The man removed his mask, revealing a face covered in scars.

From the shape and appearance of his face, I can tell that he is Lai Qian.

It's just that his face was injured like this, which I didn't expect at all.

He and the Dou family are actually connected together, which made me even more unexpected.

"Li Yinyang, are you scared?" Lai Qian's mouth twitched and he smiled.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Back then, you were so ruthless that you not only wanted me to die, but also ruined my reputation, and even killed my only son!"

"If I had known today, wouldn't you be extremely regretful now?!"

"My secret has been completely exposed, and by then, you will also be cast aside by the yin and yang world!" Lai Qian's face was full of madness!

Yang Qingshan was frowning at me, but he didn't say anything.

I looked at Lai Qian, and my eyes gradually calmed down.

But my composure obviously made Lai Qian's face less calm.

He stared at me firmly, and said word by word: "Why aren't you afraid? Are you not afraid?"

"Why fear?" I asked Lai Qian back.

"Your secret has been exposed, you killed your father and murdered you! You are treasonous!" Lai Qian asked in a low voice.

"It's really difficult for you to inquire so much information. It's not easy for you at such a big age. Come to think of it, it was Tang Jiugong who told you these things." I replied softly.

Lai Qian's face darkened.

I said more calmly: "The words of killing my father are extremely absurd. My father, Liu Shuigui, was killed by others. I just want to take revenge."

"Are you still arguing? Now that I know that I learned about it from Tang Jiugong, how could I not know about Zhou Jingyi?!" Lai Qian's tone was cold.

My eyes narrowed, and I said: "He smeared my mother's name, ruined her life, knew she was pregnant, but still let her be sacrificed, this person has a blood feud with me, he must die. "

"My mother was murdered, she died with regret, and refused to be reincarnated. I hold the heart of filial piety and raise her with a large acupoint of anger."

"As for your ruin, isn't it because of your greed that you killed so many colleagues, and then you were cast aside?"

"And your only son, he became a stupid walking dead for a reason, you gave him greed, and the one who harmed him, wasn't your father?"

"The Dou family is so cruel and vicious, even the servants are murderers without batting an eyelid. You and the Dou family are in the same rank and murdered hundreds of villagers. Today, if you die here, it is impossible to slander each other."

After I finished speaking, Lai Qian suddenly laughed grimly.

He stretched his head forward a lot, and the scars on his face became more obvious.

"Li Yinyang, you're still afraid, you're afraid that the geographer will be ruined because of you."

"You are eloquent. I don't argue with you much. I investigated you for several years, found the Dou family, and discussed with the Dou family to deal with you. You really surprised me and got this little Taoist priest here. But today , you will not be spared." After Lai Qian finished speaking, he suddenly took out something from behind.

It was a long wooden box.

He opened the wooden box and poured it out.

What fell on the ground were actually two round human heads!

It's just that these two heads have no ears, and they are very old.

The eyeballs of death are full of despair.

They seemed to be still staring at me, and I could faintly hear sharp roars in my ears.

This is the head of the old couple of the Li family!

And there are symbols on top of their heads!

The next moment, the water suddenly became choppy.

The moon originally reflected on the water was directly washed away by the waves.

A dark surge appeared from the very center of the river, and it rushed towards the shore!

A few seconds later, with a crash, a wave hit the shore!

Amidst the waves splashing, a figure appeared on the pier.

No, she was standing next to those two heads.

She is slender, with hair hanging down her back.

The commoner clothes on his body were light blue.

But on her face, there was a talisman.

That is a deed!

I didn't see her face, but my heart skipped a beat.

She is my mother!

It's just that I really don't feel that connection with her anymore.

There was only strong sadness in her body.

She picked up the two heads and held them in her arms.

Her chest trembled and heaved, and her shrill crying pierced the night sky.

The next moment, my mother turned around suddenly, and she was facing Lai Qian!

Lai Qian took out a jade ruler from his bosom.

The ruler was shining brightly under the moonlight, and there were many runes on it.

However, there was no fear on Lai Qian's face, only madness.

His lips quivered suddenly.

At this moment, I saw the heads of the Li family's old couple from the side, and the two talismans suddenly jumped up, directly covering the talisman on top of my mother's head!

There was a throbbing in my heart, and a strong anxiety.

Yang Qingshan suddenly took a step forward.

He pulled out the whisk from his waist!

My complexion changed again!

At this time, the dead look on Yang Qingshan's face became even more serious!

Now I know the reason for this death.

He is no match for my mother!

Xuanhe itself is a big dragon vein, full of anger, my mother has a talisman, and then I blessed it with a big talisman, sucking up the vitality of the village.

To be angry is to raise a corpse.

Lai Qian throws people into the river again, pouring his lifeless energy into the bottom of the river, and let my mother use more of it.

His current two talismans must also be used to take advantage of my mother

He was really ready.

I took two steps forward and stood in front of Yang Qingshan with an extremely stern tone.

"You lean back, go forward, you will die." At the same time, my mother no longer faced Lai Qian, she turned tremblingly, and the face blocked by the three talismans was facing us.

Lai Qian behind her even grinned.

"These two talismans are enough to drive this living corpse. The talisman is full of resentment from your grandparents towards your unfilial grandson. Similarly, it can also check and balance this living corpse. Have you seen my face?"

"It's the price I paid for these two talismans. I also paid a lot of things, but as long as it can kill you, everything is worth it!"

"Li Huarong, kill him!" Lai Qian raised his hand and pointed directly at my face!

My mother's body trembled again, and she let out a shrill cry.

While the water surface was trembling, it seemed that someone was about to float to the surface.

Lai Qian looked up to the sky and grinned grimly, he said: "The rage is raging, people don't die, and the living corpses who don't die have more resentment. They are all used by Li Huarong. If she wants to kill you, they will kill you!"

"Li Yinyang, you will be quartered!"

"Besides, there is another person, you owe him a debt too!" After Lai Qian's voice fell, I felt a cold breath coming from behind me.

The cold air lingered on my body, which made me feel even more thorns on my back.

I turned my head and saw a person with numb limbs and staggering footsteps coming towards me right behind the village road.

Yang Qingshan's face was extremely solemn, and he said in a low voice; "The living corpse is already very fierce, the one behind is not a living corpse, he has something on him, and he has a lot of resentment, I don't know what is driving him."

"You can't deal with them, and if you die, I won't die."

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