Before Ding Chang shot, Yang Zhushu questioned Ding Chang's words.

And Ding Chang asked me just now whether his mother and wife were killed by Yang Zhushu.

Ding Chang is a smart man, otherwise he wouldn't be able to support such a large family business and be able to handle so many warlords with ease.

Also, it is impossible for me to lie about this kind of thing, and it is not necessary for me.

But just because I said that, Ding Chang could clearly guess something.

He wants to emphasize twice that Yang Zhushu and Che Chi are not good people!

There is only one reason for this.

The Ding family has nowhere to go, even if I tricked them, but now, I am the last way for the Ding family.

For him, he could only endure the humiliation and let the Ding family survive first.

I took another deep look at Ding Chang.

Ding Chang lowered his head, and his whole body knelt down on the ground.

"Has the new residence been settled?" I asked.

"The thatched cottage is very fast. I gave the money, and it will be built in the middle of the night." Ding Chang's voice was slightly hoarse.

"Well, don't live here tonight, pack up your things now, and then pull your mother and wife out."

"As for your youngest son, I'm sorry."

"Your wife said before that he was taken away by someone, and I was restrained by those two people and couldn't stop me." Just after I finished saying this, Ding Chang's body trembled again and he almost fell down.

He gritted his teeth and his voice became even hoarse: "Then...will he die?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Okay, don't die. My Ding family has a son to carry on the family line. Besides, I have two daughters who have passed away. I can take one back." Ding Chang got up after speaking.

He first pulled his mother and wife out of the house.

Immediately afterwards, he went to the house and moved out a lot of things.

Finally, he left the hospital with the body of a six-year-old boy on his back and a torch in his hand.

He handed the torch to me, and stood beside me, looking at his house a little laxly.

I directly lit the door with a torch.

With the wind blowing at night, the fire jumped up quickly, directly burning the eaves in front, and spreading towards the rear.

During this period, some villagers came to watch the excitement, but no one said they wanted to put out the fire.

Ding Chang lined up a few large coins and asked a few villagers to help carry the bodies of his eldest son and old mother. As for his wife, he pinched her to wake her up.

When the woman woke up, she first looked blankly at the burning house.

When she looked at me again, her eyes were full of resentment, and she screamed and called me a cruel butcher who ruined their family.

I didn't say much, but Ding Chang slapped her directly and told her to shut up!

The woman was so dumbfounded by the beating that she dared not say a word.

Ding Changcai bowed to me respectfully and asked if I would like to go over to see his thatched cottage completed.

I shook my head, unable to speak.

Then, I took out the fixed compass, and after keeping it stable in my hand, I looked at the direction.

I told Ding Chang that after his residence was completely stable, he would go to the west of the village, find a low hill with water in front of the foot of the mountain, and bury his eldest son's body in the turf on the top of the hill.

This is considered to be buried in an auspicious cave, and it may allow him to reunite his family at some point, and even if it is not the case, it will allow his child to grow up safely.

Ding Chang was trembling when he heard this, he nodded repeatedly and thanked me.

After that, he took his wife and left without hesitation.

I didn't stop at Dingjia Village, I glanced around and walked towards the entrance of the village.

In fact, when I started fighting with Yang Zhushu and Che Chi just now, I found that the beggar and the carriage were gone.

But I also think it's normal.

Needless to say, the beggar was greedy for life and afraid of death, he just charged me a few big bucks to lead the way and pull the cart for me.

I have no way to ask him, even in life and death crisis, he has to wait for me.

After a while, I reached the entrance of the village.

To my surprise, as soon as I got out of the archway, I saw a carriage parked by the side of the road. The beggar before was looking around the village in front of the carriage.

When he saw me, he immediately stood on tiptoe and kept waving his hands at me.

I walked over, and he explained to me with an embarrassed face, saying that he saw someone looking for me just now, and the person who came was not good.

Seeing that we were about to fight, he ran away first and came to wait outside the village.

I waved my hand, indicating that it's okay, and I don't have to keep explaining to me.

After getting in the car, I asked him to drag him back to the provincial capital of Pingyang.

It was already very late at night, and I checked the time with my pocket watch, and it was almost twelve o'clock, which is midnight.

When I returned to the city, the time of Zi had passed, and it was the time of Chou.

I didn't stop the car until he reached the compound He Zhi rented.

After getting out of the car, I sent him away.

Turned around and entered the yard.

As a result, He Zhi didn't sleep, and sat in the main room.

Looking into her eyes, He Zhi walked towards me in surprise.

But the next moment, when she got close to me, her expression changed.

She asked me what's going on?Why is he in such a mess, with blood on his body?

I shook my head and told He Zhi that it was not my blood.

Then, I talked about what happened at Ding's house.

He Zhi showed a look of shock, she said anxiously: "Yang Zhushu... Back then, I thought there was something wrong with this person, his eyes betrayed us on purpose."

Then, He Zhi asked me what to do?Should I leave the provincial capital of Binh Duong directly, or how?

I paused for a moment to think, and told He Zhi that we must not go straight.

After leaving like this, Yang Zhushu will definitely not let it go, he will definitely try to find us again, or go to Tang Town to make trouble.

In that case, this matter must be completely resolved.

He Zhi also lowered her head to think, and soon, she said cautiously: "Then let's find him directly? I barely have a memory of the town where he lives. If you can't find it, you should be able to find Zhou Chuanshi and Zhou Chuanlin. ?”

The two people He Zhi mentioned were the two brothers who moved the graves of their ancestors back then.

I told He Zhi that we must go, but we can't come to the door too directly, otherwise, it will become a fight again.

He Zhi hesitated for a moment, and asked me how to do that?

I squinted my eyes slightly, and said: "If you break his Feng Shui, count his house. It's like when the Huo family was occupied by warlords, and another house in the mountains was taken away by Mr."

He Zhi looked startled, but she nodded immediately, obviously, she remembered what happened back then.

The next moment, He Zhi asked me when to leave?

I said during the day, now take a good rest.

Besides, it doesn't need to be dark at all to arrange Feng Shui.

He Zhi motioned me to go into the room to sleep.

I didn't push back, and went straight into the room. Dunkong was still sleeping soundly on the bed. After I lay in the middle, He Zhi also got on the bed and curled up into my arms.

He Zhi whispered to me that when Yang Zhushu's matter was settled, we had to minimize our direct contact with the husband so as to avoid confronting them head-on.

In a head-to-head situation, accidents are prone to happen, after all, everyone is a gentleman.

Although I am a geography geography Mr. Yin-Yang, I am stronger than other gentlemen, but I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet?

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