When saying this, He Jinhua was still a little cautious.

Liu Zhengdao closed his eyes, Yang Shan frowned slightly.

"There is Mr. Da in Kaiyang. Under Tiao Yushun, it's not surprising that everyone believes in Mr. Da." I sighed softly.

He Jinhua nodded again and again.

"Where is that Taoist temple?" Liu Zhengdao said hoarsely.

"Five miles to the north of the city, there is a mountain. There is a Taoist temple on the mountain. There is also a small broken Taoist temple at the foot of the mountain. The old Taoist priest lives in the small broken Taoist temple." He Jinhua replied immediately.

Liu Zhengdao clasped his fists together with me, and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Li, Mr. Shan and I, I'm afraid we will be one step ahead."

"This..." He Zhi bit his lip.

I raised my hand to stop He Zhi, and didn't let her continue talking.

For Liu Zhengdao, he probably hasn't seen Liu Tianniu for nearly ten years.

His urgency, we can not empathize with.

What's more, he is now a Yin-Yang Taoist priest whose talisman is close to being black, and Taoism is coming out again. He is no longer the Liu Zhengdao of the past!

Even, to some extent, I think he should be able to beat Liu Tianniu.

In terms of safety, you don't have to worry about it.

"Liu Dao, please say hello to me when you get old. I have one more important thing to do. After I ask Grandma He, I will come to you immediately." I clasped my fists and said to Liu Zhengdao.

Liu Zhengdao bent his waist, as if to salute.

Then he turned and walked outside.

Yang Yushan also clasped his fists with me, and he followed Liu Zhengdao away.

Only the four of us and one mastiff were left in the main room.

He Jinhua didn't say much anymore, and she looked more secretly at the red mastiff.

Waiting until it was getting dark, Grandma He finally came back.

She was also wearing the colorful costumes of the He family's mother-in-law, with a rusty guillotine hanging on her waist and two mourning sticks pinned to her back.

Wrinkled skin can almost kill flies.

More than ten years? Granny He, she is obviously much older.

I glanced at her face, her life span is probably coming to an end soon.

As soon as Grandma He entered the yard, she was stunned, looking at me and He Zhi with a face full of astonishment.

"Grandma He." I smiled and greeted her.

He Zhi bowed sideways and called out to Granny He.

She then motioned for Dunkong to call her grandma.

Dunkong called someone obediently.

He Jinhua immediately went to help Grandma He into the main room.

Grandma He came back to her senses at this time, her expression was particularly excited.

She held my hand, sighed and said: "The old woman has not had a good life for a few years, and she always misses the matter you asked me back then, thinking that you must come to Kaiyang, I am afraid Can't wait for you, Jin Hua is not up to date, and Aunt Yue betrayed her family again?"

"At that time, I will delay your business."

"Old Hetou smiled at Jiuquan, I've heard a lot about your deeds over the years. Li Yinyang, the prime minister, seems to have inherited Mr. Jiang's will and has become a great gentleman who helps the world and saves people."

Grandma He is too old, so she speaks very slowly.

But what she said was really happy from the bottom of her heart.

"Mr. Da, Yin and Yang don't dare to make false claims. We can only try not to disappoint the old man and the master." I replied sincerely.

After a short pause, I got straight to the point and told Grandma He that I have a lot of things to do when I come to Kaiyang.

The two most important things to find her are Luo Yinpo's descendants, and the other is that I want He Zhi to return to the He family.

Granny He was stunned for a moment, then she smiled and said: "Back then, old He Tou, in order to appease other mother-in-law's grievances, and also to prevent you from abandoning this girl, deliberately expelled her from He's house, now you are willing to let her come back , is it a blessing for the He family,? My mother-in-law is of the same line, and a daughter married to Mr. Yin Yang, a geologist, is glorious? Mei!"

He Zhi's eyes were slightly red, and he couldn't help crying.

Grandma He raised her hand, touched He Zhi's face, and sighed softly again.

"It's just that this girl has suffered a lot of grievances in my heart these years, so don't blame your grandpa."

"How could I resent grandpa?" He Zhi choked up and opened his mouth to wipe away his tears.

Granny He held He Zhi's hand tightly, and patted the back of her hand lightly, as if to comfort her.

Then, she turned her head and glanced at He Jinhua, and ordered: "Go write a letter and inform the Quartet? Mother-in-law, each family will send a representative. I want to worship the ancestors and let He Zhi recognize the ancestors and return to the clan. By the way, I am getting old." , I have to explain something."

In the first half of Grandma He's words, He Jinhua still looked cautious and listened very carefully.

But after the second half of what she said, He Jinhua's eye sockets also turned slightly red.

"Grandma...you? You are a hundred years old, how can you be old, and how can you..."

Granny He shook her head, her attitude towards He Jinhua was obviously much stricter.

"Of course I know my own body. You do what I say. How can you be so independent as a mother-in-law?"

He Jinhua bit her lower lip slightly, didn't answer the words, just bowed her head and said that she understood.

After that, Grandma He looked at me again and said, "Luo Yinpo's son is not young anymore, he is not in good health, I will take you to his house tomorrow?"

"He has a very rigid personality and has never been able to accept his mother. Fortunately, he has a son and a grandson."

"You can choose one of them and teach the technique of Yin connection."

I nodded, slightly embarrassed.

If Luo Yinpo knows that she has a descendant in the Luo family, I will pass on the technique of connecting Yin to her descendants, and I can rest in peace under the nine springs.

"Luo Yinpo's son, don't think about it, he can't accept these."

"It's his son, and his grandson..."

I thought to myself: "After the test, I will look at their qualifications and see who is more suitable."

Granny He immediately nodded and said yes.

She motioned for us to rest for a while, and asked Jinhua to get something to eat, so that she could get a good night's sleep and recover from the fatigue of the journey.

At this time, He Jinhua whispered a few words in Granny He's ear.

Grandma He was startled, then murmured: "There are two more Taoist priests from the Liu family coming?"

She smiled wryly, and said: "Yinyang, you have a predestined relationship with Niubizi of the Liu family, the eldest of the Liu family? Old Ke is in Kaiyang, are they here for him?"

I nodded without denying it.

After that, Granny He urged He Jinhua to get some food.

She lit a few sticks of incense and went to the wall to burn incense.

I just noticed that there is He? Grandmother's spiritual tablet in that place...

Grandma He was talking in a low voice, and I pulled He Zhi and didn't let her go.

After about two quarters of an hour, He Jinhua brought out a lot of food, let us sit down and eat.

Five people sit around a table.

It wasn't me and He Zhi who Grandma He was looking at more, but the escape.

After finishing the meal, she asked He Jinhua to fetch a live chicken for the red mastiff.

He Jinhua hurried away.

As a result, after she brought the live chicken, the red mastiff snorted and was completely indifferent.

He Jinhua said embarrassingly: "For a while, there were only live chickens in the house, and there was no corpse for this wolf mastiff to eat..."

He Zhi said softly: "The red mastiff will find food on its own, don't worry about it."

Granny He suddenly asked in a low voice: "Is this child a little close? Does he also want to recognize his ancestors?"

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