Sometimes two fists are really hard to beat four hands, especially if the opponent is prepared.

I pondered for a moment, hummed, and said yes.

He Zhi tilted her head slightly, her eyes were a little more joyful, and she said softly: "But this time, since we have already done it, we should do it cleanly. Cutting the grass does not remove the root, and the spring breeze blows and it will grow again."

"Let's go together as a family, and I will chop off Yang Zhushu's Fate Shelter with an axe."

"Just because of his narrow-mindedness, how can a gentleman who has taught such two sons be eligible to be protected by fate?"

I kissed the top of He Zhi's head lightly, and said another good word.

He Zhi fell asleep in my arms.

Dunkong snorted a few times, squirmed a few times, came to my side, hugged my arms and fell asleep again.

I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

This time I slept very deeply, and when I woke up the next morning, I was alone in the bed.

Rubbing my eyes and getting up, I walked out of the room.

In the courtyard, He Zhi was arranging food in the main room.

As for the escape, he actually used his fists and feet in the courtyard, and his movements were quite sharp when he raised his hands and feet.

Moreover, he has a long string of talismans wrapped around his waist!

With a childish shout, Dunkong waved another palm.

Then he turned his head to look at me, and called me daddy crisply.

I hummed and nodded.

Walking into the main room, I looked at He Zhi with some doubts.

He Zhi served me a bowl of porridge, and she said softly, "Eat first. You were away for a long time before, and Dunkong recovered very well. I would pester Uncle Xu to teach him some skills. Sometimes, I also Teach him a little bit."

"But after all, grandpa drove me out of the house, so I dare not teach too much."

"I didn't have time to tell you before, but I told Dun Kong just now that I want to take him to deal with the bad guys, so he started practicing there by himself."

I raised my hand and rubbed He Zhi's head, and took another look at Dunkong, he was already trotting towards us.

"You are thoughtful, you need to have some skills. I entered the industry too late. I only learned the method of picking up corpses. Uncle Xu's methods are fierce, and the ghost woman is not weak. Dukong is young and has high comprehension. Unique conditions." My tone was serious and relaxed.

He Zhi immediately felt relieved.

The three of us had a meal, during which He Zhi and I discussed a few words, and we still had to find Zhou Chuanshi.

You can't go directly to Yang Zhushu with great fanfare.

The horses of the Qiang nationality are too special, and we will definitely attract attention when we go nearby.

Let the Zhou family arrange for us to go to a nearby place first, and I will investigate some Feng Shui to see if I can directly make Yang Zhushu suffer.

In this way, we can increase our chances of winning!

He Zhi nodded repeatedly and said yes.

Dunkong listened beside him, his head was also biting, very serious.

After that, we left the courtyard.

Of course, we are driving a carriage at this moment.

I also couldn't remember the location of Zhou's house, so I asked twice on the side of the road, and finally found Zhou's house.

When we got outside the Zhou family mansion, we knocked on the door, and a servant came to open the door.

Before I could tell who I was and why I came, the servant looked at me blankly and said in astonishment, "Mr. Li?"

The next moment, he happily rolled and ran towards the yard, shouting loudly: "Patriarch! Mr. Li is back! Quick! Come out and pick him up!"

Dunkong's eyes were wide open, and when he looked at me again, there was more of the reverence a son had for his father in his eyes.

He Zhi also had a smile on his face, as if he was remembering something.

Not long after, a large group of people came out from the Zhou family, twenty or thirty at least.

There were two people at the head, the older one was about sixty, with gray temples, that was Zhou Chuanshi, and the other Zhou Chuanlin was a little younger, and his hair was still gray and black.

In fact, except for the two brothers and Patriarchs of the Zhou family, I have no impression of the rest at all.

Those people looked at me with respect, it was an emotion that radiated from the bones.

"Mr. Li... After seven years of separation, Mr. Li is still as young as he was back then, but his aura is completely different."

"Fortunately, I can still see Mr. in this life."

Zhou Chuanshi's words were extremely excited, and he bowed deeply to me.

Zhou Chuanlin next to him was equally excited. After saluting, he said solemnly: "Mr. moved the grave back then and gave me a great opportunity for the Zhou family. In recent years, the business of the Zhou family has spread all over the place. A man of great ability, who walks the land, saves lives and heals the wounded, and upholds justice, and knowing that Mr. is you, my Zhou family is also honored!"

"I didn't expect that Mister could still go to the provincial capital of Pingyang, please come in!"

I sighed a lot in my heart, remembering what happened back then, the two brothers of the Zhou family were almost killed by Yang Yi who pretended to be Yang Zhushu.

I'm afraid, is this also fate?

When I found them, I had to ask them to take me to Yang Zhushu again.

"House, I won't be entering for the time being. Mr. Li will go to the Three Treasures Hall if he has nothing to do. The two Patriarchs, please take a step to talk." I made a gesture of invitation and signaled them to go down.

Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin were both sincere and fearful, and Zhou Chuanshi said uneasy: "How dare you call the head of the family in front of Mr. Li? Please first."

The moment he finished speaking, Zhou Chuanlin turned his head to look around, and said in a deep voice, "Why don't you hurry back?!"

The rest of the Zhou family returned to the courtyard in a swarm, and the gate was tightly closed.

I walked down the steps and arrived at the side of the carriage before directly explaining my purpose.

Zhou Chuanshi lowered his head and thought for a while, before he said: "I have also noticed that Yang Zhushu has been staying in Yangjia Town honestly in recent years, and he has not come out to cause any trouble. I didn't expect that he would stare at Mr. It's like a dormant poisonous snake, if the husband leaves this time and leaves him alone, I'm afraid he will take my Zhou family under the knife."

"In this way, I will send someone to replace the carriage that our Zhou family usually uses to pull goods. In Yangjia Town, the Zhou family always does business."

"It's safe." I nodded and said a good word.

Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin looked at each other, and after concluding a few words, Zhou Chuanlin immediately returned to the courtyard.

Soon, he brought out two people, who led our carriage and walked towards the west of the yard.

About a quarter of an hour later, one of them came out leading a heavier carriage.

It was obviously used for pulling goods, and there were a lot of rice grain bags piled up on it.

Zhou Chuanshi said a few more words to me, for example, after solving the troubles, I must come back, and the Zhou family will take care of me.

I didn't refuse again.

He Zhi and Dunkong got into the carriage first, and after I got in, the coachman immediately drove towards the outside of the city of Pingyang Province.

This line takes a lot of time.

It took us about half an hour before the coachman said that we were approaching Yangjia Town soon.

Along the way, I was also paying attention to the direction of the surrounding mountains.

I nodded and told the coachman to go there first, and when I got to the town, I went around to the door of Yang Zhushu's house. After I had seen the whole thing, I went out of the town.

He Zhi said softly: "Be careful not to be noticed by him."

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