He Zhi immediately turned his head and looked around vigilantly.

I walked quickly to the bed.

The woman's eyes narrowed strangely, as if there was a vertical line.

Her neck has been pinched bloodshot!

This is not a bump!

This reaction was like being controlled by Wujiaxian.

Back then, He Zhi and I met Mr. Bai's Bai Xian and the old woman's Huang Xian.

This woman's eyes are like snake pupils, coupled with the sound of snake letter heard by He Zhi and I, I'm afraid it's not just a fall

She was haunted by Liu Xian?

Being haunted by Liu Xian, it is impossible to deliver the baby directly.

If it weren't for us to come here, even if Chen Yongtai invited a midwife, I'm afraid it wouldn't work.

Glancing at He Zhi from the corner of the eye, I whispered, "Did you find it?"

"Not yet." He Zhi's tone was extremely serious. She had already walked to the corner, obviously looking for it.

I narrowed my eyes slightly, raised my hand, first grabbed the woman's chin, and then took out a Suppressing Evil Talisman.

With a snap, I directly pasted the talisman on the top of the woman's head.

Her body straightened suddenly, and the vertical pupils of her eyes seemed to become fixed eyes.

The next moment, her mouth suddenly closed.

Whoosh, a black shadow sprang out from her neckline, directly towards my face!

My pupils constricted, my right hand suddenly raised, and I grabbed that black shadow!

This is a snake with a black back and a white belly.

What I grabbed was its waist, its body rolled suddenly, and it was about to bite towards my arm.

As soon as I raised my left hand, I grabbed the back of the snake's head directly, and pinched it hard with my fingers as hard as it would pinch a human bone!

I only heard a light click, and I crushed the whole snake's head. The snake curled up, and then hung down completely, motionless.

The woman's eyes closed slowly, as if she was about to faint.

My complexion changed slightly.

Although I don't know how to deliver babies to living people, I also know that if she falls into a coma at this time, I'm afraid she will die twice.

Flicking the snake to the corner of the wall, I directly pinched the woman's chest.

With a little force, she woke up from the pain.

This time, her eyes became clearer, but her face became more painful. She screamed and grabbed the bed sheet tightly with both hands.

A trembling voice came from her mouth.

"Who are you?"

"I'm in charge of the house." He Zhi walked to my side with worry in his eyes.

"We are boarders. Chen Yongtai has gone to ask for a midwife. Hearing your screams, my wife wants to help."

"I'm afraid Chen Yongtai won't be able to come back for a while, I will instruct my wife to deliver the baby for you." I said in a cautious tone.

After pausing for a moment, my mood became more stable and calm, and I asked again: "What's your name?"

Only then did the panic in the woman's eyes lessen.

She said tremblingly that her name was Chen Huan'er.

I hummed and looked at He Zhi again.

Then, I removed the talisman paper from her face.

"Pheaser, check if there is anything else on Chen Huan'er. I'll ask Daoist Liu to prepare a pot of hot water." I said to He Zhi.

Turning around, I walked to the door.

After opening the door, Liu Zhengdao stood with his hands behind his back in the courtyard, while Yang Qingshan sat cross-legged on the opposite eaves.

I asked Liu Zhengdao to hurry up and prepare a pot of hot water.

Liu Zhengdao nodded, and immediately walked towards the kitchen.

I waited for half a cup of tea, and when I returned to the bed, He Zhi had already checked Chen Huan'er's body. She told me that there were no other snakes, and Chen Huan'er was ready.

There was more pain on Chen Huan'er's face.

I pondered for a moment, took out the talisman that Liu Zhengdao gave me, and pressed it on her abdomen.

Then, my hand pressed against her stomach.

The stomachs of the living and the dead are indeed very different.

The belly of a dead pregnant woman is extremely stiff, but the belly of a living person is much softer. When I touched the fetus under the belly, I didn't even dare to use too much force.

With my eyes closed, I confirmed that she had no dystocia by relying on the outline of the fetus I could feel with my fingers.

I took another look at Chen Huan'er, and I told her that her fetal position was fine, and the talisman on her stomach was to protect the child's safety. I am a husband, and I have a Taoist priest with me, so nothing will happen to her.

Chen Huan'er's eyes became calmer, even showing a bit of joy.

Not long after, Liu Zhengdao knocked on the door, and I went over to bring in hot water.

He Zhi began to deliver Chen Huan'er.

I turned my back and stood on the other side of the bed.

He Zhi's soft voice was heard in his ear, guiding Chen Huan'er how to use his strength.

After all, when He Zhi gave birth to Dunkong, he also experienced a delivery.

When I checked the fetal position just now, I adjusted the fetal head position to ensure a normal delivery.

During the whole process, He Zhi didn't call me.

Chen Huan'er cried out in pain, and He Zhi kept on comforting and encouraging her.

As time passed bit by bit, Chen Huan'er's cries of pain became more and more intense.

He Zhi suddenly shouted: "The head is about to come out, hold on, use your strength! Use your strength...".

Chen Huan'er let out a long scream, and the next moment, He Zhi's surprised voice:

"Give birth!" I didn't turn around immediately, but lowered my head and said in a deep voice: "Cut off the umbilical cord, wipe off the blood on the baby, and wrap it up. Then lightly press the mother's abdomen to let her deliver the placenta."

I heard He Zhi swiftly picked up the snips and cut the umbilical cord

But immediately afterwards, she shouted tremblingly: "Yin Yang, look quickly, how can this child's eyes be so dark?"

He Zhi's tone was unbearable, and there was a trace of panic.

I turned around suddenly.

Chen Huan'er was covered with a thin quilt, barely propped up.

Although she was very weak, she still looked at He Zhi's hands anxiously and longingly.

He Zhi held a crumpled baby in his hands.

The baby wasn't crying and, oddly enough, his eyes were open.

What's even weirder is that his eyes are covered with a layer of gray stuff!

These are a pair of off-white eyes, exactly the same as Chen Yongtai's disabled eye

I frowned into a knot, stared at the baby, and murmured: "Born blind?"

"These eyes"

I was silent a lot.

Born blind, this kind of disability is several times more serious than being born with a hand and a leg.

Falling down, can't see anything

This child is too pitiful.

"Why isn't he crying? His breathing is getting weaker, what should we do?!" He Zhi's tone became anxious, and his face became even more flustered.

I quickly reached out, took the baby, lifted him upside down, opened my palm, and patted his back lightly.

He opened his mouth with a wow, and a sticky liquid overflowed from his mouth.

The next moment, there was a loud cry.

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