Those who die in the river often suffer from great injustice. Even after they die, they will stand upright and swim in the river, trying to find someone to avenge their grievances.

The danger of falling dead is far less than that of other murderous corpses in the river, and it will only bring endless troubles to people, because they have to help them find the murderer to take revenge.

Otherwise, you will always be haunted by death!

Since He Zhong was dead, it was even more impossible for him to hit so hard.

Thoughts raced through my mind in an instant.

During this period, Dunkong and Liu Zhengdao also stopped at the same time.

The two of them looked back at me, and Liu Zhengdao had doubts in his eyes.

He looked at the head of the corpse in the river again, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "The resentment is deep, but not fierce."

"Lu Weiyan, to deal with these two corpses, do we need to bring them back to the Taoist temple?"

Liu Zhengdao asked Lu Weiyan again.

That's exactly what I wanted to ask!

It's just dead, why do you need to bring it back to the Taoist temple?

If Taoist priests were really required to deal with it, a whole Taoist temple would be enough to crush him to ashes.

"This..." Lu Weiyan froze.

He stared blankly at the corpse in the river, and murmured: "I am not in charge of this matter. I have been in the temple. It is the other disciples in the temple who are working in the village. After that, the third child will take over and bring the corpse back. It was dictated by the third child."

"Yin Yang, pull it up."

"The third child, there is a big problem." Jiang Pan interrupted our conversation.

I took off my Tang suit and handed it to Dunkong to hug me, then jumped into the river and salvaged the two corpses ashore.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the two straight bodies looked even more desolate.

Only then did I notice that there was a rape mole on the corner of the male corpse's eye!

There was a mole in the middle of the female corpse's forehead.

In her human position, there are also red moles.

Jiang Pan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "A mole in the family, the wife is out of the wall."

"What is the relationship between these two people?!"

Of course, this is just Jiang Pan's question, who among us can know?

I don't think it's such a coincidence.

At this moment, suddenly, a large pile of torches appeared on the other side of the village entrance!

It was crowds of villagers running towards us.

The leader is the village chief we met in the afternoon, and on the other side is an old man in his early 70s.

The old man held a polished woodcutter in his hand, approached us, raised the knife, and slashed at Lu Weiyan!

His face was ferocious and fierce, and his eyes were full of resentment and hatred!

"I'll kill you, you bastard!" His voice was like a bellows, and he felt like he would die at any moment.

Lu Weiyan showed shock, and hurriedly dodged to the side.

Jiang Pan frowned even tighter, and I was also puzzled.

After Lu Weiyan flashed for a moment, the old man slashed again!

"Stop! Old man, I have no grievances with you in the past, nor in the near future! Why do you want to kill me?!" Lu Weiyan gasped, he was already wounded, he dodged twice, and some blood overflowed from his chest .

At the same time as he finished speaking, his hand suddenly stretched out and directly grabbed the old man's wrist.

With a bang, the hatchet fell to the ground!

The old man's face was full of grief and indignation, and he knelt heavily on the ground with a puff.

It was not Lu Weiyan who knelt down, but Jiang Pan.

Immediately afterwards, he knocked his head heavily to the ground, trembling with grief and indignation: "Mr. Jiang, avenge the little old man!"

Jiang Pan bent over, grabbed the old man's shoulders, and helped him up.

This scene made Liu Zhengdao extremely puzzled.

Dunkong looked at Lu Weiyan, then at the old man.

Those villagers in the rear were all talking among themselves.

Lu Weiyan was even more at a loss, only puzzled remained in his eyes.

Jiang Pan asked the old man in a low voice, what's the matter, what grievances do you have, you can just say that since our group came to this village, we will naturally solve all the problems.

The old man turned his head tremblingly, but looked at the two corpses, pointed at the female corpse, and said tremblingly: "This is my daughter-in-law." Immediately afterwards, he pointed to the man again, his expression became more painful, and his voice trembled. Said: "This is my son"

After the old man finished speaking, the villagers behind all had hatred in their eyes, but Lu Weiyan's face was extremely pale.

The old man's name is Xie Changjun.

His son's name is Xie Guang, and his daughter-in-law's name is Du Lan.

About eight years ago, Xie Guang just got married, but not long after, he disappeared

Live without people, dead without corpses!

Only his daughter-in-law, Du Lan, and Xie Changjun, an old man, remained in the family.

For these years, Xie Changjun has been trying to find out the whereabouts of his son, but there is no news.

He gradually discovered that Dulan had some problems, and even some time ago, she went to the doctor in the neighboring village and prescribed a prescription for abortion.

At that time, Xie Changjun felt that his daughter-in-law Hongxing was cheating, and he was very angry.

After being pressed, he found out that when Xie Guanggang disappeared many years ago, she had already had an affair with Lu Yi, a Taoist priest in the temple on the mountain.

Xie Changjun only felt that Dulan was flirtatious and had a bad character, so he was going to drive her out of the house. After Dulan cried and explained, he realized that Dulan had been raped.

This matter all dates back to the time when Xie Guang died, and Dulan was violated by Lu Yi the next day.

At that time, Du Lan wanted to die, but there was no news of her husband Xie Guang's disappearance, so she couldn't make up her mind.

As time passed, whenever she wanted to die, Lu Yi would threaten, saying that she knew the whereabouts of her man.

It has been seven years since Xie Changjun found out.

Women and Taoists were threatened, and it was difficult to resist. In addition, Lu Yi was a Taoist priest in the temple, so Duran was still more panicked.

But Xie Changjun has lived for decades, so he knows that it must not be that simple.

He was guarding at home, and when Lu Yi came to see Dulan again for a "private meeting", he came out of the house and questioned Lu Yi.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yi not only beat him up, but also humiliated Dulan face to face.

After that, Lu Yi threw him into the well in the backyard and sealed the well cover.

When he climbed out of the well two days ago, he learned that his daughter-in-law Dulan jumped into the river and died a few days ago, and even caused many people in the village to die, all of them were drowned

But Xie Changjun knew that Dulan had endured humiliation for seven years, so how could he jump into the river?

It is clear that after he questioned Lu Yi, he asked Lu Yi to kill him!

If it weren't for his fate, he would have died long ago when the cellar was dug on the side of the well.

Xie Changjun wanted revenge. He felt that since Lu Yi killed people to silence him, he should be the only one in the Taoist temple who is so vicious.

Therefore, Xie Changjun told other Taoist priests about it while the villagers were looking for Taoist priests to dispose of his daughter-in-law's murderous corpse.

Of course, some Taoist priests didn't believe him, so he found another one. Finally, some people were skeptical and said they would ask the temple master about it.

As a result, that night, when water was released from the river and two corpses were picked up, he discovered that the other male corpse was actually his son.

Lu Yi not only threatened Du Lan, but the missing Xie Guang was also killed by Lu Yi!

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