Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 941 Split against the enemy!

The person who "walked" over was Dou Kaikai's corpse.

Naturally, it is impossible for Dou Kaikai to have the breath of a living corpse, and it cannot be reversed after dying.

But those worms crawled into the grave

Sure enough, as I expected, they can not only check and balance the living, but also control the dead.

"You are confident, but don't forget, you were also hit just now." I whispered to Yang Qingshan.

Dou Kaikai is getting closer.

My mother got off the pier and approached me and Yang Qingshan as well.

The ones on the water surface who came up to the shore one by one were the villagers who were forced down by Lai Qian before.

Nowadays, everyone is full of resentment, not only living corpses, but even black evil spirits, and some are blood evil spirits!

Yang Qingshan's expression was cold, he didn't make any excuses, but said again: "I'm behind, and you won't be their opponent, if you can't kill them, you won't end well." On my mother's body.

I was depressed for a while, but for a while, I couldn't think of any way to break the situation.

We're not the only ones at the moment.

Dou Kaikai is easy to solve, I don't have any worries about doing it, but where is my mother?

How can I kill her?

Lai Qian's eyes were on me more, and he was grinning more, as if he was watching a play.

I have used up all the Wuyue Township Talismans, and I don't have a stronger Town Talisman anymore.

Yang Qingshan pulled out his waist whisk.

My voice was hoarse: "You deal with Dou Kaikai, my mother's side, leave it to me."

Raising my hand, I pointed to Dou Kaikai at the other end of the village road.

"He is not as fierce as her, are you sure?" Yang Qingshan said again.

"Your face is dangerous, so be careful. Although my mother is fierce, she is controlled by talismans. As long as you lose those two talismans"

I'm not done yet.

Yang Qingshan said in a deep voice again: "In this case, I'll break those two talismans, you deal with him, delay the time. I know your concerns, I will not hurt her."

My brows were tightly wrinkled into pimples.

Yang Qingshan's tone softened a lot: "She is a different living corpse, the mother of friends, I will not hurt her."

"Thank you." I clasped my fists together and sincerely said thank you.

Yang Qingshan waved his sleeves and turned around suddenly, holding a handful of stones of different colors in his hand.

"A bluestone in the northeast, a redstone in the southeast, a whitestone in the southwest, a blackstone in the northwest, and a yellowstone in the cave!"

"The curse says, the gods of the five stars and eight places will bless you, Sui Xing is on the left, Taibai is on the right, Yinghuo is in front, and Chen Xing is behind, guarding the center and avoiding disasters!"

"Fantasy catastrophe, five-star photography! The dead are at peace, the living have a long life! Be as urgent as the law!"

Amidst the upright and awe-inspiring sound of incantations, five-colored stones flew out.

Four fell around my mother, and one fell on top of her head!

My mother's body suddenly stopped in place.

Yang Qingshan rushed out, jumped into the air, and a small flag appeared again in his hand.

"Houtu, Mingtang, Qianmo, Youtang!"

"Yang Qingshan, the authentic Taoist priest of the Liu family, declare to the Five Ways Youshen!"

"The vicious souls linger, startling the mansion of the gods, and relying on the tolerance of virtue to make the dead souls peaceful!"

"Sifang Bronze Mirror town house, with a whisk as an eye, set up five-color flags, the palace surname is yellow and white, the business surname is Qingbai, the Jiao is surnamed Qinglu, Zheng is surnamed Qinghong, the feather is green and black, and the original sound is the willow. Tianyuan is entrusted to the top, and the earth is enfeoffed below, there is nowhere for the monsters to hide!"

With the sound of swishing, the flags flew out, and all of them were planted on the shore.

There are also four bronze mirrors, which are interspersed between each two flags.

The villagers who were still climbing out of the water were trapped in the water and did not continue to come up.

There are about thirty people on the shore.

Those villagers rushed towards Yang Qingshan!

My mother was trembling and struggling, and the four-color stones on the ground were shaking.

The stone on top of her head was also trembling, as if it was about to split.

The moment Yang Qingshan landed, a large cloud of dust splashed up.

He yelled at Lai Qian coldly: "Why, they didn't hurt you, but passed by your side?"

"There must be something weird about you!" His figure disappeared immediately and rushed towards the pier!

I was shocked.

This is like the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear.

My mother has been recruited, and it has always messed up my thoughts. Looking at it from Yang Qingshan's perspective, it is different!

Lai Qian on the pier showed a bit of shock, he jumped onto a boat below, and was about to escape towards the center of the water by punting on the boat.

I didn't watch Yang Qingshan anymore.

Since Dou opened, it has reached the curb!

His appearance at this time is terrifying, with dark blue skin, black air seems to flow from its surface.

His eyes were closed, and there was only death in his body.

But his limbs are moving.

I can vaguely see some fine worms crawling on his face

And behind Dou Kaikai, there were two people following.

One was Dou Kaiyang, his face was full of gloom.

The other person was supported by him, wasn't it the gentleman who pinned Yang Qingshan before!

But he was obviously stabbed in the chest by me

Why are you still alive? !

The gentleman held an oil lamp in his hand, the faintly burning flame reflected the lamp oil, and fine insects were swimming in the lamp oil.

My heart sank completely.

He did have a dagger wound on his chest.

But obviously, I stabbed him in the left chest, but it didn't kill him, so that means his heart is on the right side?

Also, he has more than one oil lamp

The gentleman's lips trembled, as if muttering something.

Dou Kaikai's body trembled, his arms twisted and raised, and he rushed towards me suddenly.

I pulled out the golden ruler of Tongqiao and rushed towards Dou Kaikai head-on!

In an instant, we collided.

Tongqiao points the golden ruler and hit the fontanel of Dou Kaikai.

But Dou Kaikai didn't show any abnormality, and directly inserted his hand into my chest.

I didn't dodge, and raised the golden ruler again, trying to pierce Dou Kaikai's cheekbone!

I don't believe it, but he's not afraid of a broken bone?

Likewise, I'm going to use Destiny's Asylum to fight hard.

In the next moment, the end of the ruler fell heavily on the cheekbone of Dou Kaikai's right cheek, and there was a soft clicking sound.

His face was almost smashed by me.

But there was a piercing pain in my chest!

I turned pale with fright, raised my leg violently, and kicked Zhongdou Kaikai's waist and abdomen hard.

Under the impact of the huge force, I flew out backwards with the inertia.

I landed heavily, but the place on my chest was bleeding blood

That kind of pain, and the palpitation of walking around the edge of death, almost swallowed me

Fate Asylum

How did it fail? !

If I had reacted more slowly just now.

Dou Kaikai's hands are about to completely pierce my chest!

I covered the wound with one hand, and tore off a piece of cloth with the other hand, and quickly wrapped it around the wound.

Dou Kaikai's body approached me again.

A dark and cold voice came from the front.

"Li Yinyang, are you surprised, Mr. Fate protects you, why didn't he protect you?"

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