Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 904 You Have Brothers, I Have Brothers, You Are A Good Man, My Eldest Brother Is More Kind

Longdian is a disobedient person, so the geomantic omen of this place would have been broken.

However, the combination of geese and dragons is a complementary Fengshui bureau.

The yin and yang are united, one side is weak, the other side will make up for it, and then the feng shui of the yin house will feed back the benefits to the yang house, on the contrary, this delicate balance has been achieved

The reason why Jiang Pan thinks that I can't break the house is probably not because of the scarcity of geese and dragons.

That's just one of the reasons.

In addition to the high house guarded by soldiers and bandits, there are also good people in this place, the tomb of Longlian

I stood by the grave for a long time, and before I knew it, the sun was already high, and the glaring sunlight shone on my face.

In the blink of an eye, I seemed to see the edge of the coffin lid, kneeling a thin man who somewhat resembled Long Dian. He was about 50 years old with gray hair.

he is kowtowing to me

All this passed quickly, and passed away in a blink of an eye.

During that process, it seemed that the sky was not so bright, and the heat disappeared.

And now, ironing is back.

I feel more complicated in my heart, and I am more silent

At the time of the Great Yin, is Long Lian begging me for mercy?

"Sorry, I don't have a better way. You are indeed kind, but now, you have become the umbrella of fate protecting Longdian."

"It's impossible for him to enjoy the nobility here all the time. Besides, the situation has changed. Even a good feng shui can't change the whole situation. He can only survive."

"But Longdian is evil in nature, and when he is dying, he doesn't know how many people he will harm."

"You have brothers, and so do I."

"You are a good person, and my elder brother is even more kind. I can't keep you here because of your kindness. If Longdian can't be changed, it may hurt the lives of my elder brother and his family." He bowed to the coffin lid.

Then, I leaned down, used the back of the divination knife, and stuck it into the gap in the coffin, pried it open a little bit, and inserted the golden ruler into it with the orifice, completely prying off the lid of the coffin!

Grasping the edge of the coffin lid, I pushed it up hard, and the entire coffin lid was lifted off by me!

What lay at the bottom of the coffin was indeed a skinny male corpse.

He was born with the appearance of a kind person, but his fortune is poor.

Especially the extremely short brow bone means short life.

And his facial features and eyebrows are very similar to Longdian.

I stared at the corpse for a while, then sighed softly and apologized.

Then, my eyes became firm.

I went down into the coffin and removed the limbs of the corpse with a divination knife.

During this process, I kept having goosebumps, as if this Long Lian was staring at me

However, it is daytime now, and it is impossible for him to open his eyes.

Moreover, he is in the eyes of the dragon's air, and it is even more impossible for him to transform evil spirits.

The resentment he had bred would only spread out through the tomb and pass on to his blood relatives in his family, making them struggle and suffer.

I wrapped the removed limbs with a piece of cloth, untied the belt around Long Lian's waist, and hung up the piece of cloth.

I got up and got out of the coffin, looked around, and walked to the edge of the open space.

When I got to the lower part of the mountainside, I picked up a lot of dead wood and sharpened a sharp straight wood with a divination knife.

Going back to the grave, I threw all the dead wood into the coffin, and inserted the sharp straight stick into the soil in front of the grave.

In the end I put the lid on the coffin and filled the grave back.

After finishing all this, I bowed to the grave and said in a low voice: "Except for Longdian, Li Yinyang will definitely return to make amends, restore the geomantic omen of this place, or move your grave to a safe place where cows sleep."

After saying that, I took his limbs and rushed along the mountainside to the back of the mountain.

I also stopped along the way and ate some dry food and drank some water from my water bag.

Longlong Mountain is huge. It took me an hour or two to go up the mountain to the mountainside, and it took me more than two hours to cross the mountainside to the back of the mountain.

Fortunately, the forest is dense, and the sun can't be completely direct on me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to travel for such a long time.

When I got to the back of the mountain and found the dead spot of the mountain, I didn't stop. I cut down some small trees of moderate thickness and put them together to form a bracket.

Then use the belt to fix the connection position of the tree trunk, and hang the limbs above the hole of the dead hole by the way!

This place drains the filth and resentment of the entire mountain.

Longlian's body part is here, and the bones in his tomb will not rest in peace!

Plus I'm concerned about putting those things in his grave

The good days of Longdian are coming to an end!

From tonight onwards, he won't be able to close his eyes again, and he will be unlucky!

It must be the bad luck of the bloody disaster!

Wiping the sweat off my brow, I stayed away from the dead spot.

Without further pause, I went straight back and headed down the mountain

By the time I got off Longlong Mountain, the sky was already getting dark.

Instead of going to the third mountain, I turned around and rushed towards the road I came from.

My own plan is to come here to have a look at Gao Zhai, and after confirming how to break Feng Shui, I will go to Xingshi.

Because I can't just break down the house, then no one can take over those soldiers and bandits under Longdian.

It was only because of an accident that I found out that this place is a wild goose and a dragon, so I went up the mountain and directly destroyed the tomb of the yin house.

Now that the yin house is broken, the yang house will be affected.

I am also sure to break it!

Now, I have to go to Xing City to find a trustworthy person, and he must have enough strength to wipe out the hundreds of people left here by Longdian!

As long as they don't have the protection of Feng Shui, they can't escape!

By the time I got to the avenue, it was completely dark.

It just so happened that a carriage passed by and I stopped it.

This is a carriage for pulling goods. At first glance, the driver looks like a simple, honest and poor family.

I gave him ten dollars and discussed with him to send me to Xingshi.

He repeatedly stated that he would not accept money, and it happened that he was also going to the city and could drop by.

And he must be a gentleman from my attire, so he can't ask for my money.

I sat at the back of the carriage.

During the journey, the coachman also chatted with me a few words. He asked me if I knew Mr. Jiang Pan, Mr. Tianyuan, in Honghe.

I nodded and said with a faint smile that I knew him.

The coachman sighed very much. He said that in recent years, most of the people around him have been favored by Mr. Jiang, especially him. If Mr. Jiang had not distributed the money back then, he would have starved to death on the way to escape.

When he saw me today, he felt that he was lucky to be able to give me a ride, and he could help some gentlemen.

I was startled, nodded, and said softly, "Mr. Jiang is indeed a kind person."

After that, I asked the coachman a few more words, does he know where the most local snakes are in Xingshi?

The coachman immediately mentioned the north of the city, and then he tentatively asked me, why are you looking for local snakes?He was also going to the north of the city to deliver goods, and he had traveled back and forth between Xingshi and Honghe for many years, so he knew a lot of things.

I paused and signaled him not to ask more questions.

The coachman stopped talking.

Ordinary carriages are extremely slow.

By the time Xingshi arrived, the sky was already bright.

We just passed the city gate, but there were people on duty in front of the city wall, and the passing carriages had to come down to check.

I also got off the carriage.

At this moment, a slightly surprised voice came from the side.

"Huh, Mr. Li?"

The voice was very familiar, my heart sank, and when I looked back, I realized that the one standing not far away was Huang Zhiyuan? !

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