Dunkong didn't look up at me, but the movement of drawing symbols became faster.

I walked quickly in front of Dunkong, and looked down at the talisman on the ground.

Those talismans are a mixture of black and red, aren't they just blood talismans? !

My brows suddenly became pimples, and my tone became harsher several times.


Dunkong's hand just paused, he raised his head to look at me, there was only tenacity on his small face.

The blood at the corner of his mouth was still not wiped clean, but his pale face made me feel complicated.

I was going to scold him.

But the look in his eyes made me unable to say what I wanted to say.

Dunkong is very smart and decisive.

Earthly branch pen and Tiangan inkstone have a strong blessing effect on talismans,

Blood, too.

Without the earth branch brush and the heavenly stem inkstone, that kind of blessing is much weaker.

However, the blood talisman is also far better than other talisman seals drawn with ordinary ink.

Dunkong and I looked at each other for a few seconds, but he didn't speak, but lowered his head again, and continued to draw symbols.

"The heart is so tenacious." But Liu Zhengdao sighed softly from the side.

He walked up to me, looked down at Dunkong, with a sigh on his face.

"If your father was by your side when you had this son, maybe you could see his talent."

I knew very well that Liu Zhengdao still cherished talents, so I didn't speak.

"Just this time, don't make an example, otherwise Dad will also establish family laws." I still said something.

Too hard is easy to break. Although Dunkong has shown a tough heart, he is too young. If this rigid character is not corrected, he will be too sharp in the future.

Dunkong didn't answer me, he was still making a fuss.

I don't speak anymore.

If Dun Kong is interrupted at this time, his blood will also be wasted.

Time passed little by little.

After about an hour or so, the basement room was already filled with the smell of corpses, He Zhi said softly, "Okay."

I turned around, but He Zhi just raised his hand.

What made my pupils constrict was that Hanba's finger was wrapped tightly around her right index finger wearing the gray fairy glove!

The sharp black nails glowed with a faint cold light, and there were some tiny runes on the skin of the fingers.

He Zhi moved her finger, and she kept staring at the finger of Hanba, and murmured: "This finger, if it is against those who bump into people or living corpses, it should have a miraculous effect, and it can even pierce Hanba's body." .”

I'm so determined, in this way, our confidence will be a lot more!

I nodded to He Zhi, and my eyes became softer.

But He Zhi approached Dunkong, his expression was distressed and unbearable.

During this period, Liu Zhengdao walked to the corner and took out all the food, let us eat something first, and there will be a fierce battle later.

He Zhi carefully put away the gray fairy gloves with Hanba's fingers tied, took the food, and gave me some more.

Only then did I realize that I haven't even eaten what He Zhi gave me before.

I took out the food she wrapped up just now from my pocket.

He Zhi froze for a moment, and looked at me with blame.

With a wry smile, I also started eating.

There were too many things before, I didn't think about it, and I didn't feel hungry. Now I ate two bites, and the hunger in my stomach came out.

After eating the food, I took out the water bag and drank a couple of sips. I felt much more energetic.

While eating in small bites, He Zhi put down some peeled sweet potatoes on a clean cloth. Obviously, she was preparing for Dunkong.

After about two quarters of an hour, Dunkong finally stopped his movements, and the blood ink in his inkstone was exhausted.

Putting away the pen and inkstone, he took out two slender ropes, and strung together all the talismans he had drawn.

After the two strings were finished by him, he wrapped the strings around his waist again.

Dunkong stood up, he looked at me again, and then walked to He Zhi's side.

He Zhi touched his head distressedly, and handed him the food.

Dunkong lowered his head and began to eat.

I was stunned, but my heart was much more complicated.

It wasn't until Dun Kong finished eating that Liu Zhengdao broke the dull atmosphere and said, "Let's go now, how about?"

I nodded and said yes.

Liu Zhengdao went straight into the exiting tunnel.

He Zhi and Dun Kong followed, and I walked at the end.

When we got to the room, it was already late at night, the sky was pitch black, and it was extremely cold.

Liu Zhengdao, He Zhi, and Dun Kong are already in the yard.

I walked into the courtyard and looked up at the sky.

I broke the fog during the day, and until now, that fog hasn't recovered much.

A waning moon hangs in the night sky. The pale moonlight is full of cold and murderous intent.

"At midnight, the drought will wake up, and those living corpses and thugs will come out of the woods. Before midnight, set fire to wake him up, and prevent those ghosts from spreading too far. We can't deal with them all at once." Liu Zhengdao opened the mouth.

I took out my pocket watch and checked the time.

It's nine o'clock in the evening, and it's just arrived at Haishi.

"The time is just right, there is time." I nodded.

After contemplating for a moment, I said again: "If you want to burn such a large forest, you have to have a fierce fire. It may be very slow to set fire alone. Let's go there first, and when we pass some yards, see if there is any wine in their homes. Or oil."

Liu Zhengdao narrowed his eyes slightly and hummed.

He Zhi moved quickly, and she immediately went to the kitchen in the yard to check.

Not long after, she brought out a crock.

I nodded and said yes.

After leaving the yard, we walked towards the old forest to the east.

Passing many courtyards along the way, He Zhi and Liu Zhengdao would enter the left and right courtyards respectively to collect oil and wine.

When he finally reached the front of the old forest, He Zhi was carrying two thick cotton coats.

Those two cotton coats were also found in the townspeople's homes, and oil and wine were soaked in them.

Under the weak moonlight, the trees in front of the old forest looked more like crooked ghosts, looking at us with teeth and claws.

Liu Zhengdao took out a mahogany sword, and with a wave of his forearm, a corner of the cotton coat fell off.

He put it on the mahogany sword and lit it with a torch.

With a snort, the flames rose up, the outer flame was light blue, and the inner flame was orange, it was a very strange color.

Then, he took a cotton coat with his left hand, raised his arm violently, and swung it towards the sky above the old forest!

He swung his right arm again, and the flaming mahogany sword flew into the air!

In the sky above the old forest, the Taomu sword shot through the cotton-padded clothes, and in an instant, flames rose up!

Immediately afterwards, the cotton-padded jacket exploded with a bang, forming countless fire balls, and falling downward!

In the same way, Liu Zhengdao threw out the second cotton-padded coat, and still smashed it with the flaming mahogany sword, creating a large number of fireballs!

In an instant, the old forest was on fire, and the flames filled the sky!

I vaguely heard some deep roars, as if something was awakened and angered...

At this moment, Liu Zhengdao suddenly frowned, and he looked back, his face became cloudy and uncertain.

"Liu Daochang, what's wrong?!" I asked in a low voice.

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