After walking a short distance, I glanced at the side and rear from the corner of my eye, and Jin Shi had disappeared.

This person is honest and honest, what I said just now actually frightened him a little.

But with the right amount of fear and money, Jin Shi will not dare to mess around.

The money I gave him was enough to solve his immediate predicament.

He will also be afraid and hide from people's eyes.

He should not appear in the north of the city for a while.

My thoughts quickly settled, and I walked to the big house.

The two soldiers at the door turned their heads to look at me, and their eyes suddenly became sharper.

"Who is coming, stop!" One of them said sharply.

The other raised the gun in his hand, with deterrence and vigilance in his eyes.

I stopped in my tracks, clasped my fists, and said, "My humble Miao Guangyang, from Miaojia Town, please see Guo Zhenmin, General Guo."

The person who spoke earlier, his eyes suddenly became alert.

Before he could speak, I said softly again: "I practice yin and yang art, survey Fengshui, calculate human life, travel around, and like to get rid of injustice. Before entering Xingshi, I passed by a mountain range outside Honghe Town, but found a group of soldiers and bandits. After entering the city, I heard that bandits are rampant in the southwestern area of ​​Guizhou, and they are doing a lot of harm, so I have a plan, and I want to get rid of this group of utterly conscientious people, so please inform me."

After speaking, I clasped my fists in salute.

The two soldiers looked at each other.

The other person hesitated for a moment, and murmured: "Is it a gentleman, I will report to the commander?"

The person who spoke earlier had hesitant eyes.

He hesitated for a while, then nodded.

Immediately, another person turned around and entered the gate of the house.

I stood quietly with my hands behind my back, and whispered, "Mr. Miao, I will borrow your name."

Except for the matter of Longdian, the matter is very important, and I don't want to be known by others, so as to reduce variables.

Using another name is the best choice.

After about half a cup of tea, the man ran out of the house in a hurry.

Panting, he made a gesture of invitation, and said, "Mr. Miao, please come in."

I stepped up to the threshold, but when I passed the gate of the house, the man made a blocking motion again.

"Mr. Miao, see the command, and you need to put down your weapons." He said in a deep voice.

I took out the Yin-connecting dagger, divination knife, scissors, carving knife and golden ruler for Tongqiao.

The man was stunned for a moment, he took the dagger, divination knife, and scissors, and asked me to put away such a small knife as a carving knife. As for the ruler, it is not considered a sharp weapon.

After I installed the carving knife and the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler, he led me into the house.

In the middle of the house is the martial arts arena, which is empty at this time.

This house has a special atmosphere, giving people a feeling of extra rigidity and evil spirit.

The evil spirit is not evil spirit, but Yang evil spirit!

The general lived here, and it was also where the headquarters of the bandit suppression was located. Compared with ordinary government offices, it had a more sinister aura.

In a place like this, even a murderous corpse is hard to cheat.

All the way to the main room behind the martial arts arena.

There is a large square table in the room, but on the table is a sand table.

The sand table is full of rolling mountains and a river.

A man stood behind him.

The man was wearing a light gray military overcoat with the collar turned up, a military cap, and a pair of round-rimmed glasses.

He is about fifty years old, and his facial features are extremely resolute.

With a square face, eyebrows like knives, and more black eyes than white, they look extremely deep and more piercing!

The ears are full and the earlobes are full, the nose is like a dangling gall, and the bridge of the nose is like a bamboo shoot, reaching directly to the sky.

High cheekbones, but not sharp!

In addition, his general bone is extremely obvious, slightly protruding from both sides of his forehead!

This kind of face not only means that this person is extremely intelligent, but also has the ability to command a general!

I looked at him and he was smiling and very kind.

However, there was a bit of deterrence on his face.

This is the aura you carry.

"Grassman Miao Guangyang, I have met Commander Guo." I clasped my fists and saluted.

He walked up to me and held out his hand for a handshake.

I raised my hand and shook it, and he said with a hearty smile: "Whatever grassroots say, it's all those old bureaucrats. I heard from the sentinel that Mr. Miao is a gentleman who travels around, and Mr. Xuanhu helps the world. Where can I salute me?" The truth is, I should salute Mr.

Guo Zhenmin let go of his hands, and really gave me a fist, and saluted me.

This gives me an intuitive feeling that this person is close to the people, and has thunderous tricks on his face, but he is not evil at all, and he has no style of exalting himself.

Before I could speak, Guo Zhenmin had some anticipation, and said, "Listen to what you said, sir, did you see the bandits entrenched in the Red River valley?"

I nodded.

His eyes suddenly became more happy, and there was a bit of sharpness and murderous intent.

"Please also invite Mr. Miao to look at the sand table. If you can really find the lairs of those gangsters, it will be a great achievement!"

Guo Zhenmin made a gesture of invitation.

I looked down at the sand table, and then I shook my head.

"Is there anything on the sand table?" Guo Zhenmin frowned.

"This sand table is roughly outside Xing City. Honghe is half a day's journey away from here. It should be too far away, so the sand table cannot be included." I said truthfully.

Guo Zhenmin's expression became cloudy and uncertain.

He just told me that this sand table was made by the best craftsmen in the lower reaches of the Panjiang River, all the way to Xingshi City, according to the map.

I lowered my head and thought for a while, then took a meaningful look at Guo Zhenmin.

Guo Zhenmin looked at me with eyelids twitching slightly, and he immediately understood.

"Come here, bring a pen and paper!" Guo Zhenmin shouted loudly towards the outside of the house.

I raised my hands and folded my palms.

Then, I took out the ground pen and Tiangan inkstone.

Guo Zhenmin immediately raised his hand, and he made a blocking motion.

A soldier stopped at the door, but he didn't come in.

Immediately after I rubbed the ink, I took a piece of hemp paper to draw.

Roughly, I drew the prototype of Honghe Town, then drew a river, and finally drew a mountain range on the west side, especially carefully drew the mountain shape of the Yanzi Lianbiaolong.

I circled the mountain range that has two ups and downs.

Guo Zhenmin looked down at the picture I drew, and he stared at the sand table again.

After looking at it for a while, his hand suddenly landed on a spot on the sand table, and he muttered: "The drawing by Mr. should be here, but it's actually blank here."

"Go to someone right away, take down the craftsman who made this sand table, and ask him to see what he has to say!"

Then, Guo Zhenmin clasped his hands together, his eyes were extremely grateful.

"Sir, please stay with me for a couple of days. I'll send someone to investigate this place immediately. After confirmation, I will send troops to encircle and suppress it immediately!"

I frowned and shook my head immediately.

Taking a deep breath, I said, "You can't encircle them, and even if you see them, you can't take them down."

Guo Zhenmin raised his hand and patted me on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "Sir, what you said is wrong. Although our suppression of bandits has been unfavorable, the problem is that we can't find their lair. They wander in the mountains. Hiding in the mountains, as long as you know the location, after the mountain is closed, even if it is a bomb, I will flatten the mountain for him, so how can I not encircle and suppress it?!"

"Although the master has the ability of alchemist, but it is something mysterious after all, under the guns, there is not so much to say."

My pupils constricted and my brow furrowed even tighter.

Because at this time, Guo Zhenmin's face changed

His eyebrows are as sharp as a knife, his eyes are white, and the lines of crossing swords are born between his eyebrows

These three faces are all wounded faces!

I said in a very serious tone, "Commander Guo, if you don't listen to what I say and insist on going your own way, something will happen."

"The eyebrows are as sharp as knives, and the soldiers die in battle! The eyes are white, and the soldiers die in battle! The cross-sword pattern is born between the eyebrows, and dies from the blade!"

The moment I finished speaking, his face darkened.

Immediately afterwards, hurried footsteps came.

There are at least three guns stuck in the back of my head!

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