Or is that pair of corpses just that fierce?

There was also a lot of doubt in Jiang Pan's eyes, and he made another gesture of invitation, and said, "Daoist Lu, let's go, and we can see from a glance that there must be a lot of problems with those two corpses."

The three entered the yard one after another.

Dunkong was still sitting in the main room practicing talismans.

But Liu Zhengdao came to the center of the courtyard. There was a small square table in front of him, and he was also drawing amulets. When he got a little closer, I could see that he was drawing He Kui's corpse-killing charm.

Although this talisman is not as brilliant as the one drawn by Dunkong at that time, it is quite satisfactory!

It took only half a day, but Liu Zhengdao actually drew the Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman, which in itself is an extremely outstanding talent

The Taoist priest of the Liu family uses talismans himself, so he is indeed suitable to learn Xu Fu's talisman skills

The Taoist was stunned, staring at Liu Zhengdao in a daze, and murmured: "The green robe is in a high bun, the dust is three feet long, and the nine swords are hanging from the waist of the Liu family."

The next moment, the Taoist broke free from me and Jiang Pan, and managed to stand still even though he was seriously injured.

He brushed off the clothes on his chest with both sleeves, and saluted respectfully.

"Xiaodao Lu Weiyan, I have met the seniors of the Liu family."

"I didn't know that senior was here, and seeing him in a hurry, Xiaodao is disrespectful." Lu Weiyan bowed deeply again as he said.

Liu Zhengdao didn't stop writing, he was still drawing symbols.

He didn't put down the pen until the Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman he wrote was fully formed, and let out a long breath.

Looking at Lu Weiyan, Liu Zhengdao nodded calmly.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Zhengdao picked up the talisman, turned around and walked towards the house.

"Dunkong, help me look at this talisman."

Jiang Pan and I looked at each other, Jiang Pan looked calmer, and I was relieved.

Liu Zhengdao's mentality is really excellent.

Logically, he should actually ask me and Jiang Pan.

But what he asked was about escape.

Obviously, he knows that our talisman skills are average, and being able to question a child like Dun Kong shows his tenacity.

Lu Weiyan was a little embarrassed and looked at us unnaturally.

Jiang Pan made a gesture of invitation, signaling Lu Weiyan to go to the big carriage in the corner of the yard, and we will start now.

I explained a few words to Lu Weiyan, and roughly introduced Liu Zhengdao's identity, and Liu Zhengdao is busy with things now, and has no time to pay attention to other things.

Lu Weiyan hurriedly responded: "It's natural, the Liu family's Taoism is superb, and seniors wholeheartedly asked about painting symbols, which is naturally very different from the last trails like mine."

Lu Weiyan's attitude reminded me of the respect those Taoist priests had for the Taoist priests of the Liu family when they went to the Yin Mountains in Tang Town.

In my thoughts, Lu Weiyan was already walking towards the carriage.

Jiang Pan turned around and went into his own room. Obviously, he was going to prepare something to carry.

Most of my stuff was on me, so I didn't need to bring anything else, so I walked into the main room.

Dunkong stopped what he was doing, and called me father.

I nodded and told Liu Zhengdao that we have to settle some matters and let them stay in this courtyard.

I briefly told Liu Zhengdao about Lu Weiyan's Taoist temple and things in the village.

Liu Zhengdao frowned slightly, and suddenly said: "This Hekui corpse-cutting talisman is condensed with heavy yin energy to form a cutting knife, and is placed on top of the corpse! The yin energy in the river gathers, and Kui fights for ghosts again. This talisman should be borrowed from the river Qi. Just like the Liu family's talisman seal, relying on the great righteousness in the chest!"

I'm a little surprised.

Because what Liu Zhengdao said has almost nothing to do with what I said.

Is he completely enthralled? !

And his understanding of Hekui's Corpse Slaying Talisman is really profound, I don't think I've heard Dunkong say that before.

It seems that Liu Zhengdao is not just drawing a talisman, he is still analyzing the composition of this talisman?

"Dunkong, you and Daoist Liu will stay in the courtyard, do you understand?" I told Dunkong.

Dunkong nodded and said, "Father, I understand."

But at this moment, Liu Zhengdao looked at me with blazing eyes, and continued, "Mr. Li, you didn't understand what I meant."

My face was slightly condensed, and I raised my eyes to meet Liu Zhengdao.

"I have learned the talisman, and I want to use it."

"He Kui killed the corpse, since it is to use the Heyin ghost fight to destroy the corpse, naturally it is the best place in the river. It just happened that you have encountered this incident, isn't it God's will to let me try the amulet? I will go with you." Liu Zhengdao said in a firm tone.

My pupils suddenly constricted.

On the other side, there was a soft "thump".

I turned my head to look in the direction of the carriage, but Lu Weiyan who had just gotten into the carriage got out of the carriage. He looked surprised and said, "It is the joy of the people that the seniors of the Liu family are willing to go!"


This Lu Weiyan was so seriously injured that he didn't need help when he saw Liu Zhengdao just now.

Now jump straight off the wagon again

His respect for the Liu family is indeed extraordinary

"Okay." I nodded.

Dunkong's eyes also showed a thoughtful look, and he murmured: "Then Daoist Liu, I will go with you."

Liu Zhengdao walked directly towards the carriage, and Dun Kong followed beside him.

The two of them also started talking in a low voice, and Dunkong was talking about his knowledge of Hekui's Corpse Slaying Talisman.

Roughly, what Dunkong said was the composition of the talisman in detail, and the aura inherent in the talisman itself.

After listening to a few words, I understood the meaning of Dunkong.

He believes that a complete Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman has its own breath and does not necessarily need to be in the river.

But Liu Zhengdao believes that if the talisman itself is complete and then placed in a suitable place according to local conditions, the effect will be multiplied.

Dun Kong hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "I haven't tried it yet."

"Two murderous corpses, one for each person, okay?" Liu Zhengdao said seriously.

"Okay, once a man speaks a word, it's hard to follow!"

Dunkong raised his hand, but what he did was pull the hook.

Liu Zhengdao paused, and stretched out his hand to grab the hook


But Lu Weiyan was dumbfounded, as if he was a little absent-minded.

During this period, Jiang Pan also came out.

He looked at Dunkong and Liu Zhengdao in surprise, and walked towards me at the same time.

I told Jiang Pan about the situation, and he nodded and said it was a good thing.

I asked Jiang Pan to wait for me for a while, and I went to explain to He Zhi.

Jiang Pan went to pull the carriage first.

I went back to the room and briefly told He Zhi that we were going out.

He Zhi had been looking down at the Zhaijing, but she didn't lift her head, she just said softly: "Hurry up and come back."

Obviously, she has put all her energy into it. The things we have to do are not big, and with so many people, she is not worried at all.

I left the room, and the carriage was out of the yard.

I followed immediately and got into the car.

Jiang Pan and I sat in the front and drove the horse, while Dunkong and Liu Zhengdao were still discussing in the carriage.

Only Lu Weiyan was left huddled in the corner of the carriage, not daring to say more.

After a while, we left the town.

After such a long period of time, the townspeople here have long since dispersed.

The sky was gloomy at this time, as if it was going to rain.

A horse-drawn carriage passed us and entered the town

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