Mr. Yin and Yang, the True Record of Folk Gossip

Chapter 750 Going to the Ninth Palace Dojo

Everyone's emotions were high, and they began to discuss, let's talk about how fierce the feathered corpse in Guan Xiantao's tomb is? !Everyone knows a little bit, and when the time comes to deal with the Eight Luminaries evil corpse, it is better to be prepared.

Jiang Pan's mood obviously calmed down a lot.

There are more people who are willing to deal with the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse, so they are more confident.

I also calmed down a lot.

Jiang Pan didn't say much, he just signaled everyone to have dinner first. There are many things that are inconvenient to talk about here, but he will naturally mention them after he gets on the road.

Everyone didn't continue to ask more questions.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the group left the inn, boarded the carriage, and headed towards Tang Town.

There is no need to be so anxious on this trip back.

The year is still a few months away.

We have to rest well on the road and maintain sufficient energy and preparation before we can enter Longshan.

On the way, every time he stopped to rest, everyone would gather around Jiang Pan.

Jiang Pan would talk about some of Guan Xiantao's experiences in the tomb, and more about his ability to transform evil corpses into evil spirits.

Every time, everyone would look at each other in blank dismay, shocked.

Jiang Pan repeatedly explained that we are not going to deal with the evil corpse of Eight Yao, but try to pull a corpse out of its tomb without provoking him.

Those who had doubts asked who was that gentleman?

Jiang Pan shook his head, saying that it was inconvenient to say his name and identity, but it had a great influence on the world of Yin and Yang.

The big guys are also knowledgeable and don't ask too many questions.

Also, Jiang Pan took out a physiognomy in Tianyuan Xiangshu as promised, and handed it over to everyone in advance.

The follow-up rush is not so boring.

After finishing talking about the Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse in Longshan Nine Palaces Dojo, the place where Duanlong Yin died, many gentlemen are studying physiognomy.

Besides, there was another episode on the way.

That is, every time we arrived in a town, we would stay for half a day longer, and many yin and yang calculation masters would enter the city, find the local masters, and pass down a notice to announce what Lai Qian had done.

In a blink of an eye, more than 20 days passed, and we returned to Hongyuan County.

It was actually less than two hours away from Tang Town.

But I know in my heart that if I go back now, it will definitely consume a lot of my willpower, and I will have to travel by then.

It is the best choice to directly solve Zhou Jingyi's future troubles.

I asked Tang Ding to send someone back to report that he was safe.

After a short period of self-cultivation, the group headed to Longshan where the Jiugong Daoist Temple is located.

In about half a day, we arrived at Ridge Mountain.

The plaque on the archway at the entrance of the mountain has already been removed.

We went straight up the mountain until we arrived at Jiugong Dojo.

I thought that Tang Jiugong would leave after the last incident.

Unexpectedly, we just arrived outside the dojo.

The door of the dojo was opened, Tang Jiugong took a look, he was so scared that he was dumbfounded, and he was about to close the door again.

Tang Ding had quick eyes and quick hands, he ran directly to the door of the dojo, and pushed the door open.

He frowned, and said in a deep voice: "You sir, it is unreasonable to close the door when you see a visitor coming!"

Having been with my group for a long time, Tang Ding is not as submissive as before.

As soon as he finished speaking, he dusted off his sleeves and made a gesture of waving his hands sideways.

He said again: "These two gentlemen are Mr. Li, the geologist, Mr. Jiang, the Tianyuan physiognomy, and Mr. Yin and Yang from all walks of life. They came to visit."

Tang Jiugong: "..." He had an expression of wanting to cry, wanting to hide but not daring to hide.

How did Tang Ding know that we have already dealt with Tang Jiugong.

Jiang Pan stepped forward, and he signaled Tang Ding to back down.

Tang Jiugong hugged Jiang Pan timidly, and whispered: "Mr. Jiang, it's been a long time...You and Mr. Li are on this trip..."

Only then did Tang Ding see the signs. He was slightly surprised, but retreated behind me.

The rest of the gentlemen began to discuss in low voices.

What they basically said was that, as expected of the Heavenly Element and the Earth, even some senior Yin-Yang gentlemen should be treated respectfully.

Jiang Pan didn't pay attention to everyone's words, he said directly to Tang Jiugong: "Borrow the Jiugong Dojo for a few days, after we repair it, we will go down the cliff of the back mountain."

During this period, I also walked to Jiang Pan's side.

That Tang Jiugong was quite frightened, and his expression became even more panicked. He said anxiously: "You guys really want to touch that Eight Luminaries Evil Corpse... You two must think twice... That is a feathered Evil Corpse, if something happens, it will be damaged here , the gain outweighs the loss..."

I was about to speak, but a Mr. Necromancer came from behind. He frowned and said, "Mr. Tang, we just borrowed the precious land, and we didn't ask you to do anything for us. How can such a dignified gentleman raise his vicious spirit and destroy his own beliefs?" ?”

For the rest of the gentlemen, Tang Jiugong was speechless immediately after one glance and one sentence, and even blushed a little.

Tang Jiugong himself was afraid of me and Jiang Pan, so he stopped talking and stepped aside to open the door of the dojo.

When I entered the dojo, I realized that the bronze bell that had fallen from the main hall had been hung up again.

Tang Jiugong has been following me and Jiang Pan, he hangs his head and is too quiet.

After a short pause in the main hall, I will tell Tang Jiugong.

Come over here, I won't trouble him.

He can cooperate with us and do what he can, or he can ignore it, as long as he doesn't bother us.

Obviously, after I said this, Tang Jiugong's expression relaxed a lot.

He whispered, "Thank you, Mr. Li."

I nodded.

Jiang Pan signaled everyone to rest here.

Then Jiang Pan asked Tang Ding to assign some servants to cook, and the other servants to look at the room here to see if there was enough room for rest.

Because before we went up the mountain, we made it clear to everyone that we should not be impatient during this trip.

So everyone naturally did not object.

Moreover, they believed in Jiang Pan too much!

First, it was Jiang Pan who expressed his opinion on the Suspected Dragon Sutra, and second, he brought out a piece of Tianyuan Physiognomy. Even on the way, if some gentlemen didn't understand, he spared no effort to explain it to the professor.

Liao Cheng is scheming, subtly making people trust him and feel that he has done a lot of things.

But Jiang Pan, he didn't talk much, did things quietly, and did things with practicality, which changed everyone's concept.

Coupled with his kindness and background, it is even more respectable.

If you want to make a metaphor, Liao Cheng is a leader, but Jiang Pan must be a gentleman with high morals.

The two respects are also completely different.

Tang Ding left with his servants, and all the gentlemen also sat down and rested in the hall.

It was quite quiet for a while.

After I sat down to rest for a while, I felt a little unwell.

It's as if someone is following behind you...

The throbbing in my heart and the induction in the dark told me.

Although it hasn't been a year, this place is indeed fierce. Zhou Jingyi landed here, and it has already begun to affect me subtly...

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