Lu Weiyan's expression changed suddenly, and there was nothing but astonishment in his eyes.

"how can that be?!"

Jiang Pan and I looked at each other, and my heart became more solemn.

Jiang Pan narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a pensive look.

Before, I thought it was too weird that a pair of corpses bumped into a Taoist priest, and that Taoist priest injured an entire Taoist temple.

Now the people in the Taoist temple are all dead, not because they were killed by collisions, and they have no resentment.

Even Lu Weiyan's statement that people bumped into others and hurt others was overturned

This obviously shows that there is a problem with the third child in Lu Weiyan's mouth? !

At this point in my thoughts, I asked directly: "Did anything happen to your Taoist temple? The third child, did you do anything? Do you have enmity with everyone?"

Lu Weiyan shook his head, with a puzzled look on his face.

"No, the third one is kind-hearted. He always goes down the mountain to help the villagers. Whether it's repairing the house, or helping some women, children and the elderly plow the fields, he has always been at the forefront. How could he be?"

As he spoke, Lu Weiyan clutched his chest, and a lot of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, he couldn't say a word.

"Dunkong and I went to other places to see if there is any problem."

Liu Zhengdao turned around and left the hall, he called Dun Kong, and the two quickly disappeared on the right side.

Jiang Pan was silent for a moment, and said: "Let's go outside the dojo first, and you will tell us all the whole story of this matter again."

He supported Lu Weiyan, and walked towards the outside of the Taoist temple.

I went out of the Taoist temple together, and Jiang Pan helped Lu Weiyan sit in front of the carriage.

Under the sunlight, Lu Weiyan looked devastated, his face like gold paper.

After waiting for half a cup of tea, he opened his mouth in a low voice.

But what he said was what he said before.

Seven days ago, a foolish woman threw herself into the river at the entrance of the village, and as a result, someone in the village drowned and died, and the corpse was thrown into the river, and there were two corpses

After that, the body was brought back to the Taoist temple, and then something happened to the Taoist temple, and he left

At this time, Lu Weiyan no longer used the description of bumping, but an accident

Obviously, some of these problems, he himself has accepted.

"Is throwing into the river the beginning? I'm afraid we won't know the situation until we find the woman's body. Is it a coincidence that the missing man's body is together?"

I know too little information, and there are not many things that can be analyzed.

Jiang Pan also nodded and said, "Let's see if Daoist Liu and Dunkong have gained anything. If not, we'll go to the village and wait for the dark."

Another quarter of an hour later, Liu Zhengdao and Dun Kong left the Taoist temple, and when they got close to us, before I could ask, Liu Zhengdao shook his head.

After Jiang Pan signaled them to get in the car, we left the Taoist temple and headed straight down the mountain.

When we got back to the village, the sky was a little darker.

Lu Weiyan showed the way and took us to a yard.

Knocking on the courtyard door, an old man came to open the door. He was stunned for a moment, with a smile on his face.

"Lu Daochang"

I could tell at a glance that the old man's smile was forced.

He glanced at me and Jiang Pan, then at Liu Zhengdao and Dun Kong, and then looked behind him with his head, and his expression improved a little.

"Village Chief, something happened in Guannei. The two corpses should have returned to the river at the entrance of the village. Let's rest here and get up again at night." Lu Weiyan gasped.

The village chief was startled, and his expression became even more disturbed.

"That dead woman is back?!" The village head swallowed.

Lu Weiyan nodded.

The village chief let the door open and invited us into the courtyard.

When we got to the main room, he sat us down and poured tea again.

During this period, the village head kept looking at Lu Weiyan vaguely.

He asked who we were again.

After Jiang Pan said this, the village chief's forehead became even more sweaty.

I think the village chief must have something to say, but he is hiding it now.

I was about to open my mouth to ask.

In the end, he just said that he was still boiling medicine in the kitchen, so he went over to watch first.

After speaking, he hurried into the kitchen.

Throughout the afternoon, the village chief didn't enter the main room again. Although he came out of the kitchen, he went around into another room.

I think there's something wrong with it

The problem lies in Chaozong Taoist Temple and this village?

But looking at Lu Weiyan alone, neither Jiang Pan nor I can see other problems.

Time passed by little by little, and in a blink of an eye, it was almost dark.

The village chief still didn't come out of the room.

Lu Weiyan obviously also discovered the problem.

While hesitating, he looked at the village chief's room and said, "Let's go to the river first."

The group left the village chief's house and headed towards the village entrance.

After nightfall, there are almost no people on the village road.

When we arrived at the entrance of the village, there was a layer of black air lingering on the river.

The cold moonlight swayed down, the water seemed to be black and red, and there were some shadows shaking

Liu Zhengdao stood on the bank of the river, motioning Jiang Pan, Lu Weiyan, me, and I to back off, leaving only Dun Kong by his side.

At this time, Dun Kong put his hands on his waist, and there were two strings hanging around his waist.

Liu Zhengdao also held a talisman in his left hand.

Obviously, it was the Hekui Corpse Severing Talisman.

The next moment, Liu Zhengdao took out his pocket with his right hand, and took out five stones of different colors.

"One person, one person, you left and I right." Liu Zhengdao said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Dunkong nodded.

Jiang Pan put his hands behind his back, and I also turned my hands away.

Lu Weiyan said unnaturally: "If there is a problem with the third child, then there is a problem with the two corpses, isn't it better to keep the evil spirit of the corpses first? In this way, maybe we can get some clues ?”

"It's okay. The dead don't speak out of resentment. Resentment brings only hatred. She can tell us a lot lying here." I said to Lu Weiyan.

Lu Weiyan obviously didn't understand, and his eyes were a little dazed.

I didn't explain much, and my eyes fell on Liu Zhengdao.

At this time, Liu Zhengdao waved his forearm, and five colored stones were thrown in five places.

"A bluestone in the northeast, a redstone in the southeast, a whitestone in the southwest, a blackstone in the northwest, and a yellowstone in the cave!"

"The curse says, five stars and eight places, blessed by the gods, Sui Xing is on the left, Taibai is on the right, Yinghuo is in front, and Chen Xing is behind."

"Take care of the stars, avoid disasters and disasters! Monster catastrophe, five-star amnesty! The dead are peaceful, and the living live a long life!"

"Hurry like a law!

Amidst the plopping sound, five stones sank into the water in five directions!

The next moment, the black air on the water surface suddenly disappeared.

Under the night, in the pitch-black river, there are streams of blood flowing.

After a while, two people floated up on the surface of the water

No, it's not exactly floating.

Both of these two people only came out of the water with their heads first.

One of them is a man and the other is a woman.

Both of them were pale-skinned, without any color, painful faces, full of struggle and resentment.

Liu Zhengdao shouted in a low voice: "He Kui!"

Dunkong immediately answered: "Cut the corpse!".

The two waved their hands at the same time to make a talisman!

My complexion changed slightly, and I whispered: "Stop it first! This is not a murderous corpse! It's dead!"

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