"Dunkong, you have to listen to what daddy says, daddy is for your own good." He Zhi said softly to Dunkong.

I signaled to Dunkong with a slightly stern look in my eyes that this matter cannot be discussed any longer, and there is no room for change.

Dunkong pursed his mouth even tighter, he turned around and walked to the corner, took out the inkstone, pen, and a stack of blank talisman papers that Jiang Pan gave him, squatted on the ground and began to draw talismans.

He Zhi obviously had an expression of relief, she nodded with me.

Then she walked to Dun Kong, took out some things belonging to the ghost woman, she soaked that finger into a small black pottery bottle.

I haven't seen He Zhi use these things before, and I don't know what it is.

Liu Zhengdao was still standing in front of me, but he looked at He Zhi, and his eyes stayed on Dun Kong for a long time.

After that, his eyes returned to me.

I nodded with Liu Zhengdao, and said solemnly: "Daoist Liu, stand still for now, wait until He Zhi is ready, and we have discussed the countermeasures before setting off."

After a pause, I told Liu Zhengdao again, that Mr. was pulled out of the darkness by me, and he will definitely think of some twists and turns to catalyze the drought and make it more ferocious, so we should be more careful then.

Liu Zhengdao pondered for a moment, and said: "The old forest is poisonous, we go in, and we are always passive. What if we don't enter the old forest? Can you force Hanba out?"

I frowned and bowed my head, and began to think about deduction.

That old forest is also a feng shui level, although I don't know the specific feng shui, but if Jiang Pan and Mr. Yang Suan are here, they can set up a formation.

Now we don't have enough manpower, and I don't have so many treasures on me, so this method won't work right away.

At this moment, He Zhi suddenly raised her head, and she whispered, "Yin Yang, I remembered something."

"What's the matter?" I responded immediately.

"Behind my house, isn't there a willow grove? Grandpa asked us to dig out a suppressed drought." He Zhi continued.

I nodded and said yes.

He Zhi paused, and then said again: "I just now vaguely recall that many years before that, when my grandfather first taught me how to make ghost women, he told me that our family had a purpose in front of the forest. Grandpa promised the two gentlemen that he would guard the things in the willow forest. If one day, the things inside would come out, they would set fire to the forest. Before that, a large number of people had to be assembled to prevent the things inside from getting out .”

My eyelids twitched wildly, and I murmured, "Fire?"

I squinted my eyes and thought. Although the Hanba is said to be drought, in fact, there is no water in the place it passes, but itself is full of water vapor.

Drought is the change it brings to the surrounding environment, so it gets its name?

In essence, Hanba should be a kind of wet corpse? !

If you use fire, it can be regarded as the method of mutual restraint between life and life.

Was it the gentleman who suppressed Hanba back then who told He Guipo this method? !

"Yinyang, is this method feasible?" He Zhi asked me again in a low voice.

"We don't have manpower to keep this old forest down. If it is possible, it must be possible. There is also an advantage in setting fire to the forest now. It must come out."

"Besides, if that gentleman gets into the old forest, he won't have a place to hide now." I said word by word.

Surprise suddenly appeared on He Zhi's face.

I looked more cautious, looked at Liu Zhengdao again, and asked what his opinion was?

Liu Zhengdao nodded, and said: "It can not only detoxify, but also force both Mr. Na and Hanba out. It is a strategy that has the best of both worlds."

I nodded, discussed with Liu Zhengdao a few more words, and confirmed that I would attack with fire first.

I discussed with him again how to deal with the Hanba when it came out, and how to rescue those who were bumped into in the forest.

Liu Zhengdao roughly told me that most of the people who collide with drought demons are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and have extremely fierce fighting power, while the living corpses look like drought demons. If they are given enough time and years, they may also become new drought demons .

Those who were bumped, now it seems that there is no possibility of reversing and waking up. After leaving the bump, they will either die or become living corpses.

When I heard this, I couldn't restrain my face, and it changed slightly.

I said something unnaturally, in this way, wouldn't Shi Nian Town lose a living?

Liu Zhengdao shook his head, and said: "Those who should go, were let go by me and the third elder at that time. Those who failed to go away should be the ones who dug out the Hanba. Also, they may have been tricked."

What he said immediately reminded me of those scarecrows.

I let out a mouthful of dirty air, nodded and said, "That's roughly the case."

"Well, these people have no cure, so they can't show kindness. In fact, they are the hands of Hanba. Without them, no matter how fierce Hanba is, they are just a corpse lying there. The main trouble is them. "

Liu Zhengdao paused, and then said: "Two months ago, they still had a chance to be saved, that is because of that time, the third elder was moved with compassion, we didn't deal with them, and directly came into contact with Hanba's corpse, This is how it came to be.”

During these words, Liu Zhengdao's eyes were full of complexity.

I sighed softly, and let Liu Zhengdao mourn that a dead person cannot be brought back to life.

Liu Zhengdao closed his eyes and looked more cautious.

When he looked at me again, he took a deep breath and said, "I can deal with half of the living corpses and thugs. There are quite a few of them. The other half will have to be dealt with by your family of three."

"As for the corpse of Hanba, I already have a way to suppress it. The Liu family's talisman is definitely not weak. I will let Dunkong take a good look at it."

I froze.

It's not that Liu Zhengdao asked us to deal with half the number of bumpers and living corpses.

But he said let Dun Kong have a good time to see each other...

The Liu family has always been stubborn, and I don't know at this time whether Liu Zhengdao has been aroused to be competitive, or is he trying to use a tyrannical talisman to change Dunkong's mind?

My conversation with Liu Zhengdao stopped here.

There are still variables in this matter, and there is no way to negotiate a perfect countermeasure right now.

Mr. Na is still a variable, and we still need to be vigilant.

During this period, a foul smell came from the corner of the wall.

I cast my gaze over and saw that He Zhi was using a tiny needle to pick Hanba's finger out of the vase, and after putting it on the ground, she began to draw something on it with the needle.

Dunkong lowered his head and kept drawing talismans.

He was writing very fast, and there was already a small stack of talismans beside him.

However, what made my complexion change slightly was that the complexion I could see was paler than before.

He pursed his lips, and there was still some blood on the corner of his lips.

At this time, he raised his hand and quickly wiped off the blood.

My face changed again, and I reprimanded in a low voice: "Dunkong! What are you doing?!"

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