I instinctively glanced at the carriage, and it was driven by an ordinary coachman.

This carriage is also very ordinary, nothing special about it.

It's just that my heart throbbed a little bit.

This throbbing comes from instinct

"Brother, on weekdays, how many horse-drawn carriages come to Honghe?" I pulled the reins, and the two horses snorted and stopped.

"Not many." Jiang Pan replied.

Without further ado, I turned over and got out of the carriage, and started to chase after the carriage.

After a few breaths, I caught up to the front of the carriage.

The coachman also let out a cry and stopped the car.

He looked at me in amazement, and said puzzledly, "Your Excellency, what's your business in stopping the car?"

"Who is in the car? What's the matter when you enter Honghe Town?" I asked straight to the point.

Displeasure was evident on the coachman's face.

"Who are you? It's rude to stop the car rashly and ask questions directly." The driver said rudely.

My complexion doesn't change.

It would really make people feel uncomfortable to go directly to stop the car for questioning.

But I felt heart palpitations, and it was impossible to sit back and watch them enter the town without asking.

Especially now that I, Jiang Pan, Liu Zhengdao, and Dun Kong have all left.

There was a bit of sharpness in my eyes, and I looked at the coachman.

The coachman was visibly taken aback.

Mr. Yin Yang, who is a geographer, can see through people's faces at a glance when his yang calculation skills reach a certain level, and he has a strong oppressive force on ordinary people.

I was about to continue speaking when a hurried voice came from beside me.

"Your servant Jiang Pan is Mr. Yin Yang from Honghe. This is my younger brother. There have been frequent accidents in Honghe recently, and outsiders have entered the town. My younger brother is on guard. Please forgive me." Before I turned my head, I saw Jiang Pan walking quickly from the side. come over.

The stunned look on the coachman's face was less, but more fearful.

He looked at me warily, then glanced at Jiang Pan in a daze.

The car door behind him was pushed open.

What came into the sight of Jiang Pan and me was a thin man with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses with round lenses.

His eye sockets were black, and there was a black air lingering on his face.

However, the black air is still relatively thin, and there is no danger of life.

"Mr. Tianyuan Jiang?" The man's eyes were full of excitement, and his voice trembled slightly.

Jiang Pan nodded.

The man staggered out of the carriage and fell to his knees.

"Mr. Jiang, help!" He kowtowed to Jiang Pan without saying a word.

Jiang Pan frowned, and my expression was unnatural.

Obviously, Jiang Pan was well-known, and this was the person who came to ask him to do something.

It's just that we are busy with other things now, and we don't have time to deal with him.

I was about to speak, because this man is just black and dark, with dark eyes.

In terms of bone appearance, Yintang is black, very worried, with dark eyes, sixty days to prevent disasters, and he has no worries about his life for the time being.

Jiang Pan spoke first, and said in a deep voice, "What's your name?"

"Cao Yu." The man replied immediately.

"Well, Cao Yu, you don't have to worry about your life now, but I have important things to do. After entering the town, I will find an inn to stay in the town. After I come back, I will send someone to find you." Jiang Pan opened his mouth again. .

I was instantly relieved.

I was afraid that Jiang Pan would take care of this matter first.

Cao Yu's face clearly showed anxiety, he said: "Mr. Jiang can't do it, you have to save me, I almost couldn't wake up yesterday."

He knelt and stepped forward, directly grabbing Jiang Pan's calf.

I frowned, Jiang Pan broke free twice, Cao Yu's grip was tight and he didn't let go.

"Mr. Jiang, listen to me, I always dream of a child at night, it's scary, it's going to strangle me, look at my neck"

Cao Yu directly opened the collar of his shirt, and the exposed thin neck made my eyelids twitch slightly.

On his neck, there was really a dense black palm print.

These palm prints are very small, like a baby's.

I immediately looked behind Cao Yu.

It's just that it's so bright now that I can't see anything.

However, I have seen a scene similar to this.

Back then when he worked for Huo Kunmin, that meant he lost his son.

If the child dies prematurely, he will follow his father and stare at his father until he dies too.

It's just that it's extremely rare to follow and follow, directly demanding the father's life.

Jiang Pan also showed a thoughtful expression.

He raised his hand, took out a copper coin, handed it to Cao Yu, and said: "You stop me, I still need to go out to do business, you take this copper coin, you can save your life, and when I come back I will look for you." Cao Yu took the copper coins blankly, and then knelt at Jiang Pan several times.

Jiang Pan said no courtesy, and then gave me a look.

I turned my head and walked towards our carriage, Jiang Pan followed me.

Back on the carriage, I started to drive the carriage again, Jiang Pan closed his eyes and rested.

After walking for a while, my heart still couldn't calm down.

"Brother, do you think that person just now has other problems?" I said.

Jiang Pan shook his head, and said, "Yinyang, are you too suspicious?" I paused, forced a smile, and said, "It's okay if I'm suspicious, but the palpitations can't go away, isn't it because of them , but something else? Are they just a coincidence, distracting me?"

I whispered and analyzed at the same time.

"Father, mother, you are very powerful." Dun Kong poked his head out of the car door and said seriously.

"I just test the talisman, kill the pair of corpses, and then I can go back. I probably won't stay overnight." Liu Zhengdao said, "If you are still worried about Mr. Li, you and Mr. Jiang will stay in the town, and we will escape together." Just go empty."

I shook my head, denying Liu Zhengdao's idea.

The pair of corpses can bump into a Taoist priest, and there are more strange things.

What Dun Kong said is true, He Zhi is indeed not weak, as a hag and coffin maker, even if he encounters some Mr. Yin and Yang, if he deals with it head-on, he will suffer a big loss before He Zhi's ax kills his life.

Besides, those were indeed two ordinary people just now.

Without thinking about it, I continued on my way.

About an hour later, our carriage stopped outside the entrance of a village.

There is a river on the right side of the village entrance, which just flows out of the village.

The river runs straight through the village, not across the village entrance.

It happened to be noon, the sun was glaring, and there were two people standing by the river, a man and a woman, staring at our carriage.

At this moment, the horse neighed, as if frightened, and rushed directly towards the river

My face changed slightly, I grabbed the rein hard and let out a muffled grunt.

Three mahogany swords suddenly shot out from inside the car, roaring out from the ears of Jiang Pan and me.

"Gai Wen, the sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters in the law. I will kill it now, and get rid of all disasters!"

"One cut off the calamity of the sky, the sky will meet the road ghosts, cut off all the devils, and leave home forever!"

The sound of incantation entered the ears at the same time.

Twice chi chi, the three mahogany swords shot at the trunks of two willow trees by the river bank.

Where is anyone there? !

The two horses neighed again and came to a halt.

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