The combination of geese and dragon is an extremely rare Feng Shui bureau for yin houses.

Even in the Zhaijing, its evaluation is extremely high!

It is documented as:

"Just like a brother, you will be admitted to the imperial examination, and you will be more noble next time."

"Generations of clean and honest officials are good, and their children and grandchildren are famous and important towns and rivers!"

"The combination of geese and characters is rare in the world, and it is really strange if it is still in the right acupoint."

"A group of brothers are in the same class, from officials to servants and Chatui."

I never expected that the house that Jiang Pan ordered for Longdian would be listed on the Yanzi Lianbiaolong.

Although this kind of feng shui is called yin house feng shui, yin and yang are often in pairs. If you choose the right acupoints, they often have complementary effects.

For example, dragons have air holes and eyes to bury people, and air holes to house people.

After thinking for a while, I stepped back a little bit and walked around.

Find a more suitable location and look at the overall situation of the Yamagata of Yanzi Lianbiaolong.

I have a faint guess.


Here, it is not just the residence of Longdian

Its third mountain has two ups and downs, and the corresponding mountain next to it has three ups and downs.

The former is neither Longlong Mountain nor Zhilong Mountain.

The latter is Longlong Mountain.

The reason is simple.

Longlong Mountain needs to undulate three times or more, while Zhilong Mountain is just a hill.

The yin house of Yanzi and Biaolong is suitable for the mountainside of Longlong Mountain.

The third mountain peak is not a perfect location for a yin house, but can be used as a yang house.

It is written in the house scriptures, "The combination of geese and characters is rare in the world, and it would be amazing if it is still in the right acupoint!"

This shows that as long as it is a combination of wild goose and dragon, no matter where it is, it is actually very beneficial, and if it is on the main acupoint, it will have the effect of great fortune.

The reason why I judge that there will be a combination of Yin and Yang houses here, and it is still on the hole.

It's also because Jiang Pan ordered this place, and Jiang Pan even said that I can't break the house!

The initial deduction has already made me feel the difficulty of breaking the high house.

Now that it has become this special Feng Shui Bureau, it is naturally more difficult!

In addition, it was Jiang Pan's handwriting, and he has a paranoid personality. As long as he does it, he shouldn't leave too many behind.

After thinking about it for a while, I started to walk towards the mountains.

I didn't go directly to the third mountain, but to the second.

If it is a yin and yang house with double houses, then the yin must be moved first, and then the yang must be broken.

The yin house will protect the yang house, if I rashly attack the yang house directly, I may be backlashed by feng shui.

This is very likely, one of the reasons why Jiang Pan said that I can't break this house!

If I didn't see Yanzi Lianbiaolong, I would definitely miss it!

but not now

In the eastern sky, a streak of purple air flashed, the night disappeared, and the sky brightened.

After walking for a while, I detoured into the second mountain, which is the pass of Longnalong Mountain in Yanzi Lianbiao.

After entering the mountain, I went straight towards the mountainside.

The main acupoint of Longlong Mountain must be on the mountainside.

It took about two hours before I reached the mountainside.

The rest of the location is densely wooded, while the mountainside is extremely flat.

After a clearing, the mountain continued to extend upwards.

Where the open space and the mountain connect, there is an extremely thick stone ridge.

At first glance, I didn't see the grave in the open space.

I was also slightly surprised.

Am I wrong in my analysis?Jiang Pan didn't make full use of the feng shui of the geese and the dragon?In fact, there is no private house?

I frowned and went to the center of the open space, took out the fixed compass, and looked down at the pointer changes.

The pointer, the needle head floated up soon, forming a red needle!

There must be a grave for the Dharma protector!

Less than two breaths later, the pointer changed again, forming a counter-hand!

The transition from red needle to reverse needle is too abrupt

And this anti-stitch means that there will be disobedient people here, and they will lose both people and wealth, and even have no feng shui to speak of.

There was some sweat on my forehead.

Judging from the outer mountains, the feng shui of the geese and the dragon is still there, and there are also blessings here to protect the law.

Why, it will form a reverse needle again? !

For a while, I couldn't think of the reason.

The pointer has been jumping between red needle and anti-hand.

I used it to jump to the needle and look for the position of the hole.

When it's time to go counterclockwise, you can only stop.

It took about half an hour, and I finally found the place with the highest floating point.

On the surface, it looks like the same turf as the rest of the place.

But if you look closely, the turf is slightly raised.

I can almost be sure that this is the hole, the place of burial.

I didn't bring a shovel and hoe for digging graves with me, so I had to take out the divination knife and use it to pry the soil.

Fortunately, the soil here is soft.

After prying some of the soil layer with a fortune-telling knife, I put on the gray fairy gloves and dug all the soil out

Not long after, at least half a meter deep, I bumped into a hard object, which should be the lid of the coffin.

Taking a deep breath, I continued to clean up the dirt.

After another quarter of an hour, I cleaned up the soil completely.

A dark coffin lid came into my sight.

And at the head of the coffin, a stone slab was pressed!

Moreover, there is an inscription on this stone slab!

I read it with my head down, and my face suddenly changed.

According to the inscription on the inscription, the person buried here was named Longlian, a merchant in Xingshi.

Long Lian has been in business all his life, but he has a kind heart. In times of war, he often opened warehouses to release grain and help people and refugees.

He also has a younger brother, who has been in the army since he was a child, and it has been difficult for him to see each other for many years.

However, there was an unforeseen situation. When the overall situation was settled, Longlian was questioned by many people in Xingshi because his younger brother joined the army and assembled a team as a warlord. Afterwards, he became a bandit. It was a business, secretly, but it came from his younger brother's burning, killing and looting.

In order to show his innocence, Long Lian executed himself in front of Xingshi city gate!

His body was humiliated and hung on the wall!

When I saw this, my face completely changed.

I have an association that the person buried here is a family member of Longdian, or he moved his ancestral grave here.

But what I didn't expect was that it was his elder brother.

Yan Zilian Biaolong is the Brothers Bureau!

What's even more unexpected to me is that he, a man who burns, kills, loots and commits all kinds of crimes, has such a benevolent elder brother

What I am more silent about is another point.

If I want to destroy the yin house, I have to dig the grave, and let the remains of the grave be exposed to the wilderness.

Only in this way can the feng shui of this place be broken.

Or I want to tamper with the tomb and put some collision "town objects".

Only by making the bones in the tombs uneasy, dying with unsettled eyes, and breaking Feng Shui, can it affect the people in the Yangzhai, that is, affect Longdian.

If this Long Lian is a person who commits all kinds of evil like Long Dian, I would not hesitate at all.

Well, he's a good man

When he was alive, he was implicated by Longdian before he could have a lucky fate in the future.

And after death, he will be used by Longdian

If I let him expose his corpse to the wilderness again, he may fall into eternal doom, and it will be difficult for him to have an afterlife

Doing this kind of thing, even if it's not about killing people and killing people, will not let fate cast aside, it will also make my own conscience feel uneasy

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