Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 971 There Are Other Ways to Do Kindness and Kindness

We walked all the way to the back of the village, walked out of Feng Village, and then there was a back mountain.

Luo Zhongliang led me from a small road to the mountain road.

After walking for about two quarters of an hour, when the mountain was circumnavigated for about half, we stopped at a slightly open and flat place on the hillside.

There is a ruined temple here.

Although the temple is broken, it has been cleaned up.

I thought about it, and Luo Zhongliang led me into the temple gate.

There are many straw mats, mattresses, and some broken shoes on the ground.

But there's no one here.

"They are all begging in the city and have not returned yet."

Luo Zhongliang looked up at me.

In fact, he is about the same age as Dunkong, at most two years older than Dunkong, but his physique is not as good as Dunkong's due to bad yin and yang.

But unlike Dunkong, Luo Zhongliang has a tenacity in his eyes.

Behind this tenacity, there is more kindness.

"Let's listen." I nodded, motioning Luo Zhongliang to continue.

He just told me the whole story.

About three years ago, when he was nine years old, his parents took him to the city to buy clothes.

When he was leaving, he saw a group of hungry people fleeing from the famine.

Those people were being driven out of the city at the time.

He wrote down the location and sneaked away halfway home with his parents. When he returned to Kaiyang City, those hungry people had been driven out of the city and wandered outside the city gate.

He gathered those people together and took them to the ruined temple on the back mountain of Feng Village, and then he tried to steal some food from the house to feed those people.

After Mr. Da's [-]th birthday, he opened Yangcheng to let the hungry people enter the city. Although he couldn't find any work, he could finally beg.

He will also find ways to go to the city to do some small labor to earn money, or sometimes, to do some last resort.

At this point, Luo Zhongliang said in a low voice: "I never steal money from the good family. I take things from cunning people at most. The storyteller said that this is not stealing, but stealing from the rich and giving to the poor."

What Luo Zhongliang said at the beginning made me sigh in my heart. A boy in his teens has such a kind heart.

But his last words made me dumbfounded.

"The idea of ​​robbing the rich and helping the poor is always a matter of green forests. There are many ways to do good deeds, such as this temple."

With my hands behind my back, I walked to the temple gate.

"What happened to this temple?" Luo Zhongliang asked me in surprise.

I didn't answer Luo Zhongliang immediately, but stood in front of the temple gate, squinted my eyes slightly, and looked ahead.

The sun is no longer so glaring.

I watched it for a long time.

Because I thought of one thing.

This is Luo Zhongliang's loyalty.

His personality should make Master very happy, right?

It's a pity that he is not a yin-born child.

However, not all descendants of each generation of geography are yin-born.

It's just that the yin-born child is the most suitable person to learn Yin-Yang Art. If it is not the Yin-Born Child, it will take a lot of time to find the balance of Yin-Yang in itself, and a person who is qualified to learn Yin-Yang Art.

It takes chance and it takes a long time.

In addition, according to the geography, the previous generation dies and the next generation lives.

Even if Luo Zhongliang has this qualification, it is impossible for me to teach him geomancy.

Squinting my eyes slightly, I lowered my head again.

In itself, I want Luo Zhongliang to learn a kind of yin and yang art casually, and I said the same thing to the Luo family just now.

His loyalty is what Master likes, that's why I have other thoughts.

If I don't give him a complete geographical map, just like He Zhi, there is only Yin technique?

Of course, it is impossible to give him Tianyuan Physiognomy.

I will teach him the yin technique, and then let him learn the nine yin techniques. If he has the right aptitude, I will add an extra yang calculation.

In this way, if I directly accept him as a disciple, it won't affect the inheritance of Geomancy?

I thought about it for a long time, and felt that this method might not be impossible.

In this way, geography and geology will not always be a single tree.

Previously, I had vaguely guessed that there was a calamity in the heavenly origin, and there might be a similarity in the earth's appearance, but the master didn't count it back then.

Behind the Dou family, there is another gentleman faintly.

Lai Qian said before his death that someone is staring at me!

Even, if he wanted to say something else, he died suddenly

terrestrial reality

I have a backup.

Moreover, there is another advantage to this.

Although I can't let Geography Gemology become a double yin and yang Mr. like Lingzheng Ershen.

But can I let the Earth Xianglu bloom?There are many yin and yang calculation masters? !

I still need to verify the feasibility of this matter.

My thoughts settled down, and before I knew it, it was already sunset

There is more than just Luo Zhongliang by my side.

He stood respectfully by the side, and beside him stood several dirty children, the older one was similar to him, and the younger one was five or six years old.

The kids all looked at me curiously.

In the temple behind, there are beggars of different ages.

Some people are returning from the other side of the mountain road.

As soon as I was in a trance, I actually stood there for such a long time, it was almost night.

"Zhongliang." I called Luo Zhongliang.

He immediately took two steps forward, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Li."

"I am very satisfied with your loyalty, and my master will also be very satisfied. You are the person he likes." I said softly.

Luo Zhongliang was at a loss.

"Just now, as I said, there are other ways to do good deeds, such as this temple."

"This temple is at the bottom of the mountainside. This is a normal land where the top is not as high as the acupuncture points and the bottom is not as good as the gas mouth. There is no advantage or disadvantage."

"However, if you place copper coins, ingots, or auspicious beasts such as Qilin and Pixiu in the temple to attract wealth, then the people living in this temple will have the luck to get and keep money."

"Begging can only survive, relying on you to make money, or stealing, how can you change the root cause?"

After I finished speaking, Luo Zhongliang's eyes became more bewildered.

Obviously, he couldn't understand the words related to Feng Shui at all.

I pondered for a moment, turned my head, and pointed to a direction.

There happened to be a straw mat there, and on it sat a man in his thirties, still crippled.

He quickly moved away, looking a little panicked.

"You go to the city overnight, go to a copper ware shop, buy three copper unicorns, and put them here as a cabinet."

With that said, I took out a small yellow croaker from my body and handed it to Luo Zhongliang.

I said again: "In less than three days, you will know what I mean. I'll wait for you at He's house."

Luo Zhongliang nodded in a daze.

The other people all stared straight at the little yellow croaker in Luo Zhongliang's hand.

However, they did not show greed.

"The rest, can I buy food?"

"Recently, I heard that there is a famine everywhere. Although Kaiyang is better, it is not easy to beg. Everyone may only eat one meal a day." Luo Zhongliang said cautiously.

I smiled and patted Luo Zhongliang on the shoulder.

"What is given to you is yours. Do it according to my requirements, and you can do the rest yourself."

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