Just right, the eyes of the two women met.

He Zhi was stunned for a moment, and a bit of vigilance appeared in her eyes, and she took two steps towards me, blocking my body.

Although back then, the three of us shared hardships for a while, but Liu Huayan wanted to kill me twice after the wet corpse of the ancestor of the Zhou family and Mr. Bai.

He Zhi's affection for her was much weaker, even emotionally conflicted.

Another key point is that when I was young, I didn't understand the attitude of He Zhi's youngest daughter. Now I understand that she doesn't like me being in contact with too many women.

"Miss He, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you and Li Yinyang to be married. This child is smart and bright, and he is a real talent." Liu Huayan said softly, and she said kindly.

He Zhi froze for a moment, she frowned for a moment, but her expression softened a lot.

"I haven't seen Daoist Liu for many years, and my breath is so deep that I, a woman, can't match it." He Zhi turned slightly to salute.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and it was obvious that He Zhi lost all guard when he heard Liu Huayan call me by my first name.

I whispered to He Zhi about our plan, and asked her to cooperate with the paper figurine Xu and Second Uncle to guard Tang Town and Di Xianglu.

He Zhi's complexion changed, and she told me in a low voice that she couldn't do it.

From He Zhi's eyes, I could see the reason.

Was she worried that at the critical moment, Liu Huayan would treat me as a victim just like back then?

He Zhi and I shook our heads, gave a reassuring look, and said no problem.

At the same time, I pointed to the sky.

Except for the matter of the old watchman, I have nothing to hide from He Zhi.

Including Mr. Fate Asylum.

He Zhi frowned a lot, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

My eyes were deeper, and I said in a low voice: "For safety, this is the safest way." He Zhi immediately stopped talking.

I stroked her hair and told them to protect Tang Zhen so that I would have no worries.

Only then did I bother to hand over Lu Su's ax to He Zhi.

When He Zhi took the axe, she was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look at the ax a little more.

I pondered for a while, and then I said to He Zhi, the coffinmaker's ax can split the fate of Mr. Yin Yang, let her study it carefully.

He Zhi's face suddenly changed.

She pondered: "I have studied the coffin technique a lot, but there is no record of how to kill with an axe...Could it be..." He Zhi seemed to have thought of something, she turned her head and looked at Se Zhongjingsan in the corner of the main room people.

"Se Zhongjing, is there still protection?" He Zhi asked me in a low voice.

I immediately understood what He Zhi meant.

I clearly told He Zhi that Se Zhongjing's shot could only hit him if he didn't kill him.

Injured Although injured, but the asylum should still be there.

He Zhi said softly that she knew, let us get down to business, and they will guard Tang Town.

Immediately afterwards, she said that she would not pull out Se Zhongjing's soul first, she had some clues, maybe, she could use the three of them to do some experiments.

I nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Dunkong tugged at my arm again, and he handed me a stack of talisman papers.

I froze for a moment, because there were too many talisman papers...

But soon, I was relieved.

This is not a talisman drawn by Tiangan inkstone and earth branch brush. Seeing that the rune is not a blood talisman, it is impossible for it to consume much to escape.

After I took it, Dunkong patted his waist and said crisply: "Daddy, you tied it to your waist."

I opened a string of talisman papers and found that all the talisman papers were strung together with a few strings.

If you use a talisman, it is convenient, you only need to pull it out to pull it off.

And the place where the rope passes will not affect the drawn runes.

It seems that this is another new move that Dunkong learned from Xu Fu's handbook?

I tied the string around my waist.

Dunkong retreated obediently behind He Zhi, and the red mastiff followed Dunkong.

But at this moment, Dunkong took another step forward.

He hesitated to speak for a while, but still said cautiously: "Father... I have been dreaming for the past two days, as if I was lying in a very warm place, which is very familiar, I have been lying there, and there is a voice calling me name."

He Zhi touched Dunkong's head, and she whispered: "Dunkong, daddy is doing business, and he will tell you about these things later."

I was a little puzzled.

But Dunkong has two souls, and there is something wrong with the other part of the soul? !

No, no, it shouldn't be a problem...

I calculated the time, the winter solstice is coming soon.

Dunkong talks about a warm place...

I'm afraid it's another part of his soul in the mother's womb.

Dunkong sensed this soul? !

I don't know if this is good or bad...

After pausing for a moment, I said in a safe manner: "Dunkong is just a dream, and the sound is also an auditory hallucination in the dream. You don't have to worry about it."

"Oh..." Dun Kong elongated his voice, pouted his lips, and returned to behind He Zhi again.

I didn't say any more, and walked straight to the ground.

I don't need to mention it, Jiang Pan, Gu Qijie and others, as well as Liu Huayan, didn't follow me immediately.

I want to make bait, they must ensure a certain distance.

Especially Jiang Pan, Gu Qijie and others, they even had to wait for Wu Xianchang and his son to appear before they could come out to set up a battle.

After leaving Dixianglu, I walked towards the exit of Tang Town.

I deliberately tied the book that I wrote the name of Zanying Guanshan to my waist.

Especially the words on the book cover are exposed...

At first I felt nothing on the street.

In about a quarter of an hour, I left Tang Town.

Immediately, I noticed that there was a fiery gaze staring at me...

Going out of Tang Town, you can go straight to Xuanhe, but I didn't go directly, but walked in the direction of Gou's house.

If I remember well, there are many small hills between Gou's house and Tang Town.

Hilly areas are the easiest places to have geomantic omen.

I have walked quite a long way, and I have encountered several small Fengshui places, but I feel that there is no value to stay here.

That sense of gaze has become much closer from far away.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, a series of hills rose up in sight.

There are at least ten ring-shaped hills at a glance!

I hesitated a bit, and walked quickly up one of the hills.

In the eyes, there are at least sixteen hills around here, big and small!

The bulging hills are high from the edge, and become flat or even concave at the depth.

Especially in the most central position, it was deep and dark.

My complexion immediately changed a bit.

The feng shui of this place is an extremely rare and fierce place.

It's called Zhang Wuyin!

This kind of feng shui place specializes in raising murderous corpses!

I just paused for a while, then walked directly down the hill.

I'm looking for a place where Jiang Pan can almost set up a feng shui formation, not a place where Wu Xian grows like a tiger with wings...

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