"This child lost his father at birth, and in addition to these years, his life is like a fire. This is just the beginning. If he becomes a mother-in-law in the future, it will indeed be a way out." I said.

When He Zhi heard this, his face immediately beamed with joy.

She immediately turned and went back to the room.

After a while, she came out with a piece of letter paper in her hand.

Then she took out another big bag, wrapped it in letter paper, opened Chen Huan'er's room door, and put things in it.

After all this was done, He Zhi nodded to me.

I went and knocked on the rooms of Yang Yushan and Liu Zhengdao.

After the two of them came out, I said in a low voice that I was ready to go, and I will explain what happened just now along the way.

Both Liu Zhengdao and Yang Yushan had no other intentions.

?? One horse is missing?, but there are still three horses left. It will not affect anything in a short time.

We left from Chen Huan'er's house.

Before leaving, He Zhi looked back sympathetically.

A group of us went out from Chenjiacun.

There are almost no pedestrians on the village road at this point.

Obviously, they were all disturbed by the shore? They were quite frightened.

The bodies on the pier were gone.

I told Liu Zhengdao and Yang Shanshan everything that happened before.

Yang Shanshan's face didn't change much, but Liu Zhengdao shook his head, with a little embarrassment in his eyes.

A total of twenty miles, did not take us too much time.

In a blink of an eye, we arrived at Kaiyang City.

Kaiyang City? It's not close to Yangjiang, but it's about ten miles away.

Only after entering the city did I feel the prosperity of the place, the streets were full of vendors and pedestrians.

Grandma He told me back then that she went to Kaiyang to look for her.

But where to find it, I didn't say much.

What I plan to do is to go to the city to find a local snake first,? It should not be a secret that my mother-in-law lives.

Liu Zhengdao's expression was a little tense, his lips were slightly pursed all the time, and his whole face looked solemn.

Yang Shan asked me how I planned to find my ex-big boss.

It is impossible for him to directly address Liu Tianniu by his name. As far as he is concerned, the current Liu Sanyuan is the current boss. Naturally, the former boss is the

It was his name for Liu Tianniu.

I told Yang Shanshan that when I found the Granny He I was looking for, she had lived in Kaiyang for a long time, so she would definitely know some news.

Yang Shanshan was thoughtful, but Liu Zhengdao didn't say much.

After a while, we found a ground snake on the edge of the city.

He Zhi began to say that we were looking for the He family? Po, the local snake shook its head like a rattle, saying that he knew it, but he didn't dare to go.

It wasn't until He Zhi came up with a handful of money that the local snake changed the subject.

He didn't continue to take us into the city, but went out of the city and headed towards the east outside the city.

After walking a few miles, I saw a village.

There is an archway hanging at the head of the village, which says Fengcun.

Many villages are carrying fishing boats, or carrying fishing nets into the village.

Obviously, most of the people here rely on water and Yangjiang for their livelihood.

After entering the village, the local snake dragged some villages? After asking for directions, we continued to move forward.

When I reached the first three-quarters of the village road, I saw a courtyard.

The walls of the courtyard are all surrounded by dwarf mulberry trees, and there is a tall poplar tree standing in the courtyard. The leaves of the tree crackle under the blowing.

The He family has been passed down for many generations, and the disciples spread out, and the courtyards are built according to the same ancestral precepts.

Five? The tree hurts the house, but it can make the life of He's descendants hard!

Only those with a hard life can pass on the skills of my mother-in-law!

The ground snake pointed to the yard, said in a low voice that he was in the place, and immediately ran away.

He Zhi was a little nervous. She walked up to her and tapped on the door.

A group of us also walked to the front of the courtyard.

Not long after, the courtyard opened.

But it wasn't the Granny He in memory that opened the door.And a woman who is about 20 years old, petite and pretty.

She wore two braids, colorful clothes, and several bells hanging around her waist.

A slender mourning stick was pinned behind her, with a section protruding from her shoulder.

"Who are you looking for?" The woman looked at us suspiciously, and her voice was extremely crisp.I faintly feel that this woman is somewhat familiar.

Frowning, I looked her up and down.

He Zhi took a deep breath, and she also glanced at the woman, showing even more joy on her face.

"You, are He Jinhua?"

The woman froze for a moment, and there were more doubts in her eyes.

But the next moment, her body trembled slightly.

"You...he pheasant?!"

Then, she immediately looked at me.

There were even more surprises in her eyes than He Zhi's.

"You, are you Li Yinyang?! You really came to Kaiyang!"

He Jinhua reached out and wanted to pull my arm!

I take a half step back.

He Zhi reached out at the right time and caught He Jinhua's hands.

She said softly: "Our husband and wife have wanted to come to Kaiyang for a long time. It has been more than ten years, and we finally came here."

"Husband and wife..." He Jinhua snorted.

She withdrew her hand, and took another look at the people behind us, especially at Dunkong.Because by Dunkong's side, the red mastiff was following closely!

"Please come in first, my mother-in-law has gone to Xiaoliu Village, and she probably won't come back until dark." He Jinhua's eyes were faintly disappointed.

We all entered the yard, and she invited us into the main room.

After pouring tea for us, He Jinhua's mood improved a lot.She asked us a few words, roughly where we came from, boat? Tired and hard.

Finally, she glanced at the red mastiff, and tentatively asked: "Is this wolf mastiff going to be melted?"

The red mastiff stared at He Jinhua with wide eyes, and pouted.

He Jinhua didn't dare to ask any more questions.

She seemed a lot more restrained, and she looked curiously at Dunkong.

Dun Kong responded to her with a friendly smile, and patted the head of the red mastiff to make it less scary.

The red mastiff whimpered and lay down at Dunkong's feet.

He Jinhua was even more surprised, and murmured: "It recognizes him as the master? It doesn't recognize you."

He Jinhua said this to He Zhi.

He Zhi smiled and nodded.

He Jinhua is even more...

She didn't talk much either.

The waiting time was a bit boring. During this period, I asked He Jinhua some words.

I didn't ask Mr. Da of Kaiyang City directly, but first asked if there were any Taoist priests from the Liu family in Kaiyang City in recent years.

He Jinhua nodded immediately and said, "Is that the one who rode an ox back then?"

I nodded and said yes.

Both Liu Zhengdao and Yang Shanshan's eyes fell on He Jinhua.

He Jinhua took a step back cautiously, and then said in a low voice: "Many years ago, he suddenly appeared in Kaiyang. During that time, he opened a small Taoist temple outside the city."

"About a few years ago, another old Taoist priest came and brought his big cow."

"Now in the Taoist temple, there should only be the old Taoist and that bull left."

"People in Kaiyang City don't like Taoist priests."

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