A certain degree of phase change can change your life!

I have tried this thing from when I was stolen from my life, to my second uncle and Lao Zhu.

Now I use it on Fan Yu's body, and I use it to a deeper level!

It used to be just the tip of the needle, but now I use the whole silver needle to forcibly change his face.

There is a pain in the fingers, which keeps coming, as if being bitten by countless ants!

I tremblingly raised my hand and looked down at my fingers.

Only then did I realize that there were several wounds on my fingertips.

This... is it a backlash to change the appearance of death?

Mr.'s hand, did something that shouldn't be done, and you are going to split your fingers? !

Suddenly, there was a palpitation in my heart.

The sky was normal just now, but now there is a feeling of dark clouds covering the sun.

I panted more heavily, feeling extremely uncomfortable and oppressed, as if my chest was blocked.

It's just that Fan Yu, who was as breathless as a spring, actually breathed much more smoothly.

I picked him up from the ground, and walked towards the ground with difficulty.

I have to find someone to save Fan Xun's life first!

At the other end of the road, at least dozens of people rushed over!

The leader was Tang Ding.

At this moment, Tang Ding's right hand was tightly bound by the gauze, and the front end was scarlet, but no more blood came out.

Behind Tang Ding were Gou Qian and Gou Lu, and behind them were a large group of corpse hunters in green linen gowns.

On the side of the road they were facing, Jiang Pan also hurried back with eight people.

Tang Ding and his group moved faster. When they got close, Tang Ding called Mr. Li out of breath. His tone was trembling, obviously holding back the pain.

Gou Qian stepped forward, bowed to me, and said in a low voice, "What is Mr. Li's order?"

When Gou Lv looked at me, he lowered his head, but his face was flushed.

"Take Fan Kuang to treat the injury, go immediately! Find a doctor to temporarily stop the bleeding, and send him to the foreigner hospital in Hongyuan County immediately."

I will order with Gou Qian first.

Gou Qian immediately raised his hand and greeted the two corpse hunters. Gou Qian said in a low voice, "My Gou family has a famous doctor. If he can't be cured, go to the foreigner's hospital right away!"

After finishing speaking, Gou Qian waved his hand, and the two corpse hunters rushed away carrying Fan Kuang.

I didn't talk to them again, I turned my head and looked at Jiang Pan and the others first.

It didn't surprise me that they found nothing at this point.

Wu Xianchang and his son were here just now, and they couldn't do anything to each other.

I was also powerless and unable to help them.

Now that they are fleeing, there is still Mr. Yin, Jiang Pan and others are even less likely to stay.

Before I could speak, Jiang Pan said in a low voice: "I didn't catch up and fled towards the southwest, but they won't really leave."

I said with a hoarse voice: "Se Zhongjing and the other two Mr. Yin and Yang have stayed, the old watchman died, Mr. Yin wants Liao Cheng, Wu Xianchang and his son want to kill me, and those three traitors want to inherit and suspect the dragon." After all, they really won't go."

After a short pause, I glanced at Gou Qian and Gou Lv, and said again: "Gou Lv, go find another doctor from the town, Patriarch Gou Qian, you are waiting for us outside with someone, what are your arrangements? I'll let you do it right away."

Gou Qian bowed and nodded.

Gou Lv quickly turned back into the town.

I turned around and went back to Dixianglu, Jiang Pan and others followed me into the yard.

The next moment, Jiang Pan's face changed drastically, and he said in amazement: "This... Corpse Head Mushroom?!"

He stared at the old watchman's body.

Gu Qijie and the others looked uneasy.

They have never seen corpse head mushrooms that are highly poisonous, so naturally they still don't understand.

"Don't touch the old watchman, don't touch the paper bundles on the ground, get Se Zhongjing up first, and then tie up the other two Mr. Yin Yang." I ordered in a deep voice.

Gu Qijie dispersed the rest of the staff and followed my instructions.

I went to the paper figurine Xu again, and confirmed once again that his face was fine.

At this time, my fingers hurt even more, and I even felt a piercing feeling.

In fact, I can bear the pain very well, but my fingers are connected to my heart...

My eyes are going black...

Oddly enough, I had a feeling that if I couldn't hold on, I would close my eyes and pass out.

I'm afraid Fan Yu will die? !

There is a price to pay for changing your life.

You have to bear it if you switch your fate, otherwise, you will backfire on yourself, and what you do will fail.

It's like Liao Cheng used his fate to endure the variables of escape...

I bit the tip of my tongue hard, another sharp pain washed away the pain in my fingers and kept me awake.

At this time, Jiang Pan hurried to my side, and he said in surprise, "Yin Yang, what's wrong with you? Your head is full of sweat?!"

Panting heavily, I told Jiang Pan and asked him to arrange the follow-up matters. I want to sit here and rest for a while.

After finishing speaking, I crossed my legs, turned my hands upwards, and stared down at my fingers, my hands were still shaking.

Jiang Pan showed surprise, and said, "Your hand...you did it..."

His words stopped abruptly, as if he had guessed something, he did not continue.

I just didn't move, my vision was clear and my head was clear.

Not long after, the two faint Mr. Yin Yang were tied up.

The doctor from the town that Gou Lu found came in, the doctor was terrified, he saluted me first, and Jiang Pan ordered him to quickly check the situation of the paper figurine Xu.

After seeing it, the doctor prescribed some medicines and said it was fine.

Jiang Pan and I are completely relieved.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Pan asked the doctor to see Se Zhongjing again.

The doctor's expression became a lot more serious. He said that the injury was serious and might not be able to be revived.

After a pause, hatred appeared in the doctor's eyes again, and he gritted his teeth and said, "This group of people came to Tang Town some time ago, and made Tang Town a mess, and the mayor was killed by them!"

"Mr. Jiang, you can't save him!"

The next moment, the doctor hurried to me again.

His eyes were red, and he said almost the same thing as me.

I bit the tip of my tongue again, sobered up a little, and asked the doctor to save Se Zhongjing first.

He knows a lot of information, I have to ask these things from him, if he dies, then the whereabouts of Lao Zhu and Lao Ji in my prime minister's house are unknown, and I'm afraid they will die soon.

After I finished explaining, the doctor gritted his teeth and went back to treat Se Zhongjing's injury.

Severe gunshot wounds must be better treated by foreigners in hospitals.

Kanase Zhongjing was not worthy of being sent.

As long as he is alive and able to speak, I can ask questions!

Moreover, he must not leave Di Xianglu in a peaceful manner.

I also need to know how many people have read the handwriting of Mr. Yin and Yang in the past.

Se Zhongjing couldn't escape, so what about the other two?

If they had seen it, they would not have to wake up again.

time flies.

The paper figurine Xu was taken away by someone arranged by Gou Lv to take medicine for his wounds. .

The rest of the gentlemen and Jiang Pan were waiting beside me.

Se Zhongjing was treated in the main room of Dixianglu.

No one dared to touch the old watchman and the green corpse paper. Everyone in the field had different thoughts.

Soon, an hour passed.

Finally, the doctor raised his head, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

There was a bullet on the ground, Se Zhongjing was breathing weakly, his brows were tightly frowned, and his lips were bitten with blood, but he saved his life...

I also feel a lot better now, and the pain has subsided a lot.

It should be that Fan Yu survived, so I'm fine.

I squatted down next to Se Zhongjing.

Raising his hand, the bloody thumb pressed down on his person, pinching down firmly.

And with my other hand, I took out the golden ruler and pressed it directly on Se Zhongjing's wound.

Se Zhongjing screamed, his eyes widened suddenly, panting heavily, tremblingly said: "It hurts..."

"Where is Lao Zhu, tell me! Don't try to make a moth, otherwise, I will smash your teeth one by one!"

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