I was even more frightened, and my instinctive reaction made me rush to the side.

As a result, half of his body was still splashed by a sticky and smelly oil.

Dou Kaiyang narrowed his eyes slightly, and his face was full of a tricky smile.

I just felt the stench of the dead body kept penetrating into my nostrils. The stench made me dizzy and even made me want to vomit.

My ears were buzzing, and I heard intermittent cursing, which seemed to be the voices of the old couple of the Li family.

This oil should be corpse oil...

Is it the corpse oil of the old couple of the Li family? !

My heart sank even further, and a possibility suddenly occurred to me.

Dou Kaiyang came here to delay time, and secondly, they deliberately wanted to pour oil on my corpse? !

Just now, the stick in the villager's hand was stained with corpse oil, which kicked me.

What... does this do? !

In my thoughts, my body just paused, and I rushed towards Dou Kaiyang again.

The treachery on Dou Kaiyang's face turned into fear again, and he quickly ran towards the main room!

There was too much corpse oil and the ground was too slippery, I nearly slipped and fell after chasing it.

Without hesitation, I directly raised the Tongqiao Fenjin ruler and threw it towards the back of Dou Kaiyang's head.

In an instant, Tongqiao Fenjinru hit Dou Kaiyang on the back of the head.

He didn't even scream out, and fell straight forward!

The Dou family and Mr. Na are trying to tell each other their tricks. It is true that I have been tricked, but Dou Kaiyang is just an ordinary person. How could he escape from me? !

After walking a few more steps, I reached Dou Kaiyang's side, and pulled out the golden ruler for opening the orifices.

In a blink of an eye, I was in front of the main room.

The gentleman's face just now was almost stuck to Yang Qingshan's.

He lightly pressed the top of Yang Qingshan's head with his hand, and murmured: "Opening, your father fell in front of this villain, restrained him, and handed him over to your father, otherwise, he will crush you to ashes." , and will brutally kill your father.”

Yang Qingshan's face was faintly covered with black air.

My complexion changed again.

He wants to use Yang Qingshan to make Dou Kaikai run into trouble? !

If the Taoist priest is bumped into, is that okay? !

"Yang Qingshan! Wake up!" I growled again.

Yang Qingshan was still stuck in place, motionless.

Taking a step, I stepped directly into the main room!

The gentleman turned to look at me sharply.

Only now did I see his face clearly.

Slender melon-seeded face, with extremely long browbones, and the brows protrude from the temples.

A pair of pupils are distinct, but his eyeballs are bloodshot!

His palace of prey is full, but the bones of the stage horse are always low.

Although the human body is long, it is uneven.

This gentleman killed many people, but his lifespan was not short. The Palace of Prey represents many heirs, but the bone of a posthorse is a disaster for the family, and the life expectancy of children is even shorter among people!

This person hurts nature and justice, he borrowed his children to bear the punishment of heaven, and avoided disaster by himself!

If you do evil, you have to use various methods to avoid disaster, otherwise you will be punished by heaven.

None of these methods will be cheap.

It is the most direct and simple way for children and family members to suffer catastrophe.

This is also the most cruel, but also the best effect!

I'm looking at him, and he's looking at me.

"Cruel and ruthless, decisive, never leaving life. What a gentleman!" The gentleman stepped towards me, but he raised the oil lamp again in his hand.

Although I said I was looking at him, I didn't stop my footsteps, and my eyes fell on the oil lamp. The whole lamp was actually octagonal, like a gossip plate.

Is this the innate gossip disk? !

"It's not easy to harm people, but you use your children to prevent disasters, and you harm so many villagers, you must be punished by heaven, and the karmic retribution will be today!"

In no time, we will touch each other.

The oil lamp seemed to splash, and a few small oil spots shot towards my face.

Heart palpitations suddenly rose.

I raised my hand to block the door, but the smell of the corpse made me extremely uncomfortable.

The next moment, I waved my arm, and the oil did not fall on me.

I was less than half a meter away from that gentleman, and the oil lamp in his hand was approaching my face!

Raising the golden ruler to open the orifice, I am about to split at the oil lamp.

But there was a tingling and tingling sensation on the arm.

The next moment, the tingling sensation seemed to reach my face, and then quickly penetrated into my nostrils!

I just felt my body stiffen for a while, as if my limbs had to lose control...

That thing is alive?Bugs in oil lamps? !

Is this also a poison? !

Geophysics is inclusive of all rivers and rivers, and almost all yin and yang arts are involved in the world.

No matter how evil Mr. Yin and Yang is, it is impossible to stop someone with an oil lamp.

Using sorcery other than yin and yang, combined with yin and yang, is not only weird, but also more effective.

The strength I wielded with the golden ruler suddenly weakened a lot...

That Mr. directly caught it with the other hand, and snatched it from my hand!

He licked the corner of his mouth, staring at me greedily.

"It's really quite capable, but it didn't get caught for a moment. It's better than that little Taoist priest."

I breathed heavily and bit the tip of my tongue hard.

The moment I woke up for a short time, I found out the Wuyue Zhenming Talisman.

Slap directly at that gentleman's face!

There was a look of shock on the gentleman's face. He obviously didn't expect that I still had the strength to wave my hand again.

For me, this is the effect of the Good Corpse Pill...

I can clearly feel that my body is resisting that controlling force.

It's just that it's hard to completely rebel against it.

If this gentleman gets in the way again, I won't be able to break free.

He was too close to me.

I fell into his trick, but he didn't dodge my talisman either!

With a soft bang, the Wuyue Zhenming Talisman landed in the middle of his head!

In an instant, he stood stiffly on the spot, and his eyes became dull.

Panting heavily, because I exerted too much force, too much blood overflowed from the corner of my mouth, and a streak of blood flowed out across my chin.

The control of my body is still weakening, and I can also feel that my body is resisting...

His eyes fell on that gentleman's oil lamp.

My pupils constricted, barely supported my arm, and hit the oil lamp in his hand!

With a snap, the oil lamp fell to the ground.

The lamp of the congenital gossip plate was separated from the base, and the base fell to pieces.

Lamp oil spilled on the ground, but there were dense worms wriggling in it...

Not only did I feel nauseous, but my scalp tingled.

An even more scalp-numbing scene happened, those greasy little bugs actually quickly crawled towards the tomb in the middle of the main room.

In a blink of an eye, they all got into the dark grave.

I just feel more palpitations.

But as time passed, I regained a little bit of control over my body.

Shanshi Dan completely changed my physique, and the feeling of stiffness gradually disappeared.

I was panting heavily, but I didn't care to look at the tomb, my eyes fell on Yang Qingshan.

At this time, Yang Qingshan's face became even darker.

Under the black air, the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing a dark smile that didn't belong to him...

My complexion changed again!

Another piece of Wuyue Zhenming Talisman was taken out from his waist.

This talisman is the last one, I didn't have time to think about it, so I shot it towards the top of Yang Qingshan's head!

After the talisman fell, Yang Qingshan froze, and the smile on his mouth disappeared.

But at this moment, the tomb was trembling.

I also heard a slight chirping sound, as if nails were pulling the coffin boards!

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