Se Zhongjing stared at me steadfastly, his face was like gold paper, and he was on the verge of fainting.

I pulled my hand back and pressed the end of the ruler on Se Zhongjing's mouth.

"Li dare to touch me...they will die..."

Before Se Zhongjing could finish his trembling sentence, I pressed down on the other end of the golden ruler with my right hand, and slapped down!

There was a slight click.

The ruler fell into Se Zhongjing's mouth.

Se Zhongjing screamed even more sternly.

Blood gushed out of Se Zhongjing's mouth, and I pulled out the golden ruler.

With a puff, he spat out a broken tooth stained with blood.

I narrowed my eyes slightly, stared at him, and said coldly, "Say it, or not?!"

"Li...Li let me go, I'll tell..." Se Zhongjing muttered inarticulately.

I didn't pause, and inserted the golden ruler into Se Zhongjing's mouth again.

This time, I pried it sideways.

Se Zhongjing's two upper front teeth were directly pried out by me.

The lower front teeth, which were the support points, also made an overwhelmed cracking sound.

Blood flowed profusely from Se Zhongjing's mouth.

In his red eyes, big tears rolled down.

"You don't have to tell me. When I get back to He Zhi, the hag of the He family has a technique called pulling out the soul. I will ask you everything clearly."

I didn't pull out the golden ruler, but I pushed the ruler up again, using Se Zhongjing's upper jaw as a support, and pried out the broken tooth in the lower jaw.

"Say... I said..." The words Se Zhongjing were almost completely blurred, and he cried out.

Then I took out the Tongqiao sub-golden ruler, picked up the water basin on the ground, and poured it hard on Se Zhongjing's mouth to wash away the blood in his mouth.

Se Zhongjing covered his mouth tremblingly, his words had leaked out.

But it is still roughly clear, Zhu Xun was at the door of the room where the manuscripts were stored.

They pretended to deceive Zhu Xun, they had already arrested He Zhi and my son, and tricked Zhu Xun out of Dixianglu.

In the end, Wu Xianchang and his son used the murderous corpse to deal with Zhu Xie, forcing him out of Tang Town, and chasing him to the vicinity of Xuanhe.

Zhu Xun threw the old chicken into the river, but he didn't catch anyone.

Se Zhongjing's eyes and voice no longer have any confidence, and all that is left is fear of me.

I stared at Se Zhongjing with anger, and suddenly raised the golden ruler, and I wanted to chop straight down, killing Se Zhongjing!

"Yin Yang, it's still useful to keep him."

The paper figurine let out a low cry, and raised its hand to grab my wrist.

I breathed heavily, suppressed the murderous desire in my heart, and let go of my hand a little.

At this time, Jiang Pan suddenly approached two steps forward and said, "Se Zhongjing, your eyes are wandering, what else do you have to say?"

Se Zhongjing shuddered, and his mouth trembled twice.

I was out of breath just now, and I really didn't find this detail.

It was only when Jiang Pan said this that I noticed that Se Zhongjing's eyes were really dodging...

I wanted to speak again, but the paper figurine Xu shook his head at me.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Se Zhongjing, you'd better tell me everything honestly, otherwise, I'll let you taste what it's like to be skinned alive."

"Our paper maker has passed down a craft, skinning the living, and dying with resentment, it is also a sharp weapon."

"Mr. Yin Yang's skin should be better than the green corpse's skin?" the paper figurine finished speaking.

Se Zhongjing's body trembled again.

He trembled and cried, and immediately said a lot of words.

Including after Zhu Xie fell into the water, Wu Xianchang used a special method to arouse the water ghouls in the hanging river, and let groups of water ghouls shuttle in the hanging river to prevent Zhu Xie from getting ashore alive.

I also said that Zhu Xun must have been poisoned by the corpse and couldn't hold on...

I just feel my head buzzing.

Jiang Pan raised his leg vigorously and kicked Se Zhongjing in the chest.

Se Zhongjing hit the ground with a bang.

He was already at the end of his battle, and passed out immediately.

The house was quiet.

The eight yin and yang calculation masters headed by Gu Qijie all had ugly faces, pale with fear.

The paper figurine Xu said hoarsely: "Old Zhu has a hard life, and he doesn't die so easily. Yin Yang, you give the Gou family an order to find them."

Jiang Pan also frowned and said, "Yinyang, you should have his horoscope? Leave it to me, I want to make a divination."

In fact, when Jiang Pan was speaking, I had lowered my head and pulled out the golden abacus on my shoulder.

Without opening my mouth to respond to him, I put my hands on the abacus and started to make divination.

Amidst the crackling sound, the beads were quickly arranged and formed.

However, at the moment when the hexagram image is about to appear.

Suddenly, there was another piercing pain in my fingers.

I groaned, unable to hold back the pain.

The last bead was shifted, and the whole hexagram became a chaotic hexagram...

Random hexagrams, just can't start calculations.

Fate is uncertain, there is no death, but it is difficult to live.

The difference between life and death depends entirely on chance!

I stared at the beads, and my heart was even more depressed.

"Old Zhu is not dead, but there is nothing more that can be counted."

The paper figurine Xu had some joy on his face, and murmured: "It's good news that he's not dead, he must still be near Xuanhe, there are so many Jiangxin Continents there, and there are quite a few corpse hunters from the Gou family, so we can definitely find them. "

Jiang Pan still frowned, and said, "Let me try the hexagram too."

I told Jiang Pan Zhu Xun's horoscope.

Jiang Pan used tortoise shells and copper coins to form hexagrams.

As a result, after he fell the hexagram, all the copper coins were erected on the ground, and the tortoise shell was also spinning continuously on the ground.

Jiang Pan's eyes were unwilling, but he still whispered: "It's still a random hexagram..."

I didn't go out immediately to order the Gou family.

Instead, he used the gossip method to calculate He Zhi's position. She should be in Jiangxinzhou in this section of the Hanging River Basin, and there have been landslides in Jiangxinzhou in recent years.

The reason why I use the hexagram to calculate Lao Zhu is because he does not know whether he is alive or dead, and I want to know if he is still alive.

The second uncle escapes with He Zhi and Dunkong.

He was originally a corpse hunter and was good at water. He Zhi and Dunkong were definitely not in danger.

If there is, it will also be reflected in my face, and Jiang Pan will definitely be able to see it directly.

After settling my mind, I walked towards Dixiang Lu.

Gou Qian led many corpse hunters to wait outside.

I immediately ordered Gou Qian to search on the Xuanhe River, and divided them into two groups. One part carefully checked every Jiangxin Continent that could reach people, and the other group went to find the Jiangxin Continent that had collapsed in recent years. Looking for my family, wife and children.

Gou Qian nodded respectfully and said, let me rest assured, he will do it right away, and then let the rest of the Gou family also dispatch to increase manpower.

After a short pause, Gou Qian said cautiously: "Mr. Li, just now Gou Lv said that you owe a favor to the Gou family. In recent years, the talent of the Gou family has begun to wither. Mister should..."

My heart sank.

But on the face, I did not show dissatisfaction.

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