Without hesitation, I stepped out of the protection range of An Wujing Town Talisman, and He Zhi was even faster.

But at this moment, Liu Zhengdao let out a low growl: "Mr. Li, Mrs. Li, if this continues, we will be consumed to death. They are even more fierce. It must be what that person has done. The Hanba must have come out of the forest. You have to Find a way to break him! Or if you hold all the "people", I will break him!"

Between the words, Liu Zhengdao fell to the ground, he did not stop, but rushed out with another stride,

Just in front of Dunkong.

At this time, Dunkong had used up the last rune belt, his face was pale, his legs were trembling, and he was panting endlessly.

Liu Zhengdao raised his left arm abruptly, and a white cloth half a meter long was pulled out from his waist.

He raised his whisk with his right hand and sprayed a mouthful of blood on it.

The whisk seemed to be taken by him as a huge brush, and the sharp point fell onto the white cloth.

A rune is rapidly taking shape!

At the same time, the righteous incantation drank from his mouth.

"The sky is round and the place is nine chapters in the law. I am going down to the town now. All disasters will be retreated and all ghosts will hide! The house is safe and the population is safe. Enter and exit Yongkang!"

"I am honored by the Supreme Lord, as urgently as a law!"

What Liu Zhengdao used was indeed the Suppressing God's Curse!

As the last rune was drawn, his whole body turned around in mid-air, and the whisk swung forward.

The huge energy made the talisman fly out!

After being hit, the "townspeople" and living corpses rushing from behind all stayed in place and fell to the rear!

At this moment, almost half of the "townspeople" and the living corpses were suppressed by the magic spell!

Only a small part remained, and the movement became extremely slow.

Liu Zhengdao's face was pale!

I was shocked, because Liu Zhengdao actually used a blood talisman!

And this blood talisman draws the curse of the town god!

It's just that the good times don't last long!

In mid-air, black air visible to the naked eye appeared, and the black air quickly penetrated into the suppressed townspeople and living corpses.

They began to tremble again, and the talisman instantly became pitch black, and a burst of flames burst out from below, burning rustlingly.

"Mr. Li! Don't hesitate any longer! We have no choice!" Liu Zhengdao growled again.

"You protect Dunkong and restrain these "people", and I will go with He Zhi to break the drought!" I turned hard and shouted in a low voice.

"He Zhi, come back!"

He Zhi suddenly stopped in place, her face was extremely difficult, but she quickly retreated towards me.

Obviously, it is almost impossible for me, He Zhi and Dun Kong to contain all the "townspeople" and living corpses.

Only let Liu Zhengdao do this.

At this time, there were dozens of townspeople and living corpses between Dunkong and us. He couldn't come to us at all, so we had to let Liu Zhengdao protect him.

"Okay! Mr. Li, it's up to you to get rid of Hanba!"

After Liu Zhengdao groaned this sentence, the God of Suppressing Mantra had burned to its peak, and half of the entire piece of talisman paper was completely burned!

All the townspeople and living corpses regained their mobility, and under the lingering black energy, they seemed to be angered by Liu Zhengdao, and more like the Hanba had given an order, and they all rushed towards Liu Zhengdao!

It's as if He Zhi and I are not a threat, they don't care about us at all.

My eyes quickly scanned the direction of the old forest.

There was already a sea of ​​flames and thick smoke billowing.

What I'm looking for is Hanba!

What Liu Zhengdao said is right, the fire is so fierce, the Hanba must have come out, but it's not in our sight!

What Liu Zhengdao said is exactly my inference,

It is still necessary to break the drought to end all this!

At this glance, I didn't find the location of the Hanba.

"Daoist Liu, let them hurt again! I want to find it!"

I immediately took out the fixed compass and shouted at Liu Zhengdao.

During this period, He Zhi had come to my side, and her eyes were filled with worry.

I took a deep breath, and my attention fell on Liu Zhengdao.

Liu Zhengdao took a step forward and shouted, "Okay!"

His hand directly grabbed the Taoist robe on his right shoulder, and pulled it down forcefully, only to hear a tear, half of the clothes were pulled away by him!

The broken clothes fell to his waist, revealing his bronze upper body,

Well-defined muscles, strong and strong.

Especially around his waist, there is actually a bronze sword wrapped around it!

That bronze sword, shaped like a willow leaf, is at most the size of two fingers!

He quickly pulled out one of them and slashed across his chest!

A deep wound appeared on his chest.

Blood flowed out, soaking half of his body in an instant,

The willow-leaf bronze sword at the waist was almost completely soaked in blood!

This scene made me very shocked.

Dunkong in the back, his face was pale, and his face was full of fear.

He Zhi covered his mouth and his hands were shaking.

I have never seen any Taoist priest of the Liu family use such a trick in front of me before.

This... should be their killing move! ?

Just like the killing and life skills that I don't usually use? !

At this moment, Liu Zhengdao stepped forward three times!

Stern and chilling incantation sounded out from his mouth:

"Confucius gave me an exquisite heart, and I will return it to the heavenly court to destroy evil spirits with a blood-coated sword, and to destroy evil spirits with my heart!"

He yanked a part of his waist and pulled it down violently.

It was a cloth belt, and what was wrapped around the cloth belt were those willow-leaf bronze swords!

At this moment, the righteousness in Liu Zhengdao disappeared...

No, it didn't disappear, but was covered by another breath.

That breath is crazy!It seems like a madness that ends together!

At the same time, those living corpses and those who bumped into ghosts were already approaching Liu Zhengdao.

Liu Zhengdao didn't dodge, and took another seven steps forward.

"Gai Wen!"

"The sky is round and the earth is round, and there are nine chapters in the law! I will kill it now, and get rid of all disasters!"

"Nine swords get rid of disasters from heaven, nine swords get rid of disasters from the earth, and nine swords get rid of ghosts! Slay all devils, demons and monsters will perish by themselves! Slash all evil things, and the world will live in peace!"

"I am pardoned by the Jade Emperor's law!"

Liu Zhengdao grabbed both ends of the cloth belt with both hands, and with a shake of his hand, the cloth belt was concaved inward, and then pushed outward again!

All of a sudden, all the bronze swords with willow leaves flew out from the cloth belt!

Those bronze swords quickly shot at the townspeople and living corpses at the front!

Almost every one hit the top of one of the "people"!

Liu Zhengdao's eyes were wide open, but his whole body staggered two steps forward, as if he was about to fall to the ground.

But he stopped suddenly and stabilized his figure!

He pulled out the bronze sword at his waist again, staring sternly at the dozen or so remaining living corpses and townspeople behind him.

A large amount of black air suddenly rose from the west side of the old forest. At this moment, the fixed compass in my hand, the speed of the pointer rotation, almost shot out of the sky.

"Found it!" I yelled and ran straight to the west!

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