Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 783 Li Yinyang, Long Time No See

I was stunned, and looked down at my waist, where my mother's spiritual tablet was still sandwiched.

"Okay, set up a spiritual seat, and use the ashes of the old watchman to worship the old man." I touched the end of He Zhi's hair.

"I also want to use the dead man to return to the Tao to see if I can summon the soul of my grandpa, let him see with his own eyes that this vicious person is crushed by us, and then let him see Dunkong." He Zhi looked up at me , still serious.

I pondered for a moment, glanced at Lumen, and then I told He Zhi, wait a moment, it will take a lot of time to open the altar, put away the old watchman's body first, and wait until Wu Xianchang and his son are executed, and then solve the problem After this matter, do it again.

He Zhi nodded and said yes.

The paper figurine promised to hand over Dunkong to me, and motioned for me to hold it.

I can see that he is going to move the old watchman's body now.

I whispered: "Uncle Xu, have you forgotten how I got out of the tomb?"

The paper figurine froze for a moment, opened its mouth, but said nothing.

As I said that, I took out the gray fairy gloves, put them on my hands, and walked towards the old watchman's body.

Of course, I don't have the Shan Corpse Pill in my mouth now, and I dare not touch him directly.

I carefully dragged his body into the room where the head was kept.

After hesitating for a while, I turned back and went into the room where the manuscripts were kept, and carried the wooden box out. After taking it to the room, I rubbed the corpse mushroom that grew on the old watchman's body with the gray fairy gloves, and covered it. on the wooden box.

When I finally left the room, I told He Zhi, Dunkong, and my second uncle not to enter this room.

A look of sleepiness appeared on Dunkong's immature face.

Although Second Uncle looked as if his back was still straight, there was unconcealable fatigue in his eyes.

He Zhi's eyes were also bloodshot.

I told my second uncle to let him go back and meet Pingjiang and Aunt Shuangqin, so as not to worry them, and let He Zhi and Dunkong take a good rest.

The second uncle hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Then I'll go over, let He Zhi and Dunkong rest first, and come right away."

I told the second uncle not to worry, if there is a fight here, there will be a lot of movement, and he will find out, besides, he doesn't have a good rest, so he can't help.

I looked at He Zhi again, gave her a reassuring look, and signaled her to listen to me and take Dunkong to rest.

He Zhi bowed his head, took the Dunkong, and told me softly, after resting, she will come back with Dunkong, and both mother and son can help.

I just nodded without saying anything else.

After the three of them left Di Xianglu, my heart was finally completely relieved.

The paper figurine Xu and I went straight to the main room, and told Jiang Pan and other gentlemen not to enter the room where the head was placed.

Jiang Pan handed me a stack of talismans and seals, and told me that it should be enough. Although the talismans of the rest of the gentlemen have limited effect, posting three or four of them for the whole family can still be of some use.

The paper figurine Xu took it, saying that he would take care of it, then immediately turned around and left the Xianglu.

Many gentlemen showed signs of fatigue on their faces. It was obvious that the talisman placed a heavy load on them. Although everyone had rested in the afternoon, they were exhausted at the moment.

I solemnly thanked them and asked Gu Qijie to take everyone to rest.

Gu Qijie hesitated for a moment, stood up with fists in his hands, and led the other seven people back to the room just now.

Only Jiang Pan and I were left in the main room, as well as Se Zhongjing on the ground, and the other two Mr. Yin Yang.

He Zhi is not in good condition now, and using the soul pulling technique will consume too much for her. I plan to wait for her to rest before doing it.

Jiang asked me if I wanted to go to rest, he could keep watch at night, and told me that based on his inference, Mr. Yin and Wu Xianchang and his son would not come back immediately. In the dark, when he strikes again, he must be extremely ferocious.

I let out a foul breath and replied that I was fine.

I looked up at the sky, and I estimated that it has been a long time since I issued the summoning order...

"Yinyang, last time, Elder Liu Tianqian and Daoist Liu Chixin were called by you like that?" Jiang Pan hesitated for a moment before asking.

I didn't hide it from him, so I nodded and said yes.

Jiang Pan's eyes suddenly showed a bit of excitement, and he murmured: "Very well, with the Taoist priests of the Liu family here, and Wu Xianchang's murderous corpse, there will be no troubles, and the chances of winning are sure, but we can't let them escape."

"How Mr. Yin will deal with this has to be considered. He should only come here for Brother Liao... But if he is let go, I'm afraid he will have to go to Brother Liao..."

Jiang Pan paced back and forth with his hands behind his back.

I frowned, this matter is not easy to deal with.

The problem between Mr. Yin and Liao Cheng also includes the teacher. There is not much cause and effect between us and him. Fighting him is already a disadvantage. Killing him will hurt many lives. There are many grievances. If you don’t kill him, it will be a hidden danger for Liao Cheng...

It is impossible for me to leave this hidden danger to Liao Cheng...

"Abolish him." I took a deep breath and said directly.

Jiang Pan's gaze froze suddenly, and his brows frowned into a pimple.

I looked at Jiang Pan deeply, and said, "Brother, you can't stop me in this matter, I have a reason to do this."

Jiang Pan paused for a moment, looked at the position of Lumen complicatedly, nodded and said: "He has done these things, it is natural to pay the price, just save his life."

I also breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, Jiang Pan and I sat opposite each other in the main room and waited.

About half an hour later, the sound of footsteps came from outside the Dixiang Lu again.

Jiang Pan and I got up at the same time and walked towards the gate of the cottage.

When I got to the door, I realized that it was Gou Lu who ran over.

Gou Lv's face was pale, he was slightly surprised, bowed and said: "Mr. Li, someone has entered Tang Town! The speed is very fast, she is here for the local Xianglu, she is a female Taoist priest..."

"We sent two corpse hunters to stop her, but she didn't pay any attention to it, and we couldn't stop us... I'm afraid we're almost at the Xianglu..."

Gou Lu's words made my face condense slightly.

Female priest? !

"Drive!" A female voice came from far away on the road.

I turned my head suddenly, looked towards the end of the street, and saw a tall horse with a woman on its back.

She was dressed in a light blue Taoist robe, holding a horsewhip, and a wooden sword hanging from her waist.

As the distance went from far to near, I saw her appearance clearly.

With a slender figure, fair skin, and clear eyes, there is a sense of tranquility and depth.

I never thought of it.

This person is actually Liu Huayan!

This summoning order was to notify the Liu family that I found Liu Huayan, but now, Liu Huayan was summoned by accident? !

With a soft shout, the horse stopped abruptly in front of the Xianglu.

Liu Huayan turned over and got off the horse, and landed on the ground smoothly, looking at me with clear eyes.

Her expression was very calm, so calm that it seemed that I could see the shadow of Liu Tianniu.

"Li Yinyang, long time no see."

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