Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 968 Everyone Says They Can't Be Poor for Three Generations, This Is a Chance

"There are Mr. Da in Kaiyang City, and there are a lot of Mr. Feng Shui and fortune tellers. Many children are proud of being Mr., but this child is a stranger to me. According to him, he should come from the city."

Grandma He looked kind.

He Zhi shook her head, she said softly, "He is lying."

"When he speaks, his eyes are crooked, his mouth has sharp teeth, and his expression is wandering. It's for deceiving people."

I nodded, He Zhi has learned Tianyuan Xiangshu for so long.

Jiang Pan said that she just needs to study harder, and these basic aspects of physiognomy are naturally not difficult for her.

"This..." Grandma He was slightly surprised.

At this moment, a child who ran away just now had come back.

He walked up to the boy empty-handed.

The young man patted the child on the shoulder with obvious satisfaction on his face.

This is already clear at a glance.

The young man talked eloquently in the front, and this child mixed in the crowd, and a few words attracted the rest of the children to go home to get food.

"Let's go, Yin Yang." He Zhi said softly: "It's just two little liars, don't waste time."

"There is still some meaning. He can say the word nine, and his name is Zhang Jiugua. This is hardly a coincidence. Parents should know some positive calculations."

Of course, I didn't delay because of this, and I still followed Grandma He.

But after not walking far, I felt someone staring at my back.

After a brief pause, I glanced back.

The boy under the tree was sitting cross-legged, fanning the wind with his hands, but he didn't look at me.

Thoughtful, I continued to leave with Grandma He.

About a quarter of an hour later, we arrived outside a family's yard.

In the old small courtyard, the walls are still made of wooden sticks and bamboo fences.

The courtyard door was black, and the lock had been used for many years and had become shiny.

In the courtyard there was an old man in his sixties who was reclining on a bamboo chair and smoking a cigarette.

From the face, I can vaguely see a bit of Luo Yinpo's shadow.

This should be Luo Yinpo's son? !

Back then, when Luo Yinpo took care of me, she was already quite old.

Her son is normal at this age.

There is also a woman at the door of the house who is collecting insoles.

This should be the old man's daughter-in-law?

While I was thinking, Grandma He raised her hand and knocked on the courtyard door.

The old man got up, he coughed twice, came over and opened the courtyard door.

"Sorceress He? What kind of wind brought you to my broken yard?" The old man hammered his chest, but his tone was very kind.

Likewise, he looked at me and He Zhi suspiciously.

Grandma He smiled, looked at me again, and said, "Quanming, I brought someone to see you. This gentleman, named Li Yinyang, came from Lijia Village, Jiuhe County. This is his wife, He Zhi." .”

Then, Grandma He introduced to me that this is Luo Yinpo's son, Luo Quanming.

I hugged him.

Luo Quanming's expression changed instantly.

He raised his hand to close the courtyard door!

He Zhi's speed was extremely fast, and he grabbed the edge of the courtyard door.

Luo Quanming pushed hard, but he didn't close the door, and he was old, so with a little effort, he was out of breath.

Grandma He frowned, she sighed, and said, "Why bother, your mother has been dead for many years, if there is anything else, you should have let it go long ago, right?"

Luo Quanming's face trembled, his lips twitched, and he said, "Grandma He, there are some things that you can't forget even after you die."

He pressed against the door firmly, and stared at me firmly.

I frowned slightly, signaling He Zhi not to push the door again.

He Zhi let go of his hand, and the courtyard door was directly closed.

But this courtyard gate is just a symbolic thing, and there is a fence beside it.

I stepped into the yard.

Luo Quanming opened his eyes wide, stumbled and took two steps back.

The woman who was collecting insoles under the eaves got up in a panic and shouted into the house.

In just two or three breaths, a strong man rushed out of the door.

Holding a chopping knife in his hand, he shouted angrily: "Who dares to bully my father!"

This man is about 40 to [-] years old, with dark skin, and he looks like an honest farmer at first glance.

I frowned, his face was too dull, and he was not suitable for learning Yin Sheng Nine Techniques at all.

As for Luo Quanming, he is too old and too stubborn.

When the man saw us, he was more angry, but he saw Grandma He again.

Suddenly, there was anxiety and confusion in his eyes.

"Grandma Luo"

"Dad, what's the matter?"

Luo Quanming still wanted to talk, so I spoke first and interrupted him: "We came from Jiuhe County. I received the favor of Luo Yinpo, your grandma. She passed away many years ago. I never served her until I was old. I swear that I will find her descendants and pass on her mantle. Return her favor."

"Pheaser." I looked back at He Zhi.

He Zhi immediately understood, and she took out a large yellow croaker and a deposit ticket from the cloth pouch on her side.

He Zhi immediately stepped over the fenced yard and handed me the big yellow croaker and the deposit ticket.

The man stared straight at the big yellow croaker and the deposit ticket.

Not only him, but the woman even swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

As for Luo Quanming, his eyes were flushed, and he said in a low voice, "Take your filthy money and get out! I, Luo Quanming, swore that I would have lost my mother a long time ago!"

The woman immediately became anxious and said, "Father, how can you talk like that?!"

I immediately nodded to the man.

The man was dumb, but he didn't dare to come over.

The woman hurried up to us.

I handed the big yellow croaker and the deposit ticket to her, and said: "Fortunately, thanks to the grace of Mrs. Luo Yin, I saved my life back then, but I am a somewhat famous Mr. Yin Yang. I will naturally do what I promised her. With this money, It's just a small number, and money is just a foreign object to the skills she has passed down."

"I heard from Grandma He that you still have a son?"

That's exactly what I said to this woman.

The woman's eyes were brighter, she nodded vigorously, and immediately shouted: "Master, where is Zhongliang?!"

The man scratched his head, and said, "I guess I went fishing in the river again, and I guess it will take a while to come back."

At this time, Luo Quanming became even more anxious, stared at me and said, "You actually want my grandson to learn the skill of delivering babies to the dead that ruined the whole family?!"

"I fought with you!"

He turned around, grabbed a sickle on the ground, and rushed towards me!

The woman was so frightened that she hurriedly shouted: "The head of the house, Dad is not in good health and his head is in a daze. Hurry up and take him back to the room."

"Our Luo family is about to be poor for the third generation, and they all say that they are no more than three generations! This is our chance, how can we fight with our benefactor?!"

This woman is also impatient.

She turned her head, opened her arms and stood in front of me and He Zhi.

The man quickly ran to Luo Quanming, without saying a word, he lifted Luo Quanming up, and ran towards the house.

"You unfilial thing! Let me go!" Luo Quanming cursed even more!

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