Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 969 Good People Are Rewarded

Luo Quanming kept beating the man's back hard.

But how could he, an old man in his 70s and 40s, struggle against a strong man in his [-]s?

In a blink of an eye, Luo Quanming was locked in a room next to the main room by that man.

The man locked the door, even though Luo Quanming yelled and scolded him inside the room, he didn't care.

He quickly walked out of the main room and came to me again.

The woman finally put her hands down.

She carefully put the big yellow croaker into her bosom again, and looked at the deposit ticket again.

Her eyes were flushed, and it was obvious that she was excited.

"Mr. Li, my name is Luo Li, and my name is Huang Qiulan. Don't mind what my father-in-law said just now. He is old, so I don't know."

Huang Qiulan pointed to her head.

I shook my head and said, "It was the events of the year that hurt him too much, but everything has passed, and the Luo family can't go on like this forever."

"Luo Yinpo may have been wronged by her family, but the shadow she left behind will definitely make up for her mistakes. At least, it will make the Luo family prosperous."

Luo Li stared at me blankly, and immediately said, "I'm going to find Zhongliang right now!"

With that said, he ran out of the yard.

It's just that there was too much noise in the room, Luo Quanming kept cursing, and even started cursing Luo Yinpo.

I frowned a lot.

Taking a step, I walked towards the main room.

He Zhi quickly followed me.

Huang Qiulan seemed to be taken aback, she quickly came to stop me, and whispered: "Mr. Li, don't get angry, why don't you go back first, and when Zhongliang is brought back, I'll send him to you? "

Although just now, Huang Qiulan saw the money and asked her man to lock Luo Quanming up.

But now it can be seen that she has no ill intentions towards Luo Quanming, at least, I don't look good now, she will stop me.

It's just that the deceased is the most important, and Luo Yinpo is Luo Quanming's mother.

When I just thought of this, my body froze again.

I just realized that my request is too conclusive?

After all, a lot of things happened to me too.

"Do you know what happened that year?" I turned my head and my eyes fell on Huang Qiulan.

"This..." Huang Qiulan hesitated for a moment, she whispered: "I know a little bit, my father-in-law said it when he was drunk."

"Tell me about it." I told Huang Qiulan. At the same time, I also stepped into the main room, pulled a chair, and sat at the table.

He Zhi and He Granny sat next to me.

Huang Qiulan hesitated for a moment, she seemed to be thinking.

After a while, she said: "It should be many years ago. My father-in-law was still young at that time, and his wife was pregnant. I heard from him that my daughter-in-law was about to give birth that night. As a result, it rained heavily that day, and the river at the entrance of the village The water has also risen, and it has been flooded to the door of the house."

"There is no way to go out to find the midwife, so the father-in-law calls his mother to deliver the baby to his daughter-in-law."

"In the end, the father-in-law and his mother didn't care about it. Even the father-in-law knelt down for her, but she was still indifferent."

"At that moment, a family came to find the father-in-law and her mother through the water, saying that the woman in the family had died twice, and asked the father-in-law and his mother to deliver the dead, but the father-in-law and his mother actually went there in the rain and flooding."

He Zhi's face changed slightly.

I also frowned tightly.

But this matter is really no wonder Luo Yinpo.

At that time, she was just an ordinary female nurse, just like me, if I didn't have the talisman Liu Zhengdao gave me, I wouldn't dare to deliver babies to living people.

If she delivered the baby to her own daughter-in-law, she wouldn't have to wait for a dystocia, she would definitely die twice!

Did she not explain this to Luo Quanming?

I was thinking about talking, but Huang Qiulan continued: "The father-in-law and his mother didn't come back until the next morning."

"The corpses of the father-in-law and daughter-in-law are all stiff, one corpse and two lives, the father-in-law went to the village midwife in the rain at night, and didn't ask for anyone to come."

"After that, the father-in-law will break up with his mother."

"In the end, the father-in-law and his mother forcefully dragged the father-in-law and refused to let him go. She also dissected the father-in-law and daughter-in-law's stomach and pulled out the child inside, and finally let the father-in-law drag the wife's corpse and a stillborn child away."

"After that, the father-in-law left his hometown alone, went to live elsewhere, and got a wife again. He never had any interaction with his mother again."

At this point, Huang Qiulan wiped her forehead and told us in a low voice that she had finished speaking.

He Zhi looked at me a little anxiously.

My mind is even more complicated.

Luo Yinpo did nothing wrong with the last thing.

Let Luo Quanming take the body away directly, and he will definitely become a mother and son.

At that time, Luo Quanming will also die unexpectedly!

It's just that she let Luo Quanming leave in the end and didn't explain clearly, which made me puzzled.

Was it because she was withdrawn back then?or other reasons?

Huang Qiulan and I explained why the yin women cannot deliver babies to living people.

He also said why Luo Yinpo had to dissect her daughter-in-law's stomach and take out the fetus.

After explaining these words, Huang Qiulan was dumbfounded.

She didn't speak for a long time, only anxiety and fear remained.

I sighed softly, and told her again that I did not lie, because I learned the Nine Techniques of Yinsheng from Luo Yinpo, and I know very well what it means to receive Yinsheng.

Although I don't know what frictions and misunderstandings existed between Luo Yinpo and Luo Quanming back then, which made it unclear.

However, Luo Yinpo did not feel sorry for Luo Quanming, she may have used the wrong method, and should not run to other people's vagina when she has something to do at home.

This is also related to Luo Yinpo's kind heart.

If it weren't for her kindness, I wouldn't have survived back then.

After I said this, Huang Qiulan's eyes were full of bitterness, she turned her head and glanced at Luo Quanming's closed door.

But I could faintly hear the sound of whimpering and sobbing coming from inside the house.

He Zhi stood up, and she walked to the door of the house, opened the lock on the door, and pushed it in.

I turned my head and saw that Luo Quanming's old and thin body was curled up in the corner of the room. He was covering his face, his eyes were wide open, and his face was full of dirty tears from crying.

I got up and went into the house.

When I reached in front of Luo Quanming, I sighed softly, and I said, "Luo Quanming, you should have heard everything. If there is something you didn't understand clearly, I can explain it to you."

"Luo Yinpo is a good person"

At this point, I thought of Jiang Pan again.

Isn't Jiang Pan such a good person?

There are too many people in this world who are only interested in profit. If there were no good people like them, the whole world would be more difficult.

The sacrifice of a good man is a hard life

Including family members, I am afraid that they will all be burdened by it.

At this point in my thoughts, I paused, and said softly: "Good people are rewarded, I can renovate your Luo family's house, and accept your grandson as a registered student. I can't give him the spells, but I can get other yin and yang spells."

"Let him also be a gentleman, how?!"

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