastiff let out a whimper, saying hello to me.

In the hall, everyone turned their heads.

"Father." Dunkong called me, and He Zhi nodded with me.

I also nodded.

Grandma He said hello, and He Qiyue walked towards the kitchen.

"Yinyang, the letter that should be sent today in July has already been sent. Some people can come to the nearby villages in a day or two, and it may take seven or eight days to go to a place farther away. There were not many people back then. gone."

Grandma He sighed slightly.

He Zhi pursed her lips, her eyes were complicated.

I patted He Zhi on the shoulder lightly, and said, "It all depends on what my mother-in-law wants."

Granny He nodded, and she said seriously: "Nizi, don't worry too much, if those old bones left over are chewing on their tongues, I'll pull out their tongues!"

He Zhi smiled wryly.

Not long after, He Qiyue brought meals.

During the meal, Grandma He asked me a few more words, basically asking me how is Luo Zhongliang's child?

I told Grandma He that he treats people generously and has an excellent disposition. As long as he has the right guidance, even if he cannot become a great weapon, he can still be a good gentleman for the people.

Grandma He nodded again and again, and sighed, "This is the blessing Luo Yinpo left for future generations."

I pondered for a moment, and then told Granny He that since it would take a few days for the He family to come, I plan to go to the Xiaopo Temple under the Changqing Taoist Temple tomorrow.

It has been two days, and I have to go see those Taoist priests of the Liu family.

After a short pause, I said again: "Luo Zhongliang probably won't come to see me tomorrow. If he comes, you can tell me and let him wait a day or two longer."

Grandma He said a good word.

He Qiyue asked in a low voice, "What about Dunkong? Is he going?"

I smiled and nodded, and said: "The Great Elder has been kind to me too much. During the years when Dunkong was born, Lao Huang was with me. I want to take Dunkong to meet the Great Elder to salute, and let Dunkong meet Lao Huang."

"Then can I go?" He Qiyue asked again.

I thought about it a little.

But Grandma He said: "Yinyang, Qiyue is obedient, following the road, I can take care of you, I still have something to discuss with Pheasant."

Now that Grandma He has said so, I have no reason to refuse, so I nodded and said a good word.

It's just a meal, I went to the room to rest, and Dunkong also entered the room.

Grandma He stayed behind with He Zhi and He Qiyue.

I sat on the edge of the bed when I entered the room.

However, I did not rest immediately, but took out the gold abacus and placed it across my lap.

Back then, when I was fighting Zhou Jingyi to the death, I used to divination for myself under the cliff in the Sijinsha depression.

My destiny hexagram is to wait.

Whenever, waiting is an opportunity.

Now so many years have passed.

How much this hexagram should be, but it is difficult for me to judge.

The hexagram is for myself, and I can't wait too many times.

Because it can only guarantee the safety of me alone, but not Dunkong, He Zhi, and the people around me.

I'm not sure if this hexagram still exists, or it has been turned into a mess by me long ago!

If that's the case, I'll have to do another divination

But here's another problem.

Gua, easy to foregone conclusion.

Without hexagrams, fate is more self-determined.

After hesitating for a while, I dropped my hand on the golden abacus several times, picked it up again, and left the abacus with my fingers.

After a long time, He Zhi whispered in his ear.

"Yin Yang, what's wrong with you? You have a lot on your mind."

When I came back to my senses, I realized that He Zhi was by my side.

"Worried about Dunkong? Do you want to tell him a fortune?" He Zhi asked me in a low voice, and she said again: "I see you put your hand down at least a dozen times and then raised it again. Is there any problem?"

There was also a little worry in He Zhi's eyes.

"No, it has nothing to do with Dunkong." I shook my head and said, "It's just me. I should have already broken my hexagram. I don't know what's going on now, and I don't know what will happen in the future."

During the conversation, I told He Zhi the advantages and disadvantages of divination.

And I put away the golden abacus, and temporarily dismissed this idea.

He Zhi was thoughtful, and she said softly: "Then you think it over, and then do the fortune-telling, but no matter what, our family will always be together."

I nodded.

Then, there was hesitation in He Zhi's eyes, she said: "Grandma He, I dare not agree to what she said, I have to listen to your opinion."

I was a little puzzled and asked He Zhi what she said.

He Zhi's face turned red, and she said, "It's Dunkong. She wants to promise Qiyue to Dunkong to be a child bride-in-law, and she can even be a maid and concubine in the future."


"This matter is too ridiculous. Dunkong is only eleven or twelve years old, and July is the same age as us." I shook my head directly.

He Zhi said weakly, "Grandma He said that a third-year girl can hold gold bricks, and an eighteen-year-old girl can hold six gold bricks. Besides, this will help the He family even more. She is very talented, even if she becomes a concubine in July, it will be of great benefit to the He family, and it will not affect the escape and marriage."

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