The carving knife quickly carved on the wood, and soon, a prototype of a wooden figure appeared.

When the wooden figurine was fully formed, I first engraved the words June and Guihai on the front, and after a slight pause, I added three more words.

"Plague Day."

Immediately afterwards, I turned the wooden man over and engraved the old man's birthday on it.

I murmured: "If a stranger points to the grave to commit the plague, when the plague comes to him."

With a slight tilt of the hand, the tip of the carving knife touched my finger.

Suddenly, a drop of blood spilled out.

I directly dotted the blood on the top of the wooden man's head, and pulled it down again!

The whole wooden man was soaked in blood

I put it in my pocket and put away the carving knife.

But at this moment, my feet slipped, and one of them lost my footing, and rushed out obliquely forward.

"Fuck! Are you courting death?!"

Shouts of scolding came from behind.

I staggered across the entire length of the road before I managed to stand still.

Turning his head to look behind, a huge cart just passed the middle of the road.

The driver of the carriage gave me a vicious look, and slapped the horse's butt with his whip.

My eyelids twitched several times, and my heartbeat accelerated a lot.

I covered my heart with my hands, and there was sweat on my forehead.

Is it because I attack ordinary people?so that I am unlucky?

Or because, that is indeed not an ordinary person, it is that Mr.!

His fate is not bad, and I suffered some backlash? !

Quickly take out the wooden man again.

My complexion is much worse.

The originally yellow wood has now turned into pitch black.

The row of words on his chest disappeared

"It's you?!"

My heart is beating wildly!

I frowned even tighter.

Huang Zhiyuan could never be that gentleman's son.

That person must have used some kind of method to make Huang Zhiyuan not change his face even if he lied when he talked about things related to him!

In this way, is the date of birth the horoscope of that Mr.?

Or did he give me someone else's? !

Lying in front of me can still keep Huang Zhiyuan from changing his face and face

I don't dare to kill this birthday horoscope

This meeting by accident, and then confronted once, I actually fell behind

But his age

Could it be that the Tianyuan Tribulation did not appear from Jiang Pan.

It wasn't that Jiang Pan offended people and caused disaster, but Tianyuan Xiangshu itself!

That person's age, compared to Guo Tianyu, I'm afraid he is not much older.

Thinking of this, I felt a lot of urgency.

Longdian's old house must be removed immediately, and his men and horses must be destroyed. I will tell Jiang Pan about this right away!

Jiang Pan will definitely notice it, and maybe he will be able to know the identity of this person because of it!

The pace underfoot is faster.

I walked for about two quarters of an hour, and finally saw the city wall to the north of the city.

There is a lot of noise and a market here.

Many carriages pulling goods were unloading all around, and some people dressed as servants were walking back and forth, and some people's eyes were fixed on me.

I didn't ask anyone at random.

My eyes swept across the sides of the street before I walked in one direction.

There are slightly fewer people on the side of the road. There is a man in his 20s. He looks a bit simple and honest, and he wears the clothes of a servant.

I noticed him just now. Someone was passing by. He wanted to go forward, but he was repeatedly passed by the people around him.

Most of the others are naughty, but his face is simple and honest, which means that he is more reliable in his work.

And now that there is no one around him, he is the only one left.

"Ask, find someone, can you do it?"

When I got close to him, I raised my hand and took out three big coins.

He froze for a moment, but before he could react, I had already slapped the money on the back of his hand.

There was surprise in his eyes.

"What's your surname, sir? My name is Jin Shi." This simple and honest man not only looks honest, but also has a more honest voice.

My complexion remained unchanged, and I murmured: "I am as I am named, you can just call me Mr. Miao."

Deliberately saying the wrong surname is also my vigilance and defense against this matter.

Met with Huang Zhiyuan, and that person had a problem.

They will definitely check me!

"Mr. Miao, what do you want to ask? Who are you looking for? I grew up in the north of the city, and I can handle the entire Xing City." Jin Shi said seriously.

"Xingshi is on duty now, responsible for suppressing bandits." My tone was quite low.

Jin Shi was stunned for a moment, his eyelids twitched slightly, and there was a bit of nervousness on his face.

"Sir, you are looking for an errand." Jin Shi was a little uneasy.

I nodded.

Jin Shi asked cautiously again: "Sir, can you say anything?"

"Just find someone to collect the money, don't ask too much." I said again.

Seeing Jin Shi's fear, I took out a few more big coins and put them directly into his hands.

Jin Shi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, he quickly collected the money, and then made a gesture of please.

I walked with him, and soon returned to the city, and then he took me through the alleys in the city.

During this period, Jinshi told me.

There are a large number of soldiers and bandits outside their Xing city.

Those people were extremely rampant, with a large number of people, and burned, killed and looted a lot, but every time Xingshi sent troops to suppress the bandits, they all returned in defeat.

The official in charge of suppressing the bandits was named Guo Zhenmin.

Some time ago, Guo Zhenmin led a group of troops out of the city to suppress the bandits. Instead of catching the bandits, he lost a lieutenant.

So much so that there is so much turmoil in the government office now, no one dares to approach, if they are regarded as someone who looks at the point, they will be beaten severely at least, and at worst they will be imprisoned.

At this point, Jin Shi said in a low voice, at most he would take me to the vicinity of the government office, he could point me to the place, but he dared not take me to the door

If it were someone else, they might not dare to accept this business.

Only then did I understand the reason, nodded, and told Jin Shi that it was okay.

He immediately relaxed a lot, stopped talking, and continued to lead me through the streets and alleys.

Another half an hour later, we came to a very quiet street.

The street is wide and there is no one on it.

Jin Shi pointed me to the middle of the street, where there was a large courtyard with two pairs of stone lions at the entrance.

Behind the stone lions, under the courtyard head of the main entrance, there are two soldiers in gray uniforms.

They stood upright, guns held at an angle in their hands, pressed against their chests.

This is completely different from those big soldiers and militiamen I saw before.

Jin Shi pointed cautiously, and whispered to me.

I hummed, and turned to look at him again.

"Jin Shi, don't mention today's matter to anyone."

"I look at your face, your eyebrows are damaged, your children must be sick, the post-horse is haunted by black energy, and the old parents are also sick."

"If you don't tell me, just take the money and go back to get medical treatment. If you tell people carelessly, I will come to your house."

My tone is very calm.

Jin Shi showed a frightened face, he was extremely uneasy: "How do you know me?"

I showed a somewhat kind expression again, and took out a few large coins and handed them over to him.

Jin Shi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, staring blankly at the money in his hand.

I said cautiously, "Forget what happened today."

After finishing speaking, I turned around and walked directly towards the stone lions in the compound.

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