The still delicate melon-seeded face, more intellectual apricot eyes.

The eyebrows are light but not scattered, the bridge of the nose is straight, and the thin lips are a little sickly white.

The combination of all these things further enhanced Liu Huayan's temperament.

I looked at her for a few seconds, and felt a little calmed down.

But I frowned, and that feeling was dispelled.

I used to think that Liu Huayan had a special temperament, but looking at it now, one person's demeanor, appearance, and breath can quietly affect another person's spirit, which is actually a slightly terrifying ability.

"Through the past few years, Miss Liu has changed a lot. I really didn't expect that you are the one who invited me today." I felt complicated and felt a little embarrassed.

Liu Huayan's apricot eyes brightened a lot, she looked me up and down, and said softly: "You are very impatient, seemingly stable, but actually anxious inside, with murderous intent in your eyes, you issued the summoning order, it seems that there is something that cannot be resolved. things."

"Your heart is too restless. Don't you want to calm down?" Liu Huayan's words obviously meant something.

I frowned and replied: "Nowadays, Li Yinyang is still an ordinary person. The fate of Mr. is in the sky. People have three souls and seven souls, as well as seven emotions and six desires. I am not calm because of this."

"If after a few years, I have the ability of my master, I will naturally be as immovable as a mountain. If I rely on external force today, I will give up."

After I finished speaking, Jiang Pan on the side nodded.

Liu Huayan looked at Jiang Pan, with some surprise in her eyes.

I found that Jiang Pan was also not affected by Liu Huayan's consciousness.

"What's your surname, sir?" Liu Huayan turned sideways and bowed lightly.

"My lord Jiang Pan, the Taoist priest is polite." Jiang Pan returned a salute.

I instinctively glanced back.

Liu Huayan said: "I am alone, you should know the situation of the Qiang people, and they will not let the rest of the Liu family follow me. Master has not returned for many years, and the Liu family cannot be found anywhere. I left the Qiang people some time ago. I searched for it, but to no avail.”

After a pause, Liu Huayan took another deep look at me before continuing, "I think if anyone can find Master, it should be you, Li Yinyang."

"Unexpectedly, I was looking for you, and you were also looking for the Liu family. Is this the fate your husband said?"

I turned my head, and after a moment of silence, I said: "I have seen the Second Elder, Lao Huang has already left with him, he should go to Kaiyang to find the First Elder."

"Kaiyang?" Liu Huayan frowned slightly.

"The second elder means that you should go back to Liu's house." I said again.

"I'll help you deal with the matter here. After it's over, I'm going to Kaiyang." Liu Huayan's voice was very calm, but also very determined.

I frowned even more, and said: "It's been almost a year, if the Second Elder has arrived in Kaiyang, if the First Elder is here, he should have seen the First Elder already."

Liu Huayan said softly: "Second Elder, I won't persuade Master to go back, because he can't do it, and Master won't go back either, Li Yinyang, you should be aware of this. And what does it do to me if I go back to the Qiang people?" The effect, Li Yinyang, you should be very clear about it."

"Qiu Tianyuan has already blinded the eyes of the entire Qiang people. The Liu family is weak. I will only be suppressed by him when I go back. Now Senior Brother Sanyuan seems to have reached a certain agreement with Qiu Tianyuan. His son Qingshan has become a teacher of Sanyuan. Brother."

"I can leave so easily, do you think there are several people's instructions?"

"Master, I'm in poor health. He's about to die. The Qiang people are about to be ruled by Qiu Tianyuan."

Liu Huayan said a lot, and there is more information contained in it!

That first paragraph is clearly telling me that she has already understood some things.

For example, Liu Tianniu's hexagrams!

And the latter ones are about the current situation of the Qiang people and the Liu family...

I never imagined that Qiu Tianyuan's son would learn from Liu Sanyuan? !

In my hexagram, there is Liu Sanyuan who has the ability of a leader and may lead the change of the Qiang Liu family!

Back then, Liu Sanyuan almost died in the hands of Liu Tianniu, because of that hexagram, which saved his life.

I bowed my head in thought.

Undoubtedly, Liu Sanyuan's acceptance of apprentices can reconcile the relationship between the Qiang people and the Liu family, but this is also the Liu family's greatest submissiveness, and the Taoism has been passed on to the descendants of the former master.

Back then Liu Tianniu knew that part of the Taoism had been spread, and his reaction was so great, if Liu Tianniu knew about it now, he might be so angry that he would fight back.

But Liu Sanyuan, is he really so ignorant of dogma?

Or there are other reasons for this, which is thought-provoking.

"After Qiu Tianyuan comes to power, he will definitely compress the Liu family again. With Liu Sanyuan doing this, he can't go too far. His child should be very young, at most six or seven years old, can he learn Taoism?" I took a deep breath and asked.

"Heavenly gift, the Qiang people have been the only child with such talent for nearly thousands of years. If Zongyingguanshan is still in the Qiang nationality, then he has learned Taoism and Zongyingguanshan. I am afraid that he will be the most special child. The Taoist priest is also the most special teacher." Liu Huayan spoke again.

My complexion changed again!

Not only because he said that Qiu Tianyuan's child is a gift from the heavens, but also because of the burial shadow watching the mountain!

"The feng shui technique of the Qiang nationality is the stargazing technique of burying shadows and watching mountains. Isn't it in the Qiang nationality? Is there only one book?" I asked quickly.

Liu Huayan shook her head, and she continued: "Many years ago, after the first Taoist priest of the Qiang nationality created the Burial Shadow View Mountain, the Qiang tribe was extremely prosperous in the world, and together with the Taoist priests of the Liu family, they complemented each other and were extremely powerful for a while. There is a will to say that when the moon is full, it will be negative, and when things are extreme, they will be reversed, so he took the Buried Shadow and Guanshan into the tomb."

"This secret has been known from generation to generation, and only the ancestors of the Qiang people can know. What they use now is just ordinary Feng Shui."

"Now that the Qiang people are weak, my master has been planning for many years to open the tomb of Xiandao, but my master naturally disagrees. I also dare not let more people know about it, otherwise there will be disagreements within the clan, and if the secret is revealed , it cannot be defended, and the Qiang people will be harmed by those who want to."

"Besides, there is a large corpse guarding Xiandao's tomb. If it weren't for Taoist priests of the first level of the Liu family, they would definitely not be able to suppress it. Qiu Tianyuan learned Taoism for this reason, but his ability is still not enough, and now he can't believe it completely. Brother Sanyuan, let your son learn the Tao."

When he said this, Liu Huayan's expression finally showed some slight sarcasm and contempt.

"Qiu Tianyuan keeps saying that he has never done anything evil, but in recent years, he has given birth to several sons and daughters, and all of them died young. Although I don't know the fate of your husband, I also know that if you do more good deeds, How can you hurt your heir?"

"Besides, his son's surname is not Qiu."

"Instead, he took a name called Yang Qingshan."

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