Jiang Pan's complexion changed suddenly, and he said: "No! Firstly, it is too dangerous. If you are alone as bait, it is easy for them to succeed; I don't know if there are any other variables..."

I replied in a low voice: "This is Yang's conspiracy. I don't know if they have any eyeliner now. They know that there is a Taoist priest from the Liu family here. As long as I go out, they will definitely not be able to resist the temptation when I am alone."

"I'm sure, Mr. Yin will definitely make a move. As long as Mr. Yin makes a move, Wu Xianchang and his son will definitely not be able to bear it. It's getting dark, and the murderous corpse should make trouble." My tone was extremely firm.

Jiang Pan still wanted to talk, but Liu Huayan nodded directly, and she said softly, "Li Yinyang, if this is really the case, it would be even better. I will be far less constrained by leaving the town."

At this time, Se Zhongjing in the corner of the room was slurring his speech, and even said something out of the air: "Li Yinyang... Are you really stupid for thinking Mr. Yin and Wu Xianchang Wu Rong? Will you fall into your trap?"

I glanced at Se Zhongjing coldly: "They can't escape, cherish the time you are still awake."

There was panic in Se Zhongjing's eyes again, he immediately turned his head to look at Liu Huayan, and hurriedly said, "Liu family Taoist, do you want to watch this Li Yinyang kill innocent people? Even if you want to punish me, there are laws... ..."

"In troubled times, a villain's wrong thought can cause a lot of people to die. The law you said can't punish a villain like you. Li Yinyang is a gentleman, and he has his own sense of propriety. If you want me to punish you, it's not a bad idea." No." Liu Huayan said in a calm voice.

She stood up, but pulled out the dust whisk at her waist.

The whisk's dust strands seemed to be drawn towards Se Zhongjing's chest!

Se Zhongjing's complexion changed drastically, he closed his mouth in horror, and remained silent.

I turned around and walked out of the main room, and went to another room. Soon after I came out, I was holding a blank thread-bound book in my hand.

Walking to the wooden table, I took out the Tiangan Inkstone and the Earthly Branch Pen. After grinding the ink, I began to draw characters directly on the surface of the thread-bound book.

After a while, I wrote down the cover of the book, "Buying Shadows and Viewing Mountains!"

At the beginning, I took out Burial Shadow View Mountain, and it was also from me to Liao Cheng's hands. I remember the book cover clearly.

Although the thread-bound books are different now, at least the superficial characters are more than [-]% similar.

Se Zhongjing looked at me in astonishment, and Gu Qijie and the other gentlemen all looked at each other in blank dismay.

I narrowed my eyes slightly, and said word by word: "This is Yangmou, Mr. Yin, can he bear it?"

"When I got to the place again, I set up a bonfire. If I wanted to burn it, he would definitely come out. Even if I knew that [-]% of it was a trick, I would never dare to gamble."

Jiang Pan was silent for a moment, then said: "Then he will definitely use his ultimate move to take away the book, and when he finds out that it is fake, he will definitely explode."

"Daoist Liu is here, I think I can give it a try." While speaking, my eyes fell on Liu Huayan.

A sharp look flashed across Liu Huayan's almond eyes, she nodded and said, "You will be safe and sound."

Jiang Pan was silent, he had been bowing his head in thought, but he didn't say much.

I also told Jiang Pan that there is one more thing they can do, which is to set up the formation with Mr. Wu Xianchang as long as they can restrain Wu Xianchang's murderous corpse a little bit, it will give Liu Huayan a great chance.

Jiang Pan's eyes suddenly lit up, but he frowned again, and said: "In the place where the four golden sands are sunk, there is a perfect position to set up an array. It is too difficult to form an array in an open space for no reason... If you go to the Yin and Yang A feng shui place that can be deployed, then I should be sure to do it."

I thought about it for a few seconds and said, "It shouldn't be difficult, but I'm not sure what feng shui ground I can get to."

Jiang Pan took the words and said that no matter what Feng Shui, he would leave it to him.

I have almost decided on a plan, and now I feel a little relieved.

Avoiding Tang Town is a personal grievance, and the townspeople cannot be implicated.

I took out my pocket watch and looked down at the time, only to find that it was just eleven o'clock, which is the beginning of noon.

Although it is still far from dark, I think I should be able to leave Tang Town, and the rest of the people may not be noticed if they leave, but if I leave, Mr. Yin and Wu Xianchang and his son will definitely be watching.

Just at this time, the second uncle and the paper figurine Xu, brought some townspeople into the dixianglu in a hurry.

They all carried a lot of food boxes in their hands, obviously they brought food.

When the second uncle and the paper figurine Xu saw Liu Huayan, the second uncle was fine, he just took a few extra glances.

The paper figurine Xu's expression was full of vigilance.

Liu Huayan also looked at the paper figurine Xu twice more.

After all, the paper maker uses the skin of a murderous corpse as a means, and the paper figurine Xu is now stronger than before, so it is natural for Liu Huayan to pay more attention to her.

I walked between the two of them, blocking the line of sight.

Everyone will share the food and eat it. The second uncle came to me and asked me what my plan was. Why did I suddenly have a little girl Taoist priest?


The originally tense mind was relieved a lot because of the second uncle's words.

I told my second uncle that Liu Huayan was summoned by me with a summons order and could help us.

Then, I told my second uncle that we were leaving Tang Town and went outside to deal with Mr. Yin and the others, so my second uncle must be careful.

The paper figurine Xu approached me, he frowned and said, "What's the plan?"

I said it briefly, and signaled the paper figurine Xu and the second uncle to guard Tang Town.

However, it is unlikely that Mr. Yin and the others will enter Tang Town again.

As soon as I said this, another person came outside the hut.

He Zhi led Dun Kong, but behind Dun Kong was a half-sized black wolf mastiff.

The jet-black fur is like ink, and the black-red eyeballs are extremely fierce.

Compared with the original big mastiff, this wolf mastiff is much smaller, but it is more flexible.

The mother and son led the wolf mastiff into the Dixiang hut, ran towards me and hugged me on my lap.

He called me to see the red mastiff in a crisp voice.

I lowered my head, and as far as I could see, the wolf mastiff, which was called the red mastiff by Dunkong, whimpered, but lay on the ground, and its tail kept flicking.

Judging from the evil spirit on it, this red mastiff is actually a murderous corpse that is equivalent to the blood of the black evil spirit?

It's still so small...

If he swallowed more murderous corpses, he would grow up quickly and become an existence like a big mastiff soon?

Although the ability of the big mastiff is not great, it is because the ghost woman can't touch many extremely vicious corpses.

Mr. Yin Yang is different...

"Dunkong wants to bring it to help you, but it's too small now, take a look, I'll send it back right away, and come to you again." He Zhi said to me softly.

As soon as she finished speaking, her eyes turned to the main room.

At this moment, Liu Huayan from the main room just stepped out.

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