I wiped the baby's body with a hot towel, wrapped it in a clean cloth, and put it in Chen Huan'er's arms.

Chen Huan'er was not at all happy, she stared blankly at the child, but trembled and kept crying.

I turned around to avoid it, and He Zhi began to help her clean up the blood and wipe her body.

After a while, He Zhi came to my side.

She looked at me worriedly and gave me another look.

I turned around and glanced at Chen Huan'er on the bed.

She didn't hold the baby anymore, but curled up weakly at the corner of the bed.

The child was placed on the side of the bed, he didn't continue to cry, his gray eyes seemed to be looking at the smallpox above his head, and his eyeballs were turning slightly.

I frown.

It's not because Chen Huan'er was afraid, she was just an ordinary village woman.

If such a child was born in other normal villages, he would definitely be criticized by the whole village.

Just like when I went to Lijia Village, the whole village spoke ill of me and my father.

I thought for a moment, then whispered: "He is a piece of flesh that fell from your body. His blindness has already brought him the pain of being born incomplete. If even your mother doesn't want him, then he is too pitiful." , and no one will pity him."

"The crimes that children suffer in this life are mostly due to the sins committed by their parents in this life. This is retribution and cause and effect." After I finished speaking, Chen Huan'er had already closed his eyes.

He Zhi's eyes were even more unbearable, and he opened his mouth, as if to speak.

I shook my head, bowed and put the child within reach of Chen Huan'er, then turned around and dragged He Zhi out of the house.

When I got out of the house, I closed the door behind me.

Liu Zhengdao was still in the courtyard, and he asked questions.

"Mother and child are safe." I replied.

"Very good, the Five Elements Suppressing Soul and Hundred Phases Returning to One Talisman can indeed restrain the soul, dispel evil spirits and destroy yin, and the effect should be more than that." Liu Zhengdao nodded, with a satisfied look on his face.

"You two don't look right, what's the problem?" Immediately afterwards, Liu Zhengdao frowned and asked.

I briefly talked to him about the child's problem.

Liu Zhengdao frowned even tighter.

He shook his head, glanced at the door, and sighed softly: "There are so many sufferings in the world, and this son is one of them."

"Is there no other way for the Liu family?" He Zhi asked in a low voice.

"There is no other way." Liu Zhengdao shook his head.

There was a slight sound of landing, and it was Yang Qingshan who came in front of us.

He didn't speak, just turned his head and looked at the courtyard door.

I know what Yang Qingshan means.

Chen Yongtai has not come back yet.

In the previous two hours, plus Chen Huan'er gave birth, it was almost dawn.

This whole night is only ten miles away

Even if he walked slowly, he had already walked back and forth.

I bowed my head in silence and said, "You guys rest first, I'm going out for a walk."

Liu Zhengdao and Yang Qingshan looked at each other and entered the room respectively.

Although He Zhi's eyes were exhausted, he still whispered, "I'll accompany you."

"You have to stay here and look at Chen Huan'er from time to time." I pointedly glanced at the door of Chen Huan'er's room.

He Zhi's body was slightly stiff, he bit his lower lip and nodded.

The door of Dunkong's room was still closed, he had the talisman given by Yang Qingshan during this period, and he slept deeply at night.

Even the movement just now, he didn't wake up.

He Zhi walked away from me and squatted down in front of the door.

I just walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

After going out, I walked straight towards the entrance of the village.

Chenjia Village is next to Yangjiang.

Now I have a faint suspicion that Chen Yongtai didn't follow what I said and went on his way.

His face only has the appearance of water and evil.

Only if he might have gone by water, he would have an accident and not come back for such a long time

It took about a quarter of an hour before I reached the entrance of the village.

It was almost dawn, and the fishermen who got into the water early in the morning had already hurried out of the village.

Wait till I get to the pier of this village.

There were many people clustered there, all looking at the river and talking about it.

I came closer.

When the villagers saw that I was facing each other, they all moved slightly out of the way, and many people looked me up and down.

On the river in the distance, several boats were surrounding the water, and many villagers went into the water.

I could tell at a glance that they were fishing for people in the water.

I frowned even tighter, glanced around, and chose a middle-aged man who looked the most kind-looking. After stepping up, I clasped my fists and said, "Brother, is someone drowning?"

The middle-aged villager sighed, and said, "Isn't it? More than one drowned." He shook his head, sighing even more.

"More than one? Brother, please clarify." I clasped my fists again and asked.

The middle-aged villager sighed and shook his head again, and said, "I also heard from the boatman just now that they came from the downstream village."

"The one-eyed dragon in our village, Chen Yongtai, his wife fell down and bled a lot. She looked like she was about to give birth prematurely, so he went to ask for a midwife."

"But, the midwife is too old to ride Chen Yongtai's horse. She said that she felt dizzy from the carriage, so she asked Chen Yongtai to find a boat and come up by boat."

"Seeing that we were on the ground, the midwife fell headlong from the side of the boat. Chen Yongtai jumped down to save her, but he didn't come up."

"Now the boatman is still fishing for people in the water with the people in our village."

"What's the matter? His wife is probably going to have a difficult childbirth too. Duanduan's family of three was ruined overnight." After the middle-aged villager finished speaking, my brows were already furrowed into knots.

I walked to the edge of the pier and squinted my eyes and kept looking at the water.

I didn't go into the water to find someone.

After such a long time, Chen Yongtai must be dead.

Even the corpse hunters couldn't last that long underwater.

Besides, he is just an ordinary person.

At this moment, the villagers in the water suddenly yelled: "Both of them were found!"

The villagers in the middle of the river immediately gathered together.

After about a cup of tea, the two bodies were dragged onto the pier.

The rest of the villagers retreated a lot.

Those salvaged villagers were all sighing.

Some people are asking, who will report to Chen Yongtai's house?

As a result, no one spoke to anyone.

I looked down at the two bodies.

The midwife was very old, with a wrinkled face and an ugly death.

There are at least three misfortunes on her face!

There are even ghost patterns on both ears, ghost books

This is definitely a damn ghost in the water of death!

But Chen Yongtai died unjustly

His face was extremely ferocious, and he was obviously struggling in pain before he died.


A faint black fluff began to grow on his face

This is really not to rest in peace, he wants to transform evil spirits!

In a blink of an eye, his entire face was covered with black fluff!

This frightened the surrounding villagers.

Everyone screamed and ran away in panic!

I didn't stop Chen Yongtai from transforming evil spirits.

Because, I still want to say a few words to him.

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