In an instant, Yang Qingshan's figure reappeared in my eyes.

Most of the paper bundles around him fell on the ground, and this living human skin paper bundle was really different from ordinary paper bundles.

If it had been made of ordinary paper, it would have collapsed to the ground by now

This kind of paper bundle still stands on the ground, just like a dead person.

Yang Qingshan's knees were slightly bent, as if tying a horse's stance, he held a mahogany sword in one hand, while the other hand was raised in the air.

I have seen the crossbow arrows on the arms of Liu Tianniu and Liu Huayan, and I know that Yang Qingshan has also used similar tricks.

However, that trick is a bit like a new trick that combines Feng Shui and Taoism.

Xu Changlin's face became colder, and there was more resentment in his eyes.

The next moment, he grabbed his shoulder with his hand and pulled it hard!

The clothes were ripped apart, and under Xu Changlin's cloth was a layer of skin that tightly covered his body.

It was a piece of dark blue corpse skin, part of which was squeezed and drooped on Xu Changlin's neck.

He raised his hand and covered the skin completely over his head!

The paper figurine Xu has used this trick before, and his skills have been greatly improved, and the green corpse skin is extremely tough, which is an excellent defense.

The next moment, Xu Changlin leaned forward, his speed was extremely fast, and he rushed directly towards Yang Qingshan!

When he was only half the distance away from Yang Qingshan, his hand trembled in mid-air.

I vaguely saw for a moment that his hands were not only covered with corpse skin, but also had pitch-black nails, and there were steel wires wrapped around those fingers!

This is not only a means of controlling the paper tie, but also a murder weapon for killing people without a trace!

The next moment, Xu Changlin rushed in front of Yang Qingshan, and he grabbed Yang Qingshan with both hands!

Xu Changlin's action is really vicious and cunning!

It seemed that he was grabbing Yang Qingshan's neck and face, but in fact, he should have thrown the steel wire to the back.

Once he fails the first move, when he retreats or is repelled by Yang Qingshan, the steel wire thrown behind him is enough to cut off Yang Qingshan's head

"Be careful with the steel wire!" I shouted in a deep voice!

Yang Qingshan reacted extremely quickly, and his movements were astonishingly fast.

He held a bronze sword in one hand, and blocked it horizontally in front of his neck.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his left hand to his shoulder, and with a whoosh, a crossbow arrow shot out from his left sleeve. He held the back half of the crossbow arrow and circled in midair again.

Immediately, between the crossbow arrow and Xu Changlin's hand, a bright steel wire stretched out!

"Li Yinyang, you are like a fly, buzzing so disgustingly!" Xu Changlin cursed, he raised his legs suddenly, jumped up half of his body, and kicked Yang Qingshan's chest and abdomen!

Yang Qingshan also moved.

He held the hand of the bronze sword, and pressed it forward fiercely!

Immediately afterwards, he pulled back with his left hand again!

At the same time, he raised his left leg and caught Xu Changlin's kick!

Only Xu Changlin could be heard screaming.

His whole body stretched into a bow in mid-air.

Originally, Yang Qingshan's bronze sword caught his pressed hands.

Yang Qingshan counter-pressed, the two should have retreated.

Coupled with the strength on the feet, it will retreat even further!

But Xu Changlin still had steel wire in his hand, and Yang Qingshan entangled the steel wire with a crossbow arrow

This time the collision was extremely fast, but within a few breaths, Yang Qingshan had the upper hand again!

While Xu Changlin was being restrained, I quickly stepped forward and pulled out the golden ruler.

I was going to hit Xu Changlin from the rear to make him incapacitated.

Before I got to them.

Xu Changlin suddenly let out another muffled snort, and the corpse skin where his hands were located was broken.

The steel wire was wrapped around the skin of the corpse, and in an instant, he separated from Yang Qingshan.

Xu Changlin flew back at least seven or eight meters.

His body sank into the dense forest!

I stopped abruptly and was about to chase after Xu Changlin.

But Yang Qingshan's speed was even faster, he dropped the crossbow arrow with his left hand, and stroked his waist again.

And his body tensed up, and he swung his arms out violently!

"Gai Wen: The sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters in the law! I will kill it now, and get rid of all disasters!"

"One cut off the calamity of the sky, the sky will meet the road ghosts, cut off all the devils, and leave home forever!"

"Secondly cut off the calamities of the land, the land and households will bring good luck, men and women will return to justice, and when they are cut off, they will perish!"

"Three cuts to get rid of ghosts, all monsters hide far away, cut off all evil things, and the family will be safe and healthy!"

"I am pardoned by the Jade Emperor's law!"

Taomu Sword, Maotao Sword, and Bronze Sword shot out from Yang Qingshan's hands in an instant!

The moment the spell fell, all the swords were submerged into the dense forest.

However, I didn't hear Xu Changlin's screams.

In the next moment, a bloody paper bundle burst out from the dense forest.

This one is more fierce than those paper bundles before.

Except for the green corpse skin worn by Xu Changlin, this bloody demon is the most vicious.

It is also because this is the skin of a living person, and the Huasha that is completely tortured is more oppressive than the normal green corpse skin.

The bloody paper pierced straight to Yang Qingshan's face.

I seem to hear the sound of breaking through the air!

Yang Qingshan gave a cold shout, and he took three steps forward. At the same time, he put his hands on his waist again, and waved forward again!

Three bronze swords shot out from his hands!

"Once cut off the calamity of heaven, all the monsters will be harmed, the stars will come to protect them, and the sun and the moon will show their three lights!"

During the spell, the three bronze swords directly pierced through the bloody paper that turned green.

The entire paper bundle instantly turned pitch black.

It's not over yet.

Because in the dense forest, another paper stick was shot out, which also turned blood into green.

But this time there are two!

Yang Qingshan's movements did not stop, he stepped forward again, and shouted: "Second cut off the disaster, Wuji sits in the middle, all the corpses are scattered, and the sprites always perish!"

Three bronze swords shot out again!But this time, one shot through a bloody paper stick, and the middle one shot straight into the dense forest!

Obviously, this time the bronze sword barely pierced through the two bloody paper bars that turned green, and they were turning black.

The third sword entered the dense forest and once again annihilated the sound.

Yang Qingshan frowned tightly.

He took three steps forward again, and shouted in a deep voice: "Three cuts to get rid of ghosts, ghosts and ghosts are all hidden, dead souls surpass the fairy world, and the cave is always auspicious!"

The last three bronze swords shot out!

But this time, it was three green corpse paper sticks that sprang out from the dense forest!

Scattered moonlight shone through the jungle on the three green corpse paper bundles.

Only then did I see clearly, where were the three green corpse paper bundles, there were only two paper bundles, and the one in the middle was Xu Changlin wearing the green corpse skin!

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