The faces of the other two paper sticks seemed to be still struggling and contorted, as if they were dying and didn't want to be manipulated by Xu Changlin.

Also, on top of the heads of the two paper bundles, there are actually talismans attached!

The incomparably complicated runes not only have some gossip patterns, but also some imprints of positive calculations? !

Yang Qingshan's three bronze swords hit three of them respectively!

The other two green corpse paper sticks were shot in the face without causing any wounds.

Xu Changlin caught Yang Qingshan's bronze sword, and he slammed it on the ground.

The next moment, they scattered in all directions, but during this period, they still surrounded Yang Qingshan!

In mid-air, it seems that a steel wire is slowly falling

I was startled, my feet were faster, and in an instant, I was beside Yang Qingshan.

"What did you come here for?! Think I can't deal with him?!" Yang Qingshan's tone became a lot more serious, and the feeling of the young man was a bit more mature.

I whispered: "The green corpse paper tied with living human skin, no matter how talented you are, you have to be cautious. I'm afraid this is another thousand-thread corpse. The evil corpse suffers."

While speaking, I raised my head and stared at the steel wires falling in mid-air, they were almost approaching the tops of me and Yang Qingshan.

The three green corpse paper bundles including Xu Changlin presented a three-legged appearance, enveloping me and Yang Qingshan in it!

"Li Yinyang, you do have some self-knowledge, but it's useless for you to go to this little Taoist priest, it's just that you die together!"

"I just wanted to try this trick with ordinary paper, but I didn't expect you to force me to use the green corpse skin from the bottom of the box." Xu Changlin's cold voice echoed in the forest.

Yang Qingshan's hands were about to stroke his waist again, obviously, he was the one who wanted to use Taoism again.

But in this case, Taoism is probably useless.

Just now Yang Qingshan couldn't penetrate those paper piercings.

Raising my hand, I directly pressed Yang Qingshan's shoulder.

"Send me up, and wait for me!" I whispered, and my eyes glanced upwards.

Yang Qingshan's face changed slightly.

"Are you crazy?!"

"There are mountains beyond the mountains, and sky beyond the sky. Every time Xu Changlin sees me, he can't control his emotions. There is only one thing, he is always overwhelmed by me. I am stronger than him, and I have gained more than him."

"Killing people, you have to punish your heart." My eyes became more serious.

Yang Qingshan saw sweat on his forehead.

However, he also stretched out his hand and directly pressed my shoulder, and then he exerted force upwards.

Then I kicked my legs hard on the ground.

Yang Qingshan let go, and my body went straight up two or three meters.

This time, I directly caught Xu Changlin and the steel wires from the two green corpse papers with my body!

In an instant, the steel wire was wrapped around my body and tightened!

At the same time, Yang Qingshan flashed to the right, and his body instantly emerged from the encirclement of the steel wire.

I fell hard to the ground.

Xu Changlin didn't make a move right away, instead he was stunned, looking at me in surprise

"Li Yinyang, what kind of trick are you doing? Knowing that you can't escape, you just give your life to me? Capture without a fight?"

Xu Changlin's tone became cold again.

I squinted my eyes, looked at Xu Changlin's face quietly, and said, "Arrest without a fight? No, I'm just telling you, I'm standing here, even if you use thousands of threads to dismember a corpse, you are not my opponent. You can't kill me." I."

"Uncle Xu didn't choose you, there is a reason."

"Now you didn't work hard to forge ahead. Instead, you obtained the corpse skin in an unreasonable way, which disappointed him even more!"

Xu Changlin's eyes turned red immediately, and he whispered, "Li Yinyang, you are talking nonsense! I can't kill you?!"

"Your skin, I hate it even just looking at it, so don't worry about it!" The next moment, Xu Changlin turned his body back.

At the same time, the two green corpse paper bundles were also under his control, turning around at the same time as him.

During this period, the two green corpse papers seemed to become darker green, and the moonlight shone on them, but they seemed to be struggling a bit

Xu Changlin's body suddenly knelt forward, and he roared in a low voice.

"A body cut into pieces!"

However, I only felt a huge force in my chest, and it was the wire pulling me forward!

As for the left and right sides, the two green corpse paper bundles did not rush forward.

Under Xu Changlin's strength, they turned towards Xu Changlin with a whoosh and returned to the past!

It's as if Xu Changlin used the wrong strength of the steel wires, clearly intending to manipulate them to tear me apart.

But it turned out to be taking them back!

The next moment, Xu Changlin turned his head and looked back.

His face was originally cold and bloodthirsty, but there was still excitement in his eyes.

The moment Xu Changlin looked at me, there was astonishment in Xu Changlin's eyes.

I squinted my eyes slightly, but my eyes were calmer.

The two paper sticks arrived in front of Xu Changlin in an instant, but they showed no sign of stopping!

There is more fear in Xu Changlin's eyes!

I just found out a little bit.

I don’t know when the talismans tied on top of the heads with the green corpse paper disappeared.

It wasn't Xu Changlin who took them back

The talismans were dropped just now, they were not controlled by Xu Changlin to kill me, are they going to counterattack Xu Changlin? !

A moment ago, when these two green corpse paper bundles appeared, I could tell something was wrong with them.

The resentment is too heavy, too deep!

There is one biggest disadvantage of this kind of skin picking from living people, that is, it is too vicious!

To torture him into a corpse of Huasha, skinning and death are carried out at the same time.

Also, the paper maker is the murderer who killed them!

This will make their resentment grow day by day!

In fact, Uncle Xu is also risky to Wu Xianchang.

It's just that we hate Wu Xianchang too much, and with me protecting him, and Uncle Xu's experience is seasoned enough, this danger can be controlled.

Besides, there was only one living corpse.

Xu Changlin is completely different

In addition to those just now, he skinned dozens of living people at least.

Not to mention how many crimes this has committed.

He couldn't hold back these two green corpse papers!

The reason why it can be manipulated is probably related to the talisman on the top of the head with the green corpse paper!

He must have met an "expert" and gave him a talisman!

Now that the talisman fell, he was naturally backlashed!

Under the protection of fate, his life is completely inferior to mine, which is why he is now shooting himself in the foot with a rock!

My thoughts were quick, during this period, those two green corpse papers were about to entangle Xu Changlin's body!

With a whistling sound, their arms and legs were completely wrapped around Xu Changlin's body!

If Xu Changlin hadn't been wearing a piece of green corpse paper now, he might have died

Even so, Xu Changlin also showed a look of pain, his face was extremely red, his neck was too tight because of the two pieces of paper, and he could hardly breathe

I broke free from the steel wire on my body and squinted slightly to look at him.

I think he must have something behind him!

However, Xu Changlin's face turned redder and redder.

With a bang, he knelt upright on the ground and squeezed out a few words with difficulty.

"Brother Li, save me, my father is only my son"

"Do you want to see him die?!"

Xu Changlin's face gradually turned from red to purple.

He did have a look of death on his face

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