The corpse of Dou Kaikai has withstood the most yin, fierce, and evil energy poured into the Li family compound.

Apart from that gentleman's scheming just now, the most vicious one must be this Dou Kaikai!

And those bugs just now must have induced some kind of change.

They can prevent Yang Qingshan and I from moving, because they restrain our bodies, so will they allow Dou Kaikai to move? !

It just fits the sound of the coffin boards being knocked.

Thinking about this for a moment, I felt a chill in my heart.

Now I don't have time to do anything else, Yang Qingshan like this is prone to accidents.

I could only quickly put him on my back.

Turning around, I was going out of the main room, and I glanced at the gentleman again.

With the Wuyue town life talisman on his head, he remained motionless.

I stopped for a moment, and pulled out the penis dagger with one hand, and I stabbed it into that gentleman's chest without hesitation!

The soft sound of the flesh being pierced, as well as the sense of resistance, gave me a chill in my heart.

But I didn't give up halfway, and pulled out the dagger again.

Originally, the white blade was stained with blood, but the blood kept overflowing from his chest.

This person has killed too many evils, and he has dealt with me to death like this, if he is not finished at this time, it will be a big trouble!

Taking a step, I ran out of the corridor.

Originally, I wanted to kill Dou Kaiyang by the way.

But the place where he was unconscious before was empty.

Either he woke up just now, or there are people in the yard dragging him away

There was not only the chi-chi sound of fingernails scratching behind him, but also some muffled noises, as if something was hitting the coffin, but there was mud to isolate the sound.

I was short of breath, and I could always smell the smell of blood in my nostrils, as well as the unpleasant stench of corpses.

Body-* control has almost recovered, I carried Yang Qingshan on my back with one hand, and took out a handful of talismans with the other.

At this time, I have no time to care about what kind of symbols those are.

Near the exit of the courtyard gate, there are still a bunch of villagers who were bumped into by the old couple of the Li family. I have to deal with it before I can go out.

Quickly turned the corner of the corridor.

But what surprised me was that there was not a single villager who was bumped into where I put the paper box talisman.

Not to mention the shadows of people, even the shadows of half ghosts can't be seen.

they can't just leave

It can only be explained that there are still people in this courtyard, and he is using the bodies of the old couple of the Li family to control the villagers who were bumped into

There must be a deep meaning in this!

I was more vigilant and walked forward.

In a blink of an eye, I walked to the gate of the Li Family Courtyard.

As a result, there were no obstacles when we got here.

He stepped out and reached the village road.

A gust of cold wind blew on me, I shivered, and the cold air penetrated my whole body.

Turning his head to look at Yang Qingshan on his back, he was still unconscious.

Looking up again at the door of the Li Family Courtyard, I continued to walk forward.

The speed under my feet was extremely fast, and I was walking in the direction of Xuanhe.

There is something weird about the Li family compound, obviously they can still trap me, delaying the time, it is very likely that Dou Kaikai will crawl out under the possession of those bugs.

But they didn't do that, instead they let me out, there must be something wrong with it.

I have to wake up Yang Qingshan first.

If the bug did any harm to him, it would not be worth the loss.

Xuanhe is full of life and has my mother.

The sense of gaze just now must be my mother's, so I didn't look back.

Go now, it's the safest place!

The speed under my feet is faster, and I feel even more weird when I pass through the village.

Because the whole village is filled with an indescribable dead silence

When we first came, the silence wasn't that strong.

Logically speaking, the villagers were released by me and Yang Qingshan, so they should be more angry.

Not far away, the Xuanhe River and the village's wharf can already be seen.

But beside me, a figure suddenly appeared, and he grabbed my arm directly!

I was so shocked that I raised my leg and kicked towards him!

"Mr. Li! It's me" came a trembling voice.

I stopped my feet abruptly, and then I saw clearly, wasn't it Dong Feng who grabbed me from the side of the road? !

"Don't go there, there is a problem over there, come in first"

Dong Feng is now in the gap between the earth walls of two courtyards, so I didn't notice him just now.

My heart was extremely vigilant, and I glanced at the other side of the pier at the entrance of the village.

Nodding, I followed Dong Feng into the cracks in the yard.

After he took me through, there was a backyard on the other side, and we entered it.

The sky was getting darker, and the moon seemed to be covered with a layer of blood.

Dong Feng stopped, his face was extremely pale, and there were big beads of sweat on his forehead.

"I didn't run just now, I stopped in front of the courtyard, my wife, she is still in the courtyard"

Dong Feng explained a sentence tremblingly.

My heart sank, and the look in Dong Feng's eyes became a lot more complicated.

Dong Feng trembled and said again: "I was thinking, what if you can deal with them, Mr. Li? My old lady can still save her life, but I didn't expect that they came out just after you went in for a while, they were brought in before The villagers, including my wife, are all in trouble!"

"There is another person among them, that is an old gentleman, at least eight or ninety years old."

"At that time, I felt that Mr. Li was afraid that you were in trouble. I wanted to escape, but I couldn't hold back. I followed them to see them."

Dong Feng's face turned even paler, and he said word by word: "They captured all the villagers who escaped just now, and rushed them to the side of the Xuanhe River. I don't know what they are going to do, but it must not be a good thing."

"It didn't take long, Mr. Li, you came out." Although Dong Feng's words were hurried and flustered, I also understood what he meant.

What surprised me even more was that the Dou family actually had a husband! ?

I dealt with one just now, and that gentleman is already very evil.

there is an older

The older you get, the more powerful you are. That's the biggest strength of the Dou family? !

I lowered my head and thought for a moment, but I didn't blindly exalt that gentleman's ability too much, nor did I underestimate him.

What Yang Qingshan and I did must have caused a huge change for them.

He is also looking at tricks.

After my thoughts settled down, I signaled Dong Feng to find me a room, and I knew the situation.

Dong Feng led Yang Qingshan and I into a room.

I put Yang Qingshan on the wooden bed, and slightly lifted the Wuyue Town Fate Talisman.

The blackness on his face had completely disappeared, and two slightly darkened blood still flowed from his nostrils.

My heart sank, I no longer hesitated, and directly tore off the Wuyue town life talisman.

It's already so far away from Dou's house, even if there is any problem, it won't affect too much, I should be able to deal with it.

After the talisman fell, Yang Qingshan's brows trembled, and his eyes slowly opened.

I am extremely vigilant, holding the golden ruler in my hand, if Yang Qingshan still shows signs of being bumped, I have to suppress him!

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