He Zhi set off abruptly and rushed towards a group of "townspeople" and living corpses on the left!

"Dun Kong, father and mother both know what you want, but you are still a child, so you can't be too aggressive." I looked solemn, and said in a deep voice: "Even father and uncle will put the team first, Listen to everyone's opinions."

The moment I finished speaking, I also rushed into the crowd with a golden ruler in my hand!

He Zhi's movements were extremely sharp, and when he raised the ax and dropped it, there must be a "person" who was injured and knocked down.

But immediately, there was another wave of black air lingering up...

My movements were also extraordinarily harsh, and the ruler hit the living corpses, or bumped into various parts of the townspeople's faces.

It's just that their bodies are really hard, and I can't stop pulling my bones.

Although the Yang Ruler with the Tongqiao Fenjin Ruler has a suppressing effect, it has the greatest effect when combined with the broken face bone.

Coupled with the existence of the Hanba, it is equivalent to providing them with a lot of vitality.

Even if He Zhi and I hurt them, they will recover quickly...

In an instant, He Zhi and I walked together, almost back to back, so as not to leave any openings.

The rest of the "people" formed a circle and came forward to attack us back and forth.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Liu Zhengdao rushing into the other half of the crowd, the fly whisk in his hand was dancing, and his spells were extremely powerful.

Liu Zhengdao is fine, but He Zhi and I are struggling...

Just then, there was a swishing sound.

At least a dozen talismans shot straight out, hitting the backs of some townspeople and living corpses.

Immediately, more than ten townspeople and living corpses rushed in another direction!

He Zhi shouted in shock: "Dun Kong, be careful!"

I also cast my eyes on the other side, and Dunkong moved forward at least seven or eight meters. He stood on the spot, his arms stretched out, and he was still throwing the talisman!

His small face is tougher, and his eyes are more determined!

"Ji Si, Ji Mao, Ji Chou, Ji Wei!"

"Calamity, cut off!"

His immature words echoed in the night sky!

He wiped his hand on his waist again, and several talismans flew out, directly falling towards the few townspeople and living corpses rushing towards him!

Half of the dozen or so "people" were stopped immediately, but the other half remained, still rushing towards Dunkong.

He Zhi let out a soft drink, and she jumped, wanting to jump out of the remaining "people".

Obviously, He Zhi is going to help escape from the sky.

Two living corpses with long black hairs on their faces jumped up and moved towards He Zhi.

I raised the golden ruler and hit one of them, and the other still collided with He Zhi.

He Zhi shouted angrily and rolled away.

The living corpse didn't pay attention to her, and waved its arms directly towards her face.

Anyway, we were both stopped.

The remaining man bumped into the townspeople and the living corpses, and attacked us again!

At the same time, Dunkong's childish voice resounded through the night sky again.

"Suppress the fourth tomb, but the original tomb cannot be suppressed! If the tomb's occupant is killed by ten people within a month! Use the seven-inch phase wood as a symbol, and use a special book to determine the characters! Go down to the town in three steps!"

"The tomb of Wuyinchen Xuqiuwei is great!"

His hand passed over his chest, and what he felt was a wooden plank about seven inches long, with an extremely complicated rune on it.

He swung the wooden talisman directly, and the talisman fell in front of the remaining "people", and they stopped almost at the same time.

Under the reflection of the moonlight, the wooden talisman emitted bursts of black air, while a long string of white smoke emitted from those people.

A hiss echoed through the night air.

He Zhi was full of surprise, and said: "Okay! Dunkong, you step back and find a safe place to hide..."

Before she could finish her sentence, a living corpse hit He Zhi on the shoulder.

He Zhi let out a muffled snort, his pretty face suddenly paled.

She slashed hard with her backhand, and the ax pierced half of the zombie's shoulder.

I have given up on using Tongqiao to divide the golden ruler, and put it on my waist, and instead took out the earth branch pen and Tiangan inkstone.

Biting the tip of my tongue, spitting blood into the inkstone, I was stained with blood ink, and the ground pen directly rushed to the head of a townsman in front of me!

A six house talisman was instantly outlined.

He froze in place!

But it took time for me to draw the talisman, and I stopped one, and at least three other palms hit my chest at the same time.

My legs suddenly lifted off the ground, and I was shot flying at least seven or eight meters away!

When I landed heavily, my whole body was filled with qi and blood.

Quickly getting up, I realized that the few "people" that Dunkong had restrained with the talisman paper at the beginning regained their mobility and continued to approach him!

As for the one he suppressed with the wooden talisman, it was still emitting white smoke, but the wooden talisman became extremely black, and it was about to catch fire.

I panted heavily, raised the ground pen again, and another townsman rushed in front of me, I tapped directly between its eyebrows, and a talisman of suppressing evil was drawn out.

At the same time, two other townspeople attacked from left and right!

I raised my leg and kicked the one on the right, but the one on the left directly grabbed my shoulder.

When he grabbed it hard, my whole body was tilted a lot, and the severe pain in my shoulder made me groan even more.

The development of the situation has far exceeded our expectations.

What I thought at first was that if we each deal with half of the townspeople and living corpses, we can destroy them one by one, and then deal with the Hanba.

Now that Mr. didn't show up, we overestimated our own strength and underestimated the abilities of the living corpses and townspeople.

While thinking, I picked up my pen and pointed at the townsman who grabbed my shoulder.

A Hekui Corpse Slaying Talisman was outlined, and a line of blood appeared above its head, loosening my shoulders.

But on my shoulder, there were five bloody scars.

A few more townspeople and living corpses rushed towards me.

There are actually not many of them, but they can always recover, as if they are endless!

Dunkong was barely able to hold on, and only a small half of the talisman on his waist was left.

He Zhi began to fall into a disadvantage...

Even me, it's hard to keep going.

On the other side, Liu Zhengdao seemed to have sensed our decline. He rushed forward, jumped up, directly stepped on the head of a townsman, and flew into the air!

"A bluestone in the northeast, a redstone in the southeast, a whitestone in the southwest, a blackstone in the northwest, and a yellowstone in the cave!"

"The curse says, the five stars and eight places are blessed by the gods. Sui Xing is on the left, Taibai is on the right. Ying Huo is in front, and Chen Xing is behind. The star guards the center, avoids disasters, monsters and catastrophes, the five stars are captured, the dead are peaceful, and the living Fushou, hurry like a law!"

At the same time as the sound of his incantation resounded, five stones of different colors fell to me and He Zhi respectively, forming a protection, and in the middle, a yellow stone fell.

Immediately, the townspeople and living corpses who rushed towards me and He Zhi all stopped in place, motionless!

This immediately gave He Zhi and I a chance to breathe!

But they only paused for a moment, but all the "people" turned around and rushed towards Dunkong!

My complexion changed drastically.

He Zhi also screamed: "Dun Kong, be careful!"

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